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Planet Thanged (Than-jehd)

The World Reborn...   Eighth planet in the Thurukian System nestled within the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. One of four planets located in Thuruk's "Goldilocks Zone", the temperate Planet Thanged hosts the Thangien civilization. Rolling grassy plains as far as the eye can see, dense jungles rife with hazard, vast saltwater marshlands, and icy wastelands dominate most of the globe. Idyllic environments mask a wealth of resources yet to be fully tapped. Roth's Edict forbids the people from destructive exploitation, but through invention bred by necessity, the people are able to harvest these resources safely while maintaining the pristine beauty of the world at large.


Roughly 40% of Thanged's surface is grassland with 30% taken up by wetlands, 10% by temperate rainforest, and 20% by glaciers at the northern pole and bleak ice flats at the southern pole.   At a glance the planet lacks any large bodies of water with the exception of the Winding White, Lake Danaetanera, and the Southern Salt. However recent discoveries revealed the existence of enormous aquifers nestled beneath a permian layer. While it is possible to tap these reserves with artesian wells, wide-spread drilling is strictly forbidden.  
The Winding White
Thanged's largest river stretching from the foot of the Northern Ring all the way to salt deltas in the southern hemisphere, but it is actually relatively young. It is believed it is simply the latest incarnation of many such rivers that "fill up" over time due to silt and rock carried along with glacial melt. Massive boulders dot the riverbed, owing to its violent rapids, though lately Thangiens have taken to dredging silt and harvesting boulders for construction purposes. Irrigation and filtration systems constructed by Deres in ages past provide the bulk of potable water used by Bainshaebo. It is deceptively narrow being much deeper than rivers of similar size. It has been described as looking "like a level 7".  
Eastern Jungle
Largely avoided by human-born Thangiens with the exception of some expeditions. The primary territory of the Natives and the enigmatic pegotaur. There is a mountain range hidden in the depths of the Eastern Jungle, likely the source of quarried stone once used by the Native civilization.  
Basek du Rhakka
While Thanged lacks widespread tectonic activity, most geothermal stress is vented via the volcanic complex at the north pole. Upheaval radiates outward beneath the Northern Ring. The crust has been described as looking something like an orange with a mostly solid "rind" and a bulge at the top to release pressure. Produces mostly basaltic magma.  
Northern Ring Glacier
Barrier between the north pole and grasslands. Composed mostly of rock and primary source of fresh water. Hosts the source of the Winding White as well as an assortment of calcite caverns. A number of fossils have been uncovered by gatherers indicating a explosive period of expansion roughly every fifty-million years.  
The Southern Salt Marshes
Runoff from the Winding White empties out into great deltas, forming wetlands that occupy most of the southern hemisphere. Myth states they are remnants of primordial oceans bequeathed to the Aguarians, however geological surveys show this to be inaccurate.  
Lake Danaetanera
Freshwater lake fed by tributary of the Winding White. Suspected to have originated as a collapsed sinkhole thousands of years before human habitation. The lone island at its center houses sepulcher dedicated to the legendary queen.  
Kundainian Plains
Generally used to describe grasslands immediately surrounding Bainshaebo. Grassland composes the largest percentage of land, extending in a rugged belt on either side of the Winding White, broken only by the Eastern Jungle. Home of vast majority of native wildlife aside from the Southern Salt.  
Gual de Phu Aclu
Small lake formed by a tributary of the Winding White. Serves as a source of precious gemstones unearthed by glacial melt and polished by the trip south from the Northern Ring. Housed within the gardens of Tirmutua outside of Bainshaebo and used as both a source of gemstone for decoration and as a popular destination for couples and tourists.


The combination of the Twin Suns and Thanged's dense atmosphere create a fertile environment for both wildlife and humanoids. The Plains of Kundain are dominated mostly by herbivorous species such as pegasids, Grand Crestas, and kirya cattle. Omnivorous species include pei monkeys, tree-bears, and sttanavoseni. Aside from humanoids and wild fyrhundi, gherfen are the primary apex predators. Flightless vitreelas serve as scavengers. Various species of fish occupy the Winding White and associated tributaries as well as the Southern Salt. Insects pervade all biomes with the exception of the poles. The habits of pegotaur native to the Eastern Jungle remain a mystery. Residents of Bainshaebo limit resource gathering activities to the immediate surroundings of the city proper as well as the length of the Winding White.

