The Dragonback Cantina Building / Landmark in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Dragonback Cantina

As the party crests the rocky ridge, a foamy squall of sea water cuts across the jagged rocks and and pelts their sides with enough force to make them stagger. They'll be scraping the salt crystals off of their jackets all evening.

Though the air is bittercold, and the sun's setting glare is searing, they could not deny the beauty of the vista before them. They were at the entrance of the lagoon, now, and the outcroppings of stone and coral turned the area into riptides and whirlpools.

Just on the other side of spit of wet stone which rose and sank with the rippling tides, civilization! A stack of fishing huts huddled against the evening breeze. Resting by its side, seemingly unperturbed by the weather, lay a great big lizard with a building astride its back. From the building they heard clatterings of forks, the sizzing of a wok, and the intermittent cackle and chatter of spirited conversation. Someone was plucking pleasantly at some strings.

The Dragonback Cantina caters to the people of @neje from the back of a modified Kappa Dragon named Fresnel. It is one of the remaining lifelines of the declining colony.

Throughout Br'rvaGishani's 16-hour daylight period, the cantina follows a slow circuit around the Dir'rh Nejethon waters, stopping at certain docks to distribute podable water and edible food, and to offer its services as a restaurant, transit, or ad-hoc mail courier.

The crew, a family of Shejlt-Rajh and their entourage of hired/adopted kitchen hands, likes to keep a timely pace, and deviates only in important circumstance.

While the Cantina upholds the social contract of Pact Hospitality—no mouth unfed, no head without bed— they do not offer their services for free. The Cantina can't stay afloat on charity.

Be ready to offer labor for food, travel, and rest—Rukta doesn't buy much out here.

Alternative Names
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Related Tradition (Primary)

The Cantina

Half-submerged in the tide, and lodged comfortably between stony outcroppings of mossy coral the ruddy-colored dragon watches your approach with a sidelong gaze, head tilting. It's sides expend as it fills with a breath, and as you approach it emits a grumbling snort, seawater shooting from its nostrils.

"Welcome, traveler," calls a one-armed, one-eyed Shejlt woman with a high voice. "I am Illysina Tel-Eunalati, and this is my cantina. I haven't seen you around these parts before—how did you manage to wash up on our shores?

The dragon looks away from you, seemingly assured that you're not here to cause a rabble. It entertains itself instead with eating a haul of fishheads one of the chefs has thrown overboard.

Fresnel, the Kappa Dragon

Fresnel is a Kappa Dragon which has been sculpted to whether the demands of the Br'rvaGishani climate and the acidity of its waters. It is one of a kind, and is easily identified by the cantina perched on its back, and the glassy, glowing eyes for which it is named.

Fresnel was sculpted by Santha the Inviting over a decade ago, and is considered somewhat of a mascot to the town. Santha, who used Fresnel as a mobile bungalow, went missing shortly after the federal takeover of the colony, and Illysina adopted it as her own and turned it into the cantina.

Lantern Eyes
Fresnel's eyes have been replaced with an Orga Fresnel Lens with chemiluminescent cores. It cannot see anything directly in its light, but has nuanced peripheral and night vision.
Water Filtration

As with all Kappa Dragons, Fresnel's main purpose is water filtration. Pumps connecting to his kidneys allow passengers access to fresh water filtered from the sea.


Fresnel is an omnivore and subsists on fish, sea grass, and macroamoeboids. Local anglers are happy to share their catch with Fresnel, whom they consider to be good luck.

Sand Factory

With his massive beak, Fresnel eats dead coral and live algae. It grinds up the inedible calcium-carbonate of the reef material and excretes it as sand.

If he's staring directly at you when he's still, it means he trusts you in his blind spot. If he's moving, you should probably get running, because he's not going to notice you until you're a smear under his belly.


After the takeover sent Santho into hiding, the recently handicapped Illysina adopted Fresnel (and the bungalow) as her own. Though she could no longer serve the colony as its SulaRutas Exterminator, she was driven to take care of it, and convinced some members of her family to stay in town and rework the bungalow into the cantina that it is today.

On Fresnel's flat back, the cantina stands moored to the dragon's dorsal spines. The staff frequently inspecting and repair the structure, which has to endure the rigors of movement and weather. Though the rigid, nautiloid bodies of the angler's boats require less maintenance, Fresnel's flexibility, ability to go on land, and impressive water filtration give it a functional edge over the other vessels.

The cantina is a large, open space with short walls and a thatched roof. The kitchen is at the front of the ship, so that the staff may also steer Fresnel as necessary. On a typical day, four or five people will be in the kitchen, and 20-30 customers will be seated. On major holidays, this number doubles.


