The Church of Irath Organization in Agia | World Anvil

The Church of Irath

The Illendrith was also divided. There were some who did not posses the same abilities as others to create lesser miracles, and so they felt their calling of making a new organisation. They called this new organisation for the Church of Irath, and its purpose was to guide the followers. They called themselves for priests and began shaping the structure within the church.
— Book of Irath, The Holy City

The Church of Irath is following the Irathian doctrine. They worship Irath and believes her soul will return to Agia inside a descendant of the traitor Cailan. The Church of Irath and Irathian Church is the same organisation, but it is officially called the Church of Irath.

Despite having their own independent city within Aistana, the Church still holds a seat in the Council of the Realm in Aistana. The Yppwenlas is part of the council, but often sends a representative to advise Aistana in religious affairs and offer guidance to the king in other matters. Since the Yppwenlas is the head of a church and has to travel a lot, making it hard to arrange a meeting with a short notice.

The Faithful and their Differences

There are about 15 countries in Agia where the Church of Irath has its presence in, and is recognised as the dominant religion. But despite all believing in Irath, they do not agree on everything when it comes to practice the religion. Because of their differences, the Irathians are divided into three branches:
The Lasfydd: or Irathism in common tongue. Are following the Book of Irath closely. It is also this branch that is the largest and what the Church of Irath follows to their heart.
Iragrefeimian: Iragrefeimian: Very similar to Lasfydd, but mostly worshipped by Galifrem. Because of the problem of living in cave settlements, the light, which is otherwise worshipped in the Church of Irath, has to be interpreted differently. Otherwise the Galifrems would think they would never receive Irath's blessing, and always go to Rathies’les, the realm of Rathias. The Church of Irath acknowledges the dilemma and has accepted different interpretation, and the Galifremian own church structure.
Tynelusium: Less accepted since it has a different approach to the religion and therefore not recognised by the Church of Irath. It mainly believes that since the goddesses are dead, the actual entities, that being light, dark, and balance, should be worshipped instead.

Conflict between this faith and Lasfydd often arises because of Tynelusium worshipping dark, which is against the Lasfyddian doctrine. However, Tynelusium is too insignificant to hold any power, yet whenever the Church seems to think it has been eradicated, it appears when the Church least expects it to.

Tynelusium has mainly its presence in the northern part of Western Agia, because the area was once occupied by Isith.


The Church of Irath comprises two types of structures; The inner structure and the outer. The inner structure is more based on how the hierarchy within the church works. This also includes the College of Alchus Primun, which assists the Yppwenlas with various aspects of church governance and decision-making.
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Outer Structure of the Church

The Church Military
The Church Military: Has its own structure, but the Yppwenlas can have a say into who should be promoted within the organisation. The military protects the Yppwenlas, and making sure that peace is kept within church properties.

The military also battles the church’s wars, for instant battles heretics and followers of Rathias. They have been known to gather several knights to spread the Irathian religion by force to the southern islands of Agia. They were also part of the downfall of Satlonia.
The Siwel
The Siwel: An organisation of silent monks, considered absolutely the lowest of the lowest within the Church of Irath. Most believe this organisation is part of the church hierarchy, and it mostly is. But the Siwels cannot climb ranks because of their vows.

Not much is known about them, but a dark history is behind this organisation, and a secret which the Church battles to keep away from public ears. There are three leaders within the Siwels; The Silent Priest, the Silent Protector, and the Silent Bookkeeper. The Silent Priest is the only one who can progress in the Church's inner hierarchy.
Monastic Orders
The Monastic Orders: These are smaller organisation, or orders, affiliated to the Church. Despite there being several monastic orders, they are all part of this category within the outer structure. These orders often have monasteries with nuns or monks living there. A monk or a nun can decide to become part of the church hierarchy.

