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  • 2036 C.E.

    First Cybernetic Prosthetic
    Technological achievement

    When the shark took my arm, I thought I would have to wear a hook and a curly wig while running around yelling, “Smee!” But now I am more robot than pirate. Thank god for science, it did what my craft never could do. It made me famous. Interview with Donatello Fark First Mech Comedian, 2037

  • 2039 C.E.

    Matteo Mattias Gets Prosthetic Legs
    Technological achievement

    Yes. I opted to have my legs removed and replaced with these machine legs. Was I worried about my reputation? Certainly. But, should I regret the decision? You tell me: I can run like a two-legged cheetah on speed, jump like a kangaroo on a trapoline, and kick a soccer ball into the next town. Sure, I also kind of look like a kangaroo, but I’m pretty sure my fans don’t love me because I’m pretty. No, I’m a dichotomy. I’m a mother-fuckin’ freak of nature and a miracle of science all at the same time. Would you regret that? Fifty-thousand dollars tells me no.   Interview with Matteo Mattias Five-Time Olympic Gold Medalist First Mech Olympiad

  • 2042 C.E.

    First Savant Created
    Technological achievement

    Greysoft Laboratories has the first successful genetic mutation. This creates the first generation of savants, all manufactured by Greysoft.

  • 2090 C.E.

    Third Generation of Savants
    Technological achievement

    The third generation of savants made by Greysoft Laboratories.

  • 2092 C.E.

    First Savant Born
    Life, Birth

    I don’t think my grandfather ever fully understood his impact on history. When he was born in 2082, he’d proven the savant gene could not only be passed down, but that it was mutating. And it’s mutating still. This is both thrilling and terrifying. On the one hand, humans could rise to be greater than ever before. On the other, we could become monsters, no better than the mechs. The only difference is that they are born human and become less so over time, but us…we are born as something else entirely. We can’t stop our mutations…unless we all die. Interview with Maria Sykos Granddaughter of Fiskar Sykos Third Generation Savant

  • 2115 C.E.

    Fourth Generations of Savants
    Life, Birth

    First generation of savants to be born of savant parents. Considered the fourt generations of savants, including the first 3 manufactured ones. This means that the population didn't need Greysoft Laboratories to make more savants to keep the race alive.

  • 2118 C.E.

    Tech War Begins
    Military action

    A precursor to The Third World War, the Tech War arose between the savants and mechs.   Anderius Charger, savant and last president of the United States of America, took over the nascent army of his fellow savants in 2120 to take a stand against the mechs, thus officially setting off The Tech War. In the beginning, the Charger Militia gained ground against Mirabel Industries, savants fueled by the divine fire of their own superiority over the machines. But this lead would not last. Before the War: A Brief History of Pre-WWIII America

  • 2120 C.E.

    President Charger Rises to Power in the USA
    Life, Career

    Anderius Charger, becomes the first savant president in the United States of America. He works for changes to the capitalistic government and tries to get savants more rights and priveliges.

  • 2121 C.E.


    Detroit Three Defeated

    The Detroit Big Three Transpomakers, run by a savant generations descended from Henry Ford himself, believed that the next advance in technology would be located in the sky. They clashed with Mirabel Industries early in the Tech War, and suffered a crushing defeat by the mech armies, freezing vehicular innovation for centuries. Before the War: A Brief History of pre-WWIII America

    Additional timelines
  • 2129 C.E.

    2148 C.E.

    Third World War
    Military action

    The Tech War spreads to the rest of the worlds and becomes The Third World War Third World War or "The Third".   It ends when Anderius Charger is killed.   The USA becomes the The United Corporate Cities of America or UCCA. The Uninhabitable Wastes are created, and 8 billion people have been killed.

    Additional timelines
  • 2140 C.E.

    Fifth Generation of Savants
    Life, Birth

    The fifth generation of Savants are born (the 2nd biological generation).

  • 2145 C.E.

    The Battle of Zombie Field
    Military action

    Fletcher Cunningham, one of Mara's's anscestors, celebrates a great victory for the Charger Militia over the Mirabel Industries army, at what was forever after called Zombie Field.   "Cunningham’s squad stood now, sprinting helter-skelter over the dead and dying, closing the distance to the next line. The setting sun was now just a sliver behind them, turning Fletcher’s wildly gesturing, stumbling soldiers into shadowy, inhuman shapes for any who braved a glance.   When they had gone several hundred yards, they again threw themselves into the mire, harassing the next line of Mirabels in a similar fashion. The enemy forces broke apart, their organized pursuit devolving into chaos. Panic ensued with some soldiers running toward Fletcher and his crew, only to fall to SA rifles like all the rest.   Then, with a mighty, collective yell, his squad erupted from the dead earth, ripping through the remaining soldiers with no mercy or quarter. Swallowed by the sea of bodies, soldier after soldier succumbed to the same fate as their compatriots. Any who managed to survive, fled as if the dead were after them— pursued only by feral howls and the ghostly death rattle of their lost comrades."   Mara's memory of The Battle of Zombie Field.

