
(a.k.a. The Goddess of Light)

In the Beginning, everything was shared equally between the Light and the Dark. The Light shone brightly in the Universe, but still separated by distance so that Darkness would not be overwhelming in power. But due to the distance, the Light felt it needed a leader to shape the light in different ways than just by being light, and thus the Goddess Irath came to be.

- a passage from the Book of Irath

Irath is one of the two goddesses who is described in the Book of Irath and the Scrolls of Rathias. She is described to be the Goddess of Light who created the Glux, Irath'las, Agia as well as the sentient species in Agia. She helped shape the societies, wars, and purpose to almost all Firsts, but Dynbodauls have been most blessed by her help.

At the end of Irath, she was looking for someone to love. She decided to settle in a small town, that is supposedly located somewhere in the Lintudoma. While she lived there, she was disguised as a Dynbodaul named Arith who worked in a tavern. Cailan arrived to the same town, Irath and him started to live together, and she fell in love with him, but despite him not knowing she was a goddess, he is still portrayed as the traitor who killed the goddesses.
The day Irath discovered that Cailan had found another to make his wife, she was furious and demanded that those Dynbodaul who did not repent their selfish actions, would feel the divine judgement rain upon them.
Irath returned to her realm, and in the meantime her sister, the Goddess of Dark, Rathias, had found a way to make a weapon that could kill Irath, and manipulated Cailan to kill Irath by disguising herself as his wife. Once Irath returned, Cailan tried to talk to her, and in the end persuaded Irath to be in one last embrace, that led to him stabbing her.
"You want to hold me, after everything?" Asked Irath.
"Yes. I still care for you like a brother and a friend." Answered Cailan back. Irath stopped the wind and approached Cailan, her heart yearning for the last embrace of her beloved. They embraced each others, and at that moment Cailan stabbed Irath with the knife.

- a passage from the Book of Irath

Irath's conflicts

Irath has been responsible for several wars as well as massacres. In her eyes the most vital thing in Agia is to stop Rathias from corrupting the world further, either by her followers or her dark creations such as the Illirfrain and Dymórleshra.
Irath made Hailan Leiran found the organisation Tilor O Irath'Miesdys, that would fight anything of Rathias.
She then found a priest who helped her get rid of the Illendrith, that tried to take the faith from her. The priest, named Lainel, was tasked by Irath to create a holy city where she sat her first footprint on Agia. But when he tried to built the church in her honour, the Taroth stood in his way, refusing to give him the wood he needed, and that led to their massacre in the Western part of Agia.

The Light

There have been debates whether the Light is two entities or if it is one. If the Light is two entities it might be suggested that there is more powerful source or being than the Goddesses. If the Light is one, then it becomes a headache because that would suggest Irath made herself. After Irath's death, some followers of Irath started their own belief to the Light, making it an entity of its own. The Irathian Church sort of accept their religion, since it is a part of their own, but should the minority try to actively convert Irathians to their belief, make no mistake that the Church will punish them.

Divine Domains

Irath's domain is the light, which is both the universe light, that could be understood as the stars, but no one truly knows the meaning of the 'universe's Light'. There are no passages in the Book of Irath which explains fully what Irath's domain truly is, other than the light. We know from the Book of Irath, that she controls the Glux that acts as a gateway to Irath'las, her realm. She also holds the true dominion over Agia, according Irathians, since she created the world we stand upon.
Some scholars ague she could have another domain, which is life. After all in every case where she is described to give life to either Agia or species, she mixes her blood and Light. This argument is further explained by the Ptlomethia's Prophecy, in which it is foretold, that the goddesses' souls will return. But this argument is vague, since we do not know how this is possible. Maybe we should understand that Light is life as well, not two domains, but one.

Holy Books & Codes

Irath had seen Biunan's interest had felt compassion for his interest. She approached him and passed him a golden book.
"I wish of you to write the truth of this world. I shall tell you and you shall listen and write it down exactly how I have told you." Said Irath, who then began to tell everything that had happened before, and Biunan wrote it down.
This literary work had only been partially finished when he turned twenty and shared the passage of Irath's words. Word spread around the western part of Agia about the Book which held Irath's words, and people made pilgrimage to the holy city that had not yet been built.