Ecosystem Cycles

The warmth of the Twin Suns is not conducive to a classical seasonal cycle, but there is a "storm season" prone to increased tornadic activity extending from the Northern Ring across the plains to the Eastern Jungle. Most species take refuge in burrows beneath the grasses or the boughs of trees scattered across the landscape. Human-born Thangiens use the opportunity to harvest hardwoods from the Eastern Jungle while Natives retreat further within their dwellings. There is also a "flood season" once a year where increased glacial melt deposits silt along the banks of the Winding White. Receding waters provide a brief window of time for the harvest of silt, silica, and stone from the river bed. The night cycle lasts anywhere from six to twelve hours depending on the time of year. One solar revolution is generally called a "cycle" and is the equivalent of two years Earth-time.

Localized Phenomena

The unique atmospheric composition causes a "bunching" effect seen in in overcast preceding a tornado swarm or severe thunderstorm. This is called "caevas" or "cave-ceiling", giving clouds the appearance of dripping or hanging like stalactites. Lightning is rare outside of the Northern Ring and Basek du Rhakka.   While rarely practiced and still a burgeoning field, paleontological studies have uncovered fossil records of what is dubbed a "Solar Swap" where it is believed the Twin Suns switch orbits once every fifty-million years. The most recent Solar Swap occurred eight thousand years ago giving rise to the belief that once an era the Celestial Brothers wrestle for control of the system.   Sulfur springs and natural oil wells can be found embedded in the Southern Salt, but the uneven terrain made it difficult to harvest in large quantities in the past. With the advent of the Pegasi it is possible to send large parties to ferry resources quickly.   A rare conjunction of the Twin Suns once every 25-30 cycles-or 50-60 years-creates what is called the Blood Dawn, where the dense atmosphere filters sunlight into a hideous deep red reminiscent of blood. The Blood Dawn festival centers around the belief that the overlap allows for the interaction with deceased relatives as well as a reconciliation between the Celestial Brothers.

Fauna & Flora

Dense leafy grasses dominate most of Kundain while tall reeds shroud the Southern Salt. Thanged does not support coniferous trees. Smaller deciduous trees dot the Plains of Kundain while the Eastern Jungle monopolizes all of the old growth and hardwoods. Kundain is fertile enough to provide year-long crops for the entire city while the Southern Salt yields a variety of plants used for anything from construction to clothing.  

Notable Plants

Richtho Bush
Ritho's Gift, bestowed upon the Freelanders in eons past. Its rapid growth cycle and resilience would normally make it an invasive species, but its incredible healing properties make it a valuable commodity with leaves frequently harvested and dried to produce tea for internal injuries or wrapped in moist towel for battlefield use. Bushes are kept either in household gardens for luck or within the Traedeskaton's medicinal greenhouse. Richtho bushes also grow in Tirmutua.  
G'thru Plant
Primarily harvested from the Southern Salt. Pulped, rendered, and distilled to create soap and shampoo. Has the unusual side-effect of permanently altering hair color of humanoids. While commonly used, occasionally some Thangiens avoid using it out of personal preference.  
Nutritious fruit found in Tirmutua, said to sate a warrior's appetite for a day with just one fruit. A curious cross between a grapefruit, peach, and tomato. Can produce an extraordinary amount of juice if squeezed and can be distilled into the alcoholic beverage vouwynn or blended with other fruits to create "brain food", a juice that reduces mental fatigue.  
Eyurodin's Fan
Long, wide leaf shaped like a banana frond that excretes heat-retardant oils. Prized by metal-workers for its high heat tolerance and used to bind metal strips in place. As the heat finally overwhelms the oily residue, heat seeping through fuses metal together, allowing a proper shape to be obtained before being worked and tempered.  

