Domain of Arvura Geographic Location in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Domain of Arvura

Domain of the Shattered Monk

Darklord: Karnell

Genre: Slasher horror

Hallmarks: Everlasting war, masks, fate

Mist Talismans: Wooden mask, shattered pieces of bone, Revered holy symbols

Noteworthy Features

Those familiar with Arvura know the following facts:
  • The Cult of Maledict and those of the Revered constantly war with the other.
  • Neither the Reverie or Maledict has gained significant victories over the other. Any ground gained in the fighting is slowly undone.
  • Beware incurring Karnell’s wrath or his followers called the Shattered. They will hunt you down and break you.
  • There is only the Reverie or Maledict. To not be aligned with either faction is to be met with suspicion by both sides.
  • The Shattered prey on the defenseless members of both sides.
  • Settlements and Sites

    Malevia Fortress

    To the south, Malevia is the massive fortress settlement belonging to the Cult of Maledict. It is occupied by many of the corrupted races such as undead, wyrmbloods, roden, inferiin, and orcs. Here, the mighty vician mystic, Morek, leads the Cult against the Reverie’s armies.


    To the north, the capital settlement among the adjacent villages is the heart of the Reverie. Humans, avians, aetheriin, stouts (halflings and dwarves), and goliaths are the main residents around these parts. They worship and praise the Revered deities in hopes of ending the war but often they go unanswered. The avian Duchess, Hallee, coordinates efforts for the Revered.


    A monastery to the Order of Candescence just above on a nearby mountain near Salvecar. Grandmaster Elmnan watches over and aids the Revered as needed.

    Ruins of Shardfall

    Near the center of the fighting that occurs between the Cult and the Reverie are the ruins of Shardfall. Historians know that place has endured many prior sieges, making it Karnell and his Shattered favor this withering fortress as their lair. When deciding a battlefield, both the Reverie and Maledict stray from getting involved lest they incur Karnell’s wrath.


    Karnell was a hopeful member of the Order of Candescence. He followed the teachings by the books and even completed his Trial of Praxis. It was during his Trial, however, that left him changed forever. While traveling along a roadside, he was attacked by bandits. When the brutes punched him while he was down, it cracked his mask. Afterwards, he was left for dead.

    What came to his rescue was a vician to his surprise. He had always believed that such demons were wholly evil and the divine caels were always good. Such an act shattered his worldview ever since graduating to being a disciple. He stayed loyal to the Candescent, soon being promoted as a grandmaster even. Still shaken by that incident, he scoured for Infernal knowledge and power, curious of what it held, contrary to the wishes of the Order’s leader, Sullus.

    What he came to realize is that all his life, the Order that sought to reform the Reverie, was truly perpetuating the suffering that the Dichotomy caused with the warring of Maledict’s evil and the Reverie’s good. To him, only by being “shattered” could those around him see this truth. Karnell showed apprentices and disciples dark Infernal lore and the fallacies of relying on divine beings overall.

    Deepening this obsession, Karnell even harmed apprentices by bludgeoning them. “Shattering” them was what he called it, for it was the first step in seeing that there are no divines protecting them in a nihilistic world. He wanted the material world free from planar influences but the Dark Powers saw an opportunity as the mad monk went on a rampage in the monastery to teach this harsh lesson. It ended with the death of an unknown apprentice before the Dark Powers pulled Karnell to the mists. He was dropped into Arvura, a cruel mimicry of everything Karnell had hoped to end.

    Karnell’s Powers and Dominion

    Powerful Strikes. Karnell is trained in martial arts and favors heavy strikes. When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by him, they gain 3 injuries instead of 1 (see Bauta's 5th Edition Homebrew Rules).

    Power through Pain. Karnell has a unique style of fighting that allows him to shrug off damage. As a reaction to being hit by an attack roll, he can use his reaction to turn the hit points that would be lost from damage change into temporary health instead.

    Closing the Borders. Karnell can open and close the borders of Arvura at will. When he chooses to close the domain’s borders, the mists feel like there are shards piercing the skin and creatures treat it as difficult terrain.

    Karnell’s Torment

    Divine influences are just a start of Karnell’s pain. He endures the following torments:

  • Karnell’s brutality or show of power pushes people closer to their divine allegiances.
  • Karnell is trapped in a war spurred on by divine powers of good and evil.
  • The Shattered teachings are what he hopes to catch on but few see his way of thinking and he lashes out at their ignorance.
  • Roleplaying Karnell

    Karnell is a cold and cynical teacher. Arrogance is the only way to describe his impatience with other mortals who bow to higher powers. For divine beings like caels and vicians, he has a hard time concealing his hateful convictions regardless if they’re good or evil. He plans to show that no god can save the mortals so easily.

    Personality Trait. “Arvura’s conflict is doomed to continue if I don’t intervene.”

    Ideal. “I am the only one who controls my fate. I will kill anyone who even tries.”

    Bond. “The Shattered are proof of my teachings. They shall help me end divine conflicts.”

    Flaw. “People’s ignorance to the influence of divine powers agitate me.”

    Florenic Discord


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