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Túlmikkían Bears

Túlmikkían bears are the largest ones both on the southern continent of Túlmikkía as well as Gætíus' World in general, and the only remaining ones in the region as other species on the continent have long since been driven to extinction by changing environment and, more significantly, humans.
They are found throughout Karatvánamb Forest in eastern Túlmikkía, the Hík- and Iritífe Mountains, though not in the Óokal Mountains or Góak Forest beyond them to the south, and only occasionally wander onto the Gnákan Savanna west of the woodlands in search of dead buffaloes as the herds pass by the forest's edge.
The bears once roamed the area around the Túlmikkían Great Lakes as well, but have since been extirpated by Túpralans and other Vevúni inhabiting the lakes' shore.

Cultural significance

Both Tederans and sylvan vevúni prefer to give túlmikkían bears a wide berth, as the animals are loners for the most part and unpredictable when threatened, and are only killed if they attack people or livestock. Recently, however, the tribes of the Fúmrá Alliance -particularly the Fúmi- have begun hunting the bears to some degree for the pelts, which are then sold to the vevúni around the Great Túlmikkían Lakes.
Conversely, bear hunts play an important part in the initiation rituals of many þárúlsan tribes on the western Gnákan Savanna, who also use the fur to adorn their shields and sacred objects.

Basic Information


As with many of its extinct túlmikkían brethren but unlike those found in Emlas, túlmikkían bears are noticeably more gracile and long-legged, though the shaggy fur on those found to the south and up in the Hík Mountains tends to disguise this somewhat. This is due to the fact that the bears are not built for hunting and taking down large prey, rather they use their massive size to scare off other predators from whatever carcass they come across in the woodlands and mountains.
On the rare occasion they have to defend themselves against other predators, the bears' main weapon is their bite, which is stronger than in any other carnivore in the world and allows them to break bones with ease.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The túlmikkían bear is primarily a scavenger and rarely leaves anything behind, as it cracks bones to reach the marrow and usually eats the bones themselves as well. Fruits and nuts are also eaten when in season, along with various invertebrates.
Average Height
~170 cm
Average Length
~2.6 meters


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