Inner structure of the Church

The Yppwenlas s the highest title in the Irathian Church, and can be female or male. The Yppwenlas is elected by the Conclave of Alchus Primun, which has been chosen by the Yppwenlas through a pool of Gwyliant and Prensaegwyliant.
The College of Alchus Primun
The college of Alchus Primun consists of Prensaegwyliant and Gwyliant which are chosen by the Yppwenlas. They also elect the new Yppwenlas when the old one dies.
The Prensaegwyliant are Gwyliant that oversees several diocese or set to oversee geographical areas determined by Irathian population in the region.
Gwyliant are priests and priestesses that have proven to have exceptional leadership skills and can guide the faithful followers of Irath. In recognition of their contribution to the church, they have been elevated to the rank of Gwyliant, and have a diocese to lead.
Priests and Priestesses
The priests and priestesses of the church are unmarried men and women who have been trained to give sermons and sacraments. They can guide the faithful in parishes and ministers.
Deacons and Deaconesses
The deacons and deaconesses are in their final year of training to become priests and priestesses. The deacon or deaconess assists the priest in ministry through preaching, the Light Bath, matrimony, and pastoral counseling.

While not a requirement, most people who want to become a priest serve Irath’s words as monks or nuns, to show their dedication. Sometimes it helps them go through the training period faster. Noble families often push their third children into the priesthood to increase their political influence.
Followers of Irath
The followers of Irath are the people which the Irathian Church guides and leads.

[We shall bring Her Light to where Darkness resides]


  • Placeholder map for Lusgafn
Founding Date
Circa 9700 BGD indirectly, formally in 1455 BGD.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Irathian Church
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
History of the Church of Irath

Assets and Funding

The Church of Irath has a lot of assets because of its size. Though because of internal struggles these last couple of decades, it has been increasingly difficult to maintain the assets. These are but a few mentions of the church’s assets and incomes.

The church has several churches and cathedrals to its name, as well as income from the resources the monastic orders provide. The church also receives fundings from nobles to build more churches or cathedrals. This helps boost the nobles status and reputation, since the church deeply values charity.
Taxation is yet another source of income, demanding one tenth of its followers’ income in church taxes. This helps pay the costs of maintaining churches and cathedrals, along with the church’s other assets.
The church owns several transports, such as frigates, cerraed, chariots. Some of these belong to the Yppwenlas.
Since the city, Diundad da Luzven belongs to the church, it also falls under the church’s assets. The Yppwenlas palace, where the Yppwenlas and the College live when they stay in the city, is also an asset which belongs to the Church.
Another income comes from selling holy medallions and artefacts like the Virda GluxThough the church is weary of keeping fake medallions and Virda Gluxs from being sold.
While not a requirement, the church also expects a coin for every time they do the final yew oil before the funeral pyre, unless they perform it for a poor family. The Undertaker Guild, barber-surgeon, and midwives bring a steady income, as well as other organisations connected to the church. The Undertaker Guild also pays a certain amount of money to receive some of the holy oils used for the pyre.
The Undertaker Guild pays a small fee for every time a person is about to take the pyretaker certificate. This is to make sure the church recognises those who may make the pyres properly and keep a close eye on those who do it illegally.

The midwives and barber-surgeon can also take a certificate. This allows them to give the last blessing to a still-born, or when a person is dying when there is no available priest for the last blessing.


The Church of Irath is the largest religious organisation in Agia, and was officially founded in 1455 BGD. Illendrith, the Hailan of old and bringers of miracles, was divided when their ability to create miracles lessened over the centuries. Therefore, not all members felt they belonged to the Illendrith.

Those who left the Illendrith founded the church and made the structure we know of today. Though some clergy members today claim the church dates back to the Creation of the First Species, the church was officially established in 1455 BGD, as stated in the Book of Irath.

Even though Hailan Cristonwas the one who originally formed the church, and became the first Yppwenlas, most still perceive Irath as the main founder.

Over the centuries, the priests felt the Illendrith were more driven by their own powers and miracles than to tell the people about Irath. Their lesser miracles made the people believe in them more than Irath. Irath was furious at the Illendriths’ greed and selfishness.

“Take the Sword in hand and then drive imposters from this land.” Said Irath to the priest.
— Book of Irath, The Holy City

A few centuries after the founding of the Church of Irath, the Illendrith became corrupt and made themselves as lesser gods. This caused Irath to demand the Tilor O Irath'Miesdys and the church to unite and stop the heretics. This helped faith in Irath to restore to the size it had before the hearts of the followers had been confused.

It was after this event that Irath noticed a poor man named Lainel sharing the little of his food on a little altar made for Irath. She was moved by his action and approached him by sharing his meal, making sure the meal would last until Lainel’s stomach was full. She asked of his name and gave him a purpose to build a city where she had first sat her footprint.