In the kitchen, a classic Valuser'ran ember grill hosts a bed of hot coals under its grated grilltop. Inset into the grilltop are cavities for woks and pots to set into.


Four long tables dominate the main space, each able to squeeze in 6-10 people on each side.


Fresnel is able to filter a prodigious amount of water, even for a Kappa dragon. This water is extracted from Fresnel with a series of implanted tubes and siphons. The process is not harmful to Fresnel, so long as all the connections are maintained, and is a lifeline for the colony.


Resting over the sides of the Cantina, and trailing behind Fresnel on thick ropes, the Cantina distributes barrels of freshwater to all the docks it visits. It does not charge for this service.


The pickings are small, but flavorful. The slow procession of locals means that the grills never stop hissing.

A fluffy, fried cake of shredded leafy veggies, mushrooms, and spices. Topped with a creamy sauce. Served over steamed grains on a leaf.
Millomi Masala Mein
Fried Butter Millomi served with a thick, spicy sauce and mein noodles. Served wrapped in a leaf.
Xetto's Millomi Gumbo
Made from local corrals and Millomi, this recipe was passed onto Illy by Xetto.
Candied Peppers
A mainstay Kajh treat, pickled peppers and candied peppers are a popular snack. They are served wrapped in a leaf.
Sweetwater Filterberries
The favored thirst-quencher of the locals. Small, glassy berries with a vaguely floral taste. Refreshing!

You may be accustomed to cheap libations back home. Out here, these impots are finest luxury.

Kail is a spicy, potent alcohol favored by Ka and Khirmagne. Drink with caution!
This complex, potent wine is reserved for parties, not induviduals. As Illy's personal favorite, you've got to talk her into sharing her supply.
Aen Wine
One part Kail and three parts sweetwine, this drink is served over ice. There's a couple of bottles collecting dust under the counter.
Expensive, and best saved for an occaision, these Meyfar Smokes have aged well.

For those who cannot find another place to sleep, Illy offers her hospitality. On her family's ilsnad they are given a room, food, and a hot bath.

In return, they are expected to work, hard, in whatever way they are able. They rise early with her, and leave with the crew at dawn.

Some quite like this arrangement, and so they remain onboard as hands forever more. Some are orphans, some are loners, some are disabled. They're all given a home, and work.

The Staff

A narrow wooden bartop separated cantina's crowd from it's kitchen, where a family of Shejlt and a smattering of hired hands tended to the grill at the center and the satellite stations of woks, pots, and prep areas surrounding it. Even without the pressure of a full house, the staff moved with a deliberate and elegant familiarity.

At all times, two Shejlt circled the grill, watching over the contents of the charcoal grill and the vat of bubbling oil immersed in its coals. Each held a small, hooked trident, no longer than the length of their forearm.

As the onlookers waited, mouths eager and stomachs growling, they watched one of the Shejlt plunge the clawed tool into the oil and hook at once of the cages of fried millomi. Their bodies were orange and brittle, and rose with a plume of steam that could make any belly cry out for food.

The Shejlt swayed the cage, letting the oil drip out, then overturned it onto a leaf. One of the hands took over and wrapped it up as another brought a fresh cage of live millomi to the Shejlt. She hooked it and, in one slow swoop, brought them down into the oil. Their green shells hissed and squealed as they plunged beneath the surface.

The Owner


Illysina 'Sina' Tel-Eunalati

Illysina Tel-Eunalati Token

Once the town's lead Exterminator, Illysina was forced into early retirement after challenging a Federal Knight to a duel. The fight cost her an arm, a leg, and an eye.

While still boisterous after a few drinks, Illysina is melancholy and stern as a default, a far cry from her halcyon youth. The fight had taken the smile from her, and deprived her of her hobby of firedancing.

Not one to accept any notion of lifelong defeat, Illysina defied Armun's governance by continuing to live out in the open even as her compatriots, Ravyzza, Xetto and Santho, went into hiding. She adopted Fresnel as her own, and made a living keeping the town alive—whatever the Cantina needed to be for the town, it became.

Illysina retains a staunch Rajhska faith, and is a member of the House of Nature. She always wears its telltale silken green sash at her waist.

Cover image: Fresenel at Port by Ademal and MidJourney


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Jul 9, 2023 19:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I would love to try swee***er filterberries. <3   I love this place. I want to visit and give Fresnel some fishies.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 9, 2023 19:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh, censored. XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 9, 2023 19:39 by Ademal

Oh my god that's my new favorite WA feature.

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