
(a.k.a. The Traitor)

Cailan was the Dynbodaul, either the goddess Irath or her sister, the goddess Rathias, fell in love with. There is a dispute between the two religions of which goddess fell in love Cailan. He was a simple merchant that was born in one of the Southern islands, where his father and mother was known to be ruthless merchant who pretty much owned the city. According to the Book of Irath, he fled his family and met Irath in a small town in Estain, which is suspected to be somewhere in Lintudoma, where he became good friends with her, and possibly her lover. On one of his trading routes he met Mynea who he married and had a child with, which ultimately led to the betrayal of Irath, and both goddesses' death.

Cailan's story

I perfectly understand it can be confusing reading the next part. Just remember that one goddess is in love, and the other wants to destroy the one that is in love, the goddesses are twin sisters. I shall not name who is who, since it all depends on which religion you follow. The Irathians believe Irath was the one in love, and Rathias was the one who wanted to kill Irath. While the Rathianics believe it was Rathias who was in love and Irath who wanted to kill. The story is otherwise very similar. I hope this shall not confuse you.
- a note from Aewydim Scibodaeth
Cailan was born in a wealthy merchant family. His father was known to tyrannise everyone of the lower class, but also Cailan, if he disappointed his father. One day his father and Cailan came across a beggar, who begged for money to feed his family. His father's excuse was that he did not want to give any money that was going to be spent on a drunk who was going to drink it away and could not have a decent job themselves. The beggar shouted that he would love to have a decent job that could feed the rest of his family, but his daughter had died from sickness, and all their families money had been given away to a fraud who had promised them he could cure her. Cailan's father did not care for the beggar's story and simply walked away.
Before Cailan followed his father, he gave the beggar a few coins to keep his family fed for a couple of days. His father had seen this and hit Cailan so hard, that his ear started to ring, and he got a minor hearing injury. The beggar tried to defend Cailan for his kindness, but Cailan's father simply punched the man to his death.
Since no one wanted trouble with the merchant who practically owned the city, there was no trial against Cailan's father. Cailan ran away with as many goods as he could carry on a donkey, before his father discovered he was missing. Not once did Cailan miss his family he left behind.

One year after he was in the same town as Irath or Rathias, who were disguised as a Dynbodaul. He rented a room in her house where he was repairing both the thatched roof and a couple of cracks in the wall. He then lived with her while he was making a market stall for his wares. While he was befriending her or courting her, he had to leave the goddess because of lack of supplies. He travelled for a year to gather supplies and found a woman, named Mynea, who he married and had a child with. He returned to the town the same year with his new wife and child

The goddess who loved him, felt betrayed by his sudden rejection, and promised to return with divine judgement upon all who did not repent their selfish actions within a year. The other sister watched, and finally found a way to kill the sister who was in love. Cailan immediately returned to Mynea and told her to escape with their child and forget him. The other goddess witnessed this, and a few days later returned disguised as Mynea. She had a dagger that was forged specially to kill the goddess. Cailan accepted the fake Mynea's story, and the next day he met with the goddess he betrayed. He tried to apologies once more, but nothing helped and he asked her to let him embrace her one last time, when she embraced him, he stabbed her. The goddess told him the winds should carry the tale of his deeds, and no one were to forget his crime that he did in the name of his family. One day she would return, and his descendants would be the first to suffer. The moment he turned to see Mynea, he saw the other goddess laughing. He stabbed the other goddess in a surprise attack, and she let out a storm of fire and lightening that ruined the land and the people, including Cailan, in a very large area, that is now known as the Lintudoma.

What happened to Mynea and the child, no one truly knows but plenty of speculations and tracking of descendants of Cailan have happened since to find the ones that shall carry reincarnated goddesses, like the Ptlomethia's Prophecy of the Goddesses' Reincarnated Souls has foretold.

I am telling you, that should you ever meet a goddess, do not try to lick her. Nothing good ever happens when you lick a goddess. Just look at Cailan's story.
- another note from Aewydim Scibodaeth

Proofs of Cailan's existence

There have been both scholars and priests who have located his parents, and the symbols matches items carrying similar symbol, that have been brought from the Lintudoma by foolish people who dares venture there.
After the priests started searching for descendants of Cailan, there have been one family with a medallion that matches this symbol, and they are now a noble family in Aistana. Other descendants have not been found yet, but there are a very high chance that there are more.

Historical aftermaths for the descendants

Historically, the descendants of Cailan do get a mixed reception by other people. The descendants were hunted down during the decade after the goddesses' death, and most wanted to kill them for their crimes. The descendants made sure they hiding themselves well enough. Only one descendant was killed during the hunt. After the profecy of Ptlomethia that stated "when Cailan's blood meet in unity", the church made sure to cease all murders of the descendants, but they encouraged people to deliver the decendants to the church, so they could keep their eyes on them for the reincarnation purpose.
In year 134 AGD, the church initiated the breeding program, because of the frustation that nothing had lead to the reincarnation of the goddesses. They stopped this program in 166 AGD after discovering what effects the inbreeding had. Forcing the reincarnation did not work. Most of the descendants who were in the program became infertile, except for one family that was not heavily inbred.
This family were made a noble family in Aistana, both to protect them and to keep an eye out for them should the reincarnation happen there. There is a slight concern other descendants are out there but are either hiding or unaware, thus it is not guranteed the reincarnation happens in that one family they do know of.

Date of Birth
1st of Virendydd Diomdu, 23 BGD
Date of Death
16th of Tynebris Temyn, 0 BGD
23 BGD 0 BGD 23 years old
Place of Death
Dark brown
Shoulderlong, dark brown hair, often portrayed in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
82 kg
Converted Aistanian


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Jan 8, 2022 18:40 by Secere Laetes

Really nice article. Poor Cailan. What I particularly like is the play with the "myths"/religions, which then even goes so far that one religion thinks it was this way around and the other simply the other way around. The structure is also well done. The only thing I didn't like so much was the readability of the quotes, as I have a hard time seeing the letters correctly in squiggly writing. Apart from that, however, it is a great style element that makes it stand out from the rest of the text.

Jan 31, 2022 09:32 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Since we were talking on discord when I first read this, I haven't commented yet so I'm coming back now to do so. I really like the series of articles you have about Irath and the myth people have about her and her sister. The different version presenting one or the other as the "good guy" and the resulting conflicts between their churches is really interesting :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.