Fúmi Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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The fúmi1 are one of the four tribes that make up the Fúmrá Alliance in south-central Karatvánamb Forest in southeastern Túlmikkía, whose traditional territory encompasses the area around the capital of Tanání to the northwest. They are the most powerful tribe in the alliance and effectively its rulers, though officially referred to as merely first among equals.
Like the Jarúmbans to the south, fúmi inhabit the Iritífe Mountains, specifically the central parts of the region, where they traditionally subsist on growing yams, raising eland antelopes and prairie chickens, hunting bushpigs and Túlmikkían Bears and foraging, though nowadays much of their wealth comes from trading with certain Vevúni kingdoms around the Túlmikkían Great Lakes to the northwest on one hand and (indirectly) with the Srali to the east.

1Original icelandic: Fúmar, singular: Fúmi.
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