Narákans Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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The narákans1 are the largest independent tribe of Tederans in Karatvánamb Forest, specifically the southern subtropical part of the region. They are divided into numerous clans that cover the land between those of the Fúmrá Alliance to the north and the Srali to the northeast on one hand and the Óokal Mountains to the south, most of whom subsist primarily on a mixture of farming, hunting, fishing and foraging depending on the seasons. The only animals they keep are horses and hunting dogs.
They inhabit longhouses in fortified villages much like other tederans, with one notable difference; unlike the latter who have adopted an entirely sedentary lifestyle, narákans abandon their villages and settle elsewhere every decade or so as the soil and local resources are exhausted, meaning that relationships between different clans are in constant flux. Raids are relatively common, both aimed at other narákans and, to the northeast, the srali.
This has made trade with the narákans quite tricky at times, as trading with one clan can cause resentment from its rivals, causing the latter to shun or even attack the outsiders as their claimed area shifts along the edges of the narákan territory. The Fúmrá Alliance in south-central Karatvánamb Forest relies on the Ífúrans to navigate these complex relations in order to secure access to resources such as incense, grains of paradise, fox grapes, black cherries and animal skins found in the region.

1Original icelandic: Narákar, singular: Naráki.
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