
(Legacy Content)
The Arbo-kin, or forest elves as they are commonly called, are a subset of elf who live primarily in forested or jungle environments, seeming to stem from Aloreans, living in similar areas, typically emphasizing a deeper respect or connection to nature. With the ability to camouflage themselves as the surrounding foliage, traverse heavy undergrowth with ease, and even speak with nature itself in most cases, the Arbo-kin are masters of the forests and jungles they inhabit.

Basic Information


An Arbo-kin appears as humanoid in basic description, although they do possess distinct differences that separate them from other humanoids. They are typically on the shorter side of the height spectrum, being about two-thirds the height of Aloreans, as well as being generally more slim. This light frame alongside ability to navigate any natural forests with ease will allow them to outpace most pursuers.

Biological Traits

Arbo-kin are forest dwelling creatures, and their forms have been highly adapted to living in such environments. Although some may possess physical differences specific to their respective regions, many traits among their kind can be observed in all Arbo-kin. For instance, their relatively small frames come from a requirement to be light of foot to evade predators, which can work in tandem with their camouflage ability.

Genetics and Reproduction

Arbo-kin are sexual creatures, and thus require both a male and a female to reproduce. However, as with nearly all elven species, pregnancy only occurs with a seven percent chance. Once pregnancy begins, a gestation period ranging anywhere from twelve to twenty-three months will follow, after which only a single offspring is produced. There are no recorded instances of an Arbo-kin producing multiple offspring in a single birthing.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon birth, an Arbo-kin matures at a rate slower than most other species. Upon maturation of approximately twenty-seven to thirty-one years, an Arbo-kin's aging slows dramatically more so than even an Alorean's, giving an average Arbo-kin a maximum lifespan of around one-thousand, two-hundred to one-thousand, seven-hundred years.

Ecology and Habitats

Arbo-kin inhabit forests and jungles primarily, remaining there for most of their lives. Although Arbo-kin adventurers might not be as rare as some other elves, such as the Urbo-kin, they do venture out against threats to their home and people from time to time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An average Arbo-kin will typically require less caloric intake than most other races, about 2250-2475 calories per day, though will require one-and-a-half times as much water as an Alorean. Diets of higher calorie counts are somewhat common given they're generally more exposed to wildlife than other races.   Arbo-kin tend to prefer diets of vegetarian or vegan description, and can eat almost any non-poisonous, non-dangerous plant material without any adverse health effects.

Biological Cycle

Due to their natural affinity to and connection to the forests, the colors of an Arbo-kin's aesthetics will change based on the current season of their surroundings. This will result in differentiated shades of the same few colors: pink or light green in the spring, verdant or jade green in summer, hazel or deep brown in autumn, and snow white to icy blue in winter.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

A standard Arbo-kin possesses features described as somewhat elven in general terms, with thin frames and generally sharper features than most. While their ears are elongated and pointed, they stretch outwards more so than others.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Arbo-kin are most commonly found within forests and jungles, though some individual Arbo-kin can be found wandering the world as lone adventurers. This usually leads to interaction with some races more so than others, namely populations of Aquo-kin and sometimes even wandering Giant tribes.

Average Intelligence

A typical Arbo-kin will generally possess intelligence comparable to that of a normal Alorean, though both higher and lower cases of intelligence have been recorded.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An Arbo-kin will typically possess senses that improve upon those possessed by Aloreans with some additional capabilities. Namely, in addition to being able to see both in low-light environments and in the dark to some extent, Arbo-kin possess the ability to see through foliage such as vines, leaves, and so on, though this vision is blocked by wood, stone, dirt, and anything else that isn't foliage.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Arbo-kin tend to favor more natural forms of magic and technology, that which does not impose a significant strain on their environment. As such, they endeavor to use various types of wood to create their weapons, armor, traps, equipment, and so forth. This can mean that patches of ironwood or Arborea trees sprout from forests that typically wouldn't possess those species of tree thanks to the Arbo-kin's needs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Arbo-kin tend to learn both Alorean and their racial tongue: Arbos, though they can learn more, if their particular society is not too far away from other races.

Common Etiquette Rules

Arbo-kin etiquette tends to be based around general kindness to any that do not cause undue harm, and a respect or admiration towards one's environment.

Common Dress Code

Arbo-kin tend to favor clothing fashioned from organic materials, though favor adornments made from vines, leaves, wood, and other foliage.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Arbo-kin culture can vary wildly based on which region of the world they live in, though some commonalities exist between all of them. For instance, all Arbo-kin possess some level of respect for nature and the power thereof, as well as their tendency to be distant at first with other species, but friendly once a stranger is trusted enough.

Common Taboos

Arbo-kin taboos center around not doing undue harm to each other and one's environment. In addition, as with many elven races, traditional taboos are typically based around the continuation of their race, and as such it is typically a requirement of female Arbo-kin to have a sexual partner in some way, be it a married partner or otherwise. It is highly irregular and/or suspicious for a female Arbo-kin to be either without child, or without attempts being made to be with child.


As with almost all other humanoid species, the Arbo-kin stem from Aloreans as a form of subspecies. This resulted from Aloreans who trusted more in the safety of what little surface nature remained during the Second Calamity than in underground caves. While most that resorted to this measure were slaughtered by demons, the survivors became the ancestors to the first Arbo-kin, seen as blessed by nature itself for surviving such a harsh environment.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Since most Arbo-kin tend to remain in their isolated forest communities, members of other races don't tend to have much experience with them unless said members are well travelled themselves. Most people of other races would likely seen an adventuring Arbo-kin if they do not travel, which typically paints an overall bad picture of their kind as a whole. This is because if an Arbo-kin is adventuring alone, it typically results from banishment or alienation from their communities, thus resulting in propagating a generally false narrative about them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Elf Type
120-1010 years, though their maximum is approximately 1700 years.
Average Height
4' - 5' 4" (1.2m - 1.6m)
Average Weight
98 - 143 lbs (44 - 143 kg)
Average Physique
A typical Arbo-kin will possess a more lithe and small frame, even when proportionately compared with Aloreans. While this is generally the rule, some Arbo-kin have had physiques more comparable to that of Aloreans or even Urbo-kin from time to time.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All Arbo-kin possess some manner of runic markings all across their bodies, though the patterns could range from erratic to geometric and everything in between. These runes change color based on two major factors, being the current season of their environment and the Arbo-kin's mood. Their mood does not affect what color the runes take, just the shading, with darker colors coming alongside emotions like anger, depression, envy, etc., and lighter colors with joy, excitement, fulfilment, etc.


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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