- a passage from the Book of Irath

There is only one written account of Irath that the Irathians believe in, which is the book of Irath. Scholars and priests alike have discussed whether the book is actually a compilation of books, or if it is simply one book with several authors. You see some versions of the book with the headline Books of Irath which only confuse this whole debate as well. There are some who argue that the Golden Book which Biuman wrote in as the first, is named the Book of Irath, but others have used it as an arguement to state it was given as the first book.
I often laugh at the thought of this whole debate is created by the Goddess simply to have a laugh.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common symbol that is used to represent the Goddess is the Glux, Irathians often hang this symbol above the door to keep out any sadness and sufferings of spirits who have not yet travelled to the Irath'las or the Rathies'les.
The story about this is, after the massacre of Taroth, some fellers came to fell a tree to make a house for a lord, but they never asked for permission or forgiveness to fell the tree, thus the house which was built by the wood, was said to be cursed. A priest came by the house and asked Irath how to remove the sadness and sorrows from the house, and Irath answered him to hang a Golden sun inside the house.
"Make a symbol of the Glux to hang inside the house. That would make the souls remember that it will bring them to my realm, and they will leave the house." The next morning the priest brought a golden Glux to hang in the house, doing so made the sadness and suffering disappear.

- a passage from the Book of Irath
Another symbol is the Flower of Hope, which is supposedly the flower that grew from Irath's tears while she was searching for a person to defeat Isith.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Irath had several goals throughout her life. The first one was an inherited one by the Light of the Universe, and that was to bring light to every corner of the universe. After the creations she did in the beginning, a new goal formed which was to protect her creations from Rathias, that goal followed her to the end. The last goal was to experience the same love as two Dynbodauls might feel towards each others, this led to her death.

The Relation between Irath and Irathians

Irath was very active in the beginning to shape her sentient creations. She helped them through several smaller disputes, but during First Interspecies War, she lost a bet to her sister, which made her lose the right to affect Agia for fifty years. During those years she lost several followers, this included Taroths who no longer believed in her as time went by.

She also made Dynbodauls able to make smaller miracles before the First War, this ensured her that not all of her followers left her. She called this subspecies for Illendrith, but several centuries after they were created, they started to act as if they were gods themselves, which led to Irath instructing the priest Lainel to either exile or kill the Illendriths since they acted against Irath.

She shaped the church so faith in her could be preserved. Today the Church, after one thousand years after Irath's and Rathias death, solely rely on the Ptlomethia's Prophecy to keep the faith going. Miracles such as Saniachad still exist, but it's healing water have started to shrink.


Family Ties

Irath had a twin sister, Rathias, which the Dark created in it's fury and envy of the Light. While they may be twins and look similar, they only share hatred for each others. Irath's hatred towards her sister came when she discovered in the early years of Creation, that Rathias wanted to destroy, corrupt, and contol everything Irath had created simply out of spite and envy. Rathias and Irath's dispute was mirrored into the species, which caused several wars.
Rathias also tricked Irath into making a bet with her, which Irath lost. This bet was about whether the Dynbodauls would convert their faith to Rathias, because of the Brenin's decision not to keep his word and support Urgan during the war, which led to the loss of the Ungrefeim ethnicity. The outcome of this was some Dynbodauls joined forces with Rathias and settled in the North of Agia. Most notably was the war against Inord and Isith, who sought to conquer the West as well as to convert the followers of Irath to Rathias. During this war Irath found Foras who was the champion that was to fight Isith. This ended in the two's death, that broke the will of Irath and Rathias to fight each others for a while, but their hatred for each other only got worse.
Divine Classification
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Died by the hands of the traitor Cailan
Place of Death
Assumed to have died in the Lintudoma
Big bright yellow eyes that glows
Long golden har, that keeps the rays of the Glux inside it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light golden skin tones, that shines a brightly yellow or white.
Founded Settlements


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Jan 3, 2022 15:03

Excellent article, and it's always interesting to see how different people make different religions surrounding twin gods. The only feedback I would give is on the presentation, not the article itself. The links to other articles are almost the same color as the regular text. They only really appear when you hover over them.

Jan 3, 2022 17:58

The article - as said before - is really good. I get why you chose a different style for the quotes - makes them stand out more. I can agree with the issues about the visibility of the link, though. What makes this article great is, that it is not only a list of properties and deeds, but that there are anecdotes and stories built in to show what Irath is about. A very nice example of "show, don't tell!". It also shows that characters are best shown by their actions.

My world is Samthô - a 'as realistic as possible' fantasy-world, that's still in its childhood stage.
A current addition to Samthô is my contribution to the rivers ant waterways challenge: Paunis