Wood Elves Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Wood Elves

Wood Elves, sometimes called Sylvan Elves or Wild Elves, are a subspecies of Elves with a strong connection to nature.   Many Wood Elves live in druidic communities living in harmony with and protecting nature, with many of them worshipping nature deities such as Demeter or their Divine Patron Artemis.   Wood Elves can be recognized by their natural appearance, sharing many aesthetic similarities with humans.   They are commonly found in the wild places around the world such as the forests of the Eternal Grove in Elderan or the jungles of the Kororin Swamps in the north of Soliemia.


  Complexion: Wood Elf skin tones range from a light olive skin to a dark brown complexion.   Hair: Wood Elf hair ranges from black, brown, blonde or ginger.   Eyes: Wood Elves tend to have Green or Brown coloured eyes.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
800 to 1000 Years
Average Height
1.5 - 1.8 m (5 - 6 ft)
Geographic Distribution
Patron Deity:
Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt


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