With the faith in Irath dwindling over the last century, making her weaker than her sister, and Irath felt the need to heighten the spirit among her followers. She wanted a house of prayers from where people could seek her out.
— Book of Irath, The Holy City
Lainel wandered Western Agia, but only on his third visit to a king did he find a clue for where to build the settlement. It became the Diundad da Luzven, the City of Light, which is an independent city in Aistana today.

After a few decades, Lainel’s son, Biuman, also received a visit from Irath, who gave him a golden book in which he should write her words. This became the first Book of Irath, and still exists in Luzven’s cathedral under heavy protection.

Within the last two centuries, a conflict within the church has taken shape. It began when Estain went to war with Aistana, and the church, which suddenly felt their influence in Aistana, became a problem because of their affiliation to Aistana.

Slowly a new “holy city” in Estain has been built, and the hunt for relics from before Irath’s death and from the Hailans has begun. Because of this, the church was then divided, and some felt the primary seat of the church should be moved to Estain. Even though the primary seat has remained in Aistana, the church has been slightly weakened. There have been talks about the church is getting yet another branch, and maybe even its own church, and some fear what this might entail for the followers.

Tenets of Faith

While there have been no official laws written in the Book of Irath, there is still an understanding of common laws which the First Species had to follow. Today, they are the groundwork of a much more elaborated law system within the Church that many nations also have based their laws on. It is as much cultural as it is regulative.

Some of the believed original laws are:

  • "Irath is our One and True Goddess, and whilst her sister, Rathias, is a goddess too by right, she should not receive any Faith."

  • “During the Creation of the Protectors, each species was given a domain to govern in Irath’s place. The species must be able to live together in harmony, otherwise a tragedy is waiting to happen."
    I find this law very ironic, since it was the church of Irath who started a massacre on the Taroths, who were simply protecting their domain - the forests. The only species we now know still exist are the Harawyrs, Ghrefeims, and Dynbodaul, out of six species in total.
    — Aewydim Scibodaeth

  • “Should peace be unobtainable, an assembly should be held to find a diplomatic solution. Conflict and misunderstandings can grow into hatred, which leads to tragedies.”

  • “Greed, selfishness, and anger should never govern a person’s decisions. Such vile feelings have root in Rathias’ nature.”
    Again, I find this rather ironic, because it clearly states frequently that Irath too had such feelings and acted upon them. Though mostly they would occur when Rathias had angered Irath.
    — Aewydim Scibodaeth

  • “Killing another Species is not tolerated. It is an insult to Irath to kill another of her creations. The only time it can be acceptable is when a crime is too severe, and cannot be righted by any other means than execution or hanging.”

  • "Darkness cannot prevail if light gets stronger, none should be tempted by the evils of Rathias and her dark entities."

  • “Have faith in Irath’s return, for it has been prophesied, and will happen when she is ready to wake once more. All must atone for the sin of murdering her. Only then can all return safely through the Porthint’Glux without getting burned or being tormented by the beast inside.”

  • “Irath made the man first and gave him authority, yet the woman was the only one who could bear life. This was the gift Irath gave her, for she was created in her likeness. Like Irath sacrificed some of her blood to create the First Species, so too shall a woman. Life cannot be without blood, and so the woman shall bleed to create life.”

Character flag image: by PanthersEye


Author's Notes

A huge thanks to CrazyEddie for helping me with my article, and the css behind the image spoiler button <3

Is there something you wished were added about the Church of Irath? - Please let me know <3

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Jul 11, 2023 17:16

So detailed, so beautiful. It is a nice addition to Agia and to your collection. Glad to see our little brainstorming session came into play. Very well done. <3

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Jul 11, 2023 18:15

Thank you so much, and thank you for your help again <3

Check out my On the Shoulders of Giants article: Satlonia
Jul 11, 2023 17:19 by Mihkel Rand

Nicely done, quite the impressive way to get SC started! I'm also working on a religion for this prompt to its cool to see how others have handled it.

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Jul 11, 2023 17:45 by Dimitris Havlidis

Nice start! MORE!

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Jul 11, 2023 20:21

Fantastic work as always :)

Jul 12, 2023 22:36

Woohoo glad you joined summer camp! ^^ Very nice article and also loving the buttons to play with!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 1, 2023 10:18 by Fall

Really love your use of WAs different interactive tools. It breaks up the article splendidly and they all fit in with your theme nicely. Great job!
