
(Legacy Content)
The Oro-kin, or desert elves as they are commonly called, were at one point Aloreans, though through the circumstances of their history have physically adapted to be better suited for their nomadic lifestyle amongst the dunes of Tyrralore. Taller than the average Aloreans, their kind is a strange one to any visiting from outside Tyrralore, as their existence is commonly considered folklore.

Basic Information


An Oro-kin appears as humanoid in general terms, although, they posses two sets of arms. The upper two arms are attached at the shoulders, and end in large, clawed hands that the Oro-kin use in hunting dangerous desert creatures and the gathering of hazardous plants. The lower two arms are attached to a secondary set of bone plates similar to that of the shoulder blades, and are synonymous to the arms of an Alorean's in shape and functionality. In place of a normal set of teeth, Oro-kin possess a single row of sharpened, canine-like fangs on both of their jaws.

Biological Traits

Oro-kin are desert adapted creatures, and posses features that assist their living in such an environment. For instance, all Oro-kin are taught at a young age a technique called "sand striding," in which they use their powerful upper arms to disturb the sand in front of them, essentially letting them "swim" through the sands as well as fish do in water. This allows for movement speeds that can rival motorized vehicles.

Genetics and Reproduction

Oro-kin are sexual creatures, and thus require both a male and a female to reproduce. However, as with nearly all elven species, pregnancy only occurs with a seven percent chance. Once pregnancy begins, a gestation period of only four to five months will follow, after which only a single offspring is produced. There have been no recorded instances of an Oro-kin producing multiple offspring in a single birthing.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon birth, an Oro-kin matures much faster than most other humanoid species, likely out of the necessity of their circumstance. Upon maturation of approximately twelve to thirteen years, an Oro-kin's aging slows, albeit not to the same degree of Aloreans, giving an average Oro-kin a maximum lifespan of around four-hundred to five-hundred years.

Ecology and Habitats

Oro-kin are, generally speaking, a nomadic species, endlessly wandering the dessert in search of a temporary oasis, where they will settle for however long the oasis lasts before packing up and moving to the next one.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An average Oro-kin will generally require much less water than an Alorean each day. However, Oro-kin require about one and a half to twice as many calories as an average Alorean. Diets of higher calorie counts are not too uncommon as Oro-kin with special abilities typically require additional calorie supplements for their abilities to function. Oro-kin diets are typically primarily carnivore based due to the presence of fangs as opposed to teeth, though they are capable of consuming plant matter as well.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

A standard Oro-kin possesses features described as elven in general terms, such as mostly angular facial features. However, even though their ears are elongated and pointed like those of an Urbo-kin, the ears of an Oro-kin are feathered, with the many "lobes" being separately movable to aid in the Oro-kin's hearing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Oro-kin are primarily found in the vast deserts of Tyrralore, though some adventurous types can be found traveling the world.

Average Intelligence

A typical Oro-kin possesses a level of intelligence equal to that of a typical Alorean, with variations of lower and higher.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A typical Oro-kin will have senses identical to that of an Alorean's , save for vastly improved eye-sight and hearing, adapted from their dangerous environment.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

As a nomadic culture, Oro-kin have no true stake in any organizations, save for those few tribes which their people make up.

Beauty Ideals

Oro-kin ideals vary from individual to individual, though many consider disproportionate sizes to be unattractive, ironic given their own disproportions.

Gender Ideals

Oro-kin ideals vary from individual to individual, though many males of their people see a reliably fertile female as the most attractive, which can be presumed to be why such females usually rank as tribe chieftains.

Average Technological Level

Oro-kin barely rely on any form of technology, instead relying on their adequate forms for their survival. This does not mean, however, that they will not learn to use technology either stolen or otherwise acquired from other peoples.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Oro-kin tend to learn both Alorean and their racial tongue: Oro, though can learn other languages with practice.

Common Etiquette Rules

Oro-kin etiquette is primarily based upon the survival of the tribe as a whole, though the individual still plays an important role in their culture.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Oro-kin culture is inherently based around the need to use what is available. This means that otherwise uncommon materials make their way into uses in food, equipment, and clothing.

Common Taboos

Oro-kin culture, as with many elven races, is typically based around the continuation of their race, and as such it is typically a requirement of female Oro-kin to have a sexual partner in some way, be it a married partner or otherwise. It is highly irregular and/or suspicious for a female Oro-kin to be either without child, or without attempts being made to be with child. Exceptions are commonly made in the cases of females involved with hunting efforts for the tribe, though such exceptions are always temporary, and hunting duties for females typically end upon the discovery of pregnancy within a specific female. Other taboos usually stem from basic necessities or common sense, such as murder or theft.


The first Oro-kin began to appear within three generations of their Alorean ancestors being banished from the walls of bastion civilizations of Tyrralore early in the Alorean Second Era over unresolved accusations of demonic summonings. Outside such walls, they were forced to adapt, quite literally, or die. And so, within the few generations their bodies quickly began shifting into forms capable of handling the outside world's harshness, eventually becoming the modern day Oro-kin.

Historical Figures

Oro-kin have little or no historical figures of their own, though they hold The Four Great Heroes in significantly high regard as champions of virtue.

Common Myths and Legends

Oro-kin tend to put even more emphasis on the tale of The Four Great Heroes, even more so than their Alorean counterparts, for the belief that perhaps some day Alorean society will forget the transgressions of their kind's past and allow them to be accepted for the people they are.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The relations that most of the tribal Oro-kin have with many other races can be described as strained at best and broken at worst. Needless to say, the typically keep to themselves and generally refrain from assisting outsiders of their culture.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Elf Type
50-75 years, though their maximum is approximately 500 years.
Average Height
5' 11" - 6' 7" (1.8 - 2.01m)
Average Weight
165 - 208lbs (75 - 94kg)
Average Physique
A typical Oro-kin possesses similar physique to that of an Alorean of the same build, save that their bodies are more suited to the harsh wilderness beyond the walls of civilization, and as with nearly all elves are more lithe and lean than their Alorean counterparts.


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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