Ashterpur Settlement in Exorsia | World Anvil
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A small village port on the eastern coast of Hepsut, deep within the Silven Vale. It is frequently plagued by the horrors that lurk in the jungles, making it a dangerous place to live.    It is also a common stop for ships travelling to and from Kahz Molduhr to rest and pick up fresh supplies, though they don’t stay long.


  The village is led by a council made up of the citizens. They collectively vote on trade and matters concerning the village.


  The village is defended by a small militia made up of the citizens. They protect the village from internal and external threats.


  Ashterpur is connected to a naval trade route meaning it has a steady stream of goods running through it. The village itself mostly trades in fish, local fruit and lumber. The village also has a healthy inn business for travelling sailors.


  A tight knit group of houses and buildings, mostly made of wood. The village is encompassed by a wooden wall that separates it from the jungle, with the eastern part of the village a large harbour that leads into the sea.
Location under


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