Hobgoblins Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Hobgoblins are a species of humanoids that originate from the Feywild, they share the same common ancestor as the Goblin and the Bugbear.   As the legend goes the original Goblinoids were one of the Feywild’s many carefree trickster spirits, but one day after a prank gone wrong they were banished from the Feywild by Queen Titania. Lost, they were taken under the wing of Maglubiyet (Nemesis) who guided them to the Material Plane and set them on the path of revenge, becoming their divine patron.   Hobgoblins can be recognised by their skin of a reddish hue, jagged pointed ears and thick flat noses.   Hobgoblins can be found all around Exorsia, but especially Terrasmus. The Hobgoblins of Terrasmus are a timocratic people who live in societies focused on a strict honour system, with heavily emphasis on strength and warfairing, with stations within their society based mostly on honour in combat. These Hobgoblins can be found in warbands waging wars for superiority over the plains of Terrasmus with Orc tribes and other Hobgoblin warbands. These Hobgoblins are strictly servants of the god Maglubiyet (Nemesis) with all kills and battles made in their honour. Outside of Terrasmus Hobgoblins are far more ingratiated into society, living their lives like everyone else.


  Complexion: Hobgoblin skin tones range from a light to a dark red.   Hair: Hobgoblins commonly have slick black hair.   Eyes: Hobgoblins tend to have yellow or brown coloured eyes.


  Hobgoblins mature a little faster than humans do, reaching adulthood by the age of 18.


  Hobgoblins reproduce similarly to humans. The gestation period for a Hobgoblin is around 8 months.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 to 100 Years
Average Height
1.5 - 1.8 m (5 - 6 ft)
Geographic Distribution
Patron Deity:
Maglubiyet (Nemesis)


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