Notable Creatures

Grand Cresta
Without a doubt the most iconic land mammal aside from Pegasi and pegacorns themselves. Described as "mammoth beast-horses", can reach up to six feet at the shoulder and have thick limbs and heavy hooves. Males use their signature horns as either deterrence or defense during rut aggression. Cannot be tamed and viewed as a mascot by Thangiens.  
With its distinctive gold fur and seemingly endless appetite, the tree-bear can commonly be found raiding felled trees or upending rocks in search of insects. They have also been observed gnawing on grasses and chewing on reed pulp or enticing fish from the Winding White. While not typically aggressive its fur makes it easy to inadvertently trip over one in Kundain.  
Pei Monkey
Long-furred, long-tailed primates frequently seen lounging in high branches. Rarely ever venture to the ground due to being a frequent target of gherfen. Commonly dine on fruit, leaves, and insects. Although in the primate family, they share no direct genetic link with homo sapiens or homo bellator.  
Cross between a gopher and jerboa, these diminutive rodents are primarily responsible for soil aeration in Kundain. The name itself is often used as a pejorative to describe lesser beings. They commonly feed on seeds and roots, occasionally risking a trip to the surface to harvest nesting material.  
Flightless birds the size of a human, they lumber over the ground using their unfeathered pinions to haul themselves about. Able to smell blood from miles away, they often follow in the wake of Cresta herds or gherfen flocks to feed on slain harem contenders or pick the bones of gherfen kills. Known as "giant land-buzzards" due to their grotesque appearance.  
Also known as the "Helmed Hawk", these raptors are incredibly dangerous to unsuspecting land mammals. Bony crests protect their heads as they execute rapid dives with enough speed to impale a creature where it stands. They rebound off of tree-bears due to their thick skin and Grand Crestas can sense them and angle their horns to intercept a dive.  
Viewed as divine animals that dwell far abroad in Kundain. Their horns are said to possess incredible restorative properties, but their reclusive nature hampers close study. Cannot be domesticated but they have displayed empathic abilities in the past as seen with Vthia and Deres. Ancestor to pegacorns.  
Another relative to pegacorns and originally used as mounts by early Freelanders. Capable of flight and carrying a passenger and limited weight. While easy to tame, lack the intelligence of empathy of its cousins.  
Currently extinct. Hybrids bred by Deres from crossing pegasids with unicorns, pegacorn form strong empathic bonds with their riders lasting until even death and inherit an array of special powers from unicorns. Possessing an almost human-like intellect, they served as the primary steeds for Thangiens until recently. Only a handful remain alive at Mazzan.  
Fyrhund-or "Fear Hounds"- are large canines with supposedly divine origins. While some early canine species traveled alongside proto-Thangiens, eventually they became subsumed by the larger fyrhundi. Marked by their batwing-like ears and branched tails, they easily dwarf a Great Dane and prove fiercely loyal protectors of households.  
Kirya Cattle
Primary source of meat protein by both Thangiens and gherfen. Distinguished by their long sloping horns extending all the way over their backs. While very docile and easy to feed, their meat is described as being very gamey. They spend most of their time grazing, making them vulnerable to dive attacks from gherfen.  

Notable Cryptids

Incredibly elusive almost to the point of being considered myth, these hulking creatures with their dark fur and blocky muzzles were thought to be a living prehistoric ancestor to equines. Instead of hooves they possess three toes on each hind foot and three thick digits on their forepaws with two fingers extending several inches. Ander supposedly encountered one.  
Land Dragon
Extinct. Only fossil evidence exists of this creature that looked like a cross between a bison and a quagga. It sported a single sail-like wing thought to be used for personal cooling or courtship. Long spiral horns extended from the back of its head and it had stocky limbs and a dense muscular body. Thought to have roamed Kundain in ancient times.  
The Razzer
A curious creature with a long neck and a blocky head said to emerge from the waters of the Southern Salt and make rude sounds at passing foragers before ducking back into the waters before it is seen. It is a matter of debate how many of these creatures exist while remaining so elusive. Some argue one, others insist they are merely adept at remaining unseen.

Natural Resources


-Abundant at the Northern Ring Glacier and in and around the Basek du Rhakka volcanic cluster. Primary source of dererium as well as other staple metals like copper, nickel, iron, platinum, gold, and tin.  


Common in and around the Northern Ring and Winding White. Good source of salt, silica, zinc, calcite, quartz, limestone, coal, pumice, and basalt.  


Uncommon in the Southern Salt. Bubbles up among the reeds. Originally harvested with buckets, pontoon-mounted grasshopper wells are able to harvest significantly more.  


