Ptampans Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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The ptampans1 are one of the seven tribes of Tederans that make up the Ptivamanaktem Alliance in central Karatvánamb Forest in southeastern Túlmikkía. Their territory is located at the heart of the alliance, along a portion of the lower Hafamb River and the surrounding region, including the northernmost part of the Iritífe Mountains, and is centered on Hatvál, capital of Ptivamanaktem.
Although not the ruling tribe per se, their central location and position as one of the founders of the alliance has made their chiefs -and council of matriarchs- quite influential, as Hatvál functions as the meeting place for the other tribal chiefs to discuss matters affecting Ptivamanaktem as a whole.
Another reason for the ptampans' importance is that they provide the other tribes with iron found in the hills and mountain for various tools and weapons, along with gold and precious stones, colourful cloth, terracotta sculptures, and drums of all shapes and sizes, including water drums and talking drums.
Their blacksmiths are considered some of the best within the alliance, who attribute their skills to having a special relationship with the spirits. Whether this is true or not, the entire process from lighting up the forge to polishing the final products is accompanied by various secret rituals which cannot be completed until the object in question is of acceptable quality at each stage.

1Original icelandic: Ptampar, singular: Ptampi.
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