    Additional timelines
  • 2146 C.E.

    California Sea Wall Construction Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    The California Sea Wall Sea Wall begins contruction after the citizens of California realize the ocean floods are not receding as they should.

  • 2148 C.E.

    Rom Query Comes into Awareness
    Life, Birth
    More reading
    Rom Query
  • 2148 C.E.


    Joanna Greysoft's Lab is Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 2165 C.E.

    Sixth Generation of Savants
    Life, Birth

    Sixth generation of birthed savants. No more savants can be manufactured at this point as the research has been destroyed. All savants going forward are born of at least 1 savant parent.

  • 2190 C.E.

    Seventh Generation of Savants
    Life, Birth

    Seventh generation of savants. This generation includes characters from In Memoriam, Anamnesis, Gen Codex, Memento Mori, and Nirvana.

  • 2213 C.E.

    11 /11

    Birth of Nicolas Saint Claire
    Life, Birth

    Nicolas (Nic) Saint Claire is born.

    More reading
    Nic Saint Claire
    Additional timelines
  • 2214 C.E.

    21 /4

    Birth of Maggie Saint Claire (nee Henning)
    Life, Birth

    Maggie Saint Claire, born Margaret Henning, is born.

    More reading
    Margaret Saint Claire
    Additional timelines
  • 2216 C.E.

    Triumvirate Formed
    Diplomatic action

    The first Triumvirate is formed to unite even further the corporations of the world and try and dissolve competition between them.

    More reading
    The Triumvirate
  • 2222 C.E.

    Uninhabitable Wastes Savants emerge from Bunkers
    Cultural event

    Savants and others who went underground to avoid the nuclear fallout and other chemical warfare in the Midwest (now the Uninhabitable Wastes) finally deem it safe to emerge.   Throughout that several generation time, they were underground, their Skills mutated and changed.

  • 2229 C.E.

    1 /3

    The Birth of Robert
    Life, Birth

    Robert born to parents [unknown] in The Sink.

    The Sink
    More reading
    Robert Lilly
    Additional timelines
  • 2232 C.E.

    12 /4

    The birth of Clark
    Life, Birth
    More reading
    Clark Sinclair
    Additional timelines
  • 2232 C.E.

    3 /8

    The birth of JR
    Life, Birth
    The Sink
    More reading
    Judas Rostbane
  • 2233 C.E.

    Birth of Mara
    Life, Birth
    More reading
    Mara Dark
  • 2250 C.E.

    3 /3

    Birth of Aiden
    Life, Birth
    The Sink
    More reading
    Aiden Saint Claire
    Additional timelines
  • 2251 C.E.

    2254 C.E.

    The First Savant Uprising
    Military action

  • 2251 C.E.

    1 /10

    The elder Saint Claires join the Citizen’s Army
    Life, Career

    Nic and Maggie Saint Claire join the Citizen's Army to fight in the Uprising leaning Clark and Aiden behind.

    More reading
    The Savant Uprising
  • 2251 C.E.

    3 /12

    The Savant Uprising begins in China
    Military: War
  • 2252 C.E.

    15 /6 0-2:00

    Lightbar bombs the city of Xi'an, China
    Military action

    Lightbar bombs the city of Xi'an, killing 20 million citizens and capturing the council and the mayor.

    Xi'an, China
    More reading
    K-Force Rods
    Additional timelines
  • 2252 C.E.

    16 /6

    Robert Lily goes to China to fight in the Savant Uprising
    Life, Career

    Robert Lilly goes to China to fight in The Savant Uprising Uprising.

    Xi'an, China
    More reading
    The Citizen's Army
    Additional timelines
  • 2252 C.E.

    27 /7

    Birth of Samson Lily
    Life, Birth
    The Sink
    More reading
    Samson Jeremy Lilly
    Additional timelines
  • 2253 C.E.

    8 /9

    The Bombing of Hong Kong Island by the Firebrand
  • 2253 C.E.

    22 /11

    Death of Robert Lilly
    Life, Death
  • 2255 C.E.

    12 /7

    The (First) Savant Uprising Ends
    Military: War
    More reading
    The Savant Uprising
    Additional timelines
  • 2267 C.E.

    30 /9

    The California Sea Wall Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Christmas Wall Massacre occurred when the rebels of the The Starkill Army destroyed the California Sea Wall with airborne missiles, thus flooding much of the Republic of California .