Jarúmbans Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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The Jarúmbans1 are one of the four tribes of Tederans that make up the Fúmrá Alliance in south-central Karatvánamb Forest in southeastern Túlmikkía, the others being the Fúmi, Ífúrans and Kafalans.
Their traditional territory is centered on the city of Tálom by the upper Hafamb River, where they mostly subsist and túlmikkían rice and peanuts, domesticated eland antelopes and prairie chickens and fishing, along with hunting, foraging and mining up in the Iritífe Mountains. Jarúmban blacksmiths are considered some of the best within the Alliance, as are their storytellers.

1Original icelandic: Jarúmbar, singular: Jarúmbi.
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