Abundant in the Southern Salt. Much like the Northern Ring, it's believed geothermal stress squeezes deposits out from the Permian layer. Occurs both in ore form and floating layers that can be skimmed off the water surface.  

Precious and Semiprecious Gems

Limited. Found at the Gual Phu de Aclu lake in Tirmutua. Cycles of glacial melt at the Northern Ring and subsequent travel south along the Winding White acts like a giant rock tumbler, rendering gems smooth.  


Very abundant. Plant matter grows fast thanks to the rich topsoil and light of the Twin Suns. Plentiful prey animals and busy gherfen keep the cycle going.  


Limited. Primarily harvested from the Eastern Jungle. Hostile Natives and Roth's Edict make commercial logging impossible. Only available seasonally with heightened tornadic activity moving through the plains.  


Limited. Some marble, granite, and slate can be found at the Northern Ring and Winding White, but in recent years Thangiens have dared raids on Planet Thunthen for heavy stone prized in sculpture and construction.  


Very abundant. Fresh water is commonly extracted from the Winding White while salt water abounds at the Southern Salt Marsh.


Thanged is suspected to be slightly older than Earth, however Human habitation only began recently with proto-Thangiens arriving ten-thousand years ago. The Natives preceded humans by several thousand years, attaining a fairly complex civilization reminiscent of southeast-Asian/Mesopotamian cultures.  
Transgalactic Rifts
"Potholes in the fabric of space and time". History on Earth is replete with accounts of travellers vanishing without a trace, aircraft flying into clouds never to be seen again, boats devoid of any passengers or crew, children that blink out of sight, their voices lingering in the ears of frantic search parties. The lack of older hominid species indicates either humans were not widespread enough to encounter these rifts before then, or this is a fairly recent phenomenon. There is no genetic link between Thangiens and the long-furred pei monkeys, so humans could not have evolved organically within such a relatively short period of time. Rifts are differentiated from the Gates being that Gates harness the fabric of space and provide two-way travel, while a Rift is a one-way trip. The most recent Oldworlder castaway arrived 15 cycles, or 30 years before present.  
Solar Swap
Study of fossils gathered from the Northern Ring and Winding White revealed an occurrence dated in fifty-million year periods which begin with a brief period of drought followed by unrelenting rainy conditions then culminating in a ice age lasting between four hundred to five hundred years. The only eye-witness record of this event dates from eight-thousand years ago where Freelanders described the suns changing positions, which they interpreted as the Celestial Brothers Thangor and Thuruk wrestling, with Thangor usurping his brother for an age before retreating to his proper position in the sky.   Mold blooms rendered most water sources including the Winding White hazardous to drink and airborne pathogens killed off nearly sixty percent of the Freelanders that attempted to form permanent settlements along the river banks. Survivors took refuge in the Northern Ring, relying on cavern springs and ice melt for drinkable water. After years of heavy rain and mold proliferation, bitter cold consumed the planet, killing off the mold but confining the Freelanders to the north for centuries before relenting.  
Birth of Bainshaebo
After emerging into the reborn world, the Freelanders made contact with the Four Queens who assisted them in establishing a permanent settlement, laying the foundations for a great walled city and tutoring them in survival and artisanry. Even though humans had dwelt on Thanged for ten thousand years, it would take thousands more to firmly secure their place on the planet. The fallout of First Contact with Natives resulted in Roth's Edict, limiting the impact of human presence to mostly Bainshaebo and surrounding grasslands.  
Transgalactic Gates and The Oldworld
Five hundred years ago, a collaborative effort between Eyurodin and scientists saw the construction of the first Transgalactic Gate meant to reunite Thangiens with their ancestral home. The expedition ended in failure with the loss of Memner the Sky King to a powerful unknown foe. Eyurodin kept the Gate closed until only recently when Danae, daughter of Ander Vai Stel Vethu, made contact with Planet Earth and the humans residing there. Eyurodin constructed a second gate linking the two worlds, but the threat of the unknown enemy that gave even the Queens pause yet lingers. A third gate once existed between Planets Thanged and Banguk decades ago, but Sur Daggur ordered it destroyed before the Battle of Banguk.  
Thangeodo: The World Reborn
Although recorded myth states that the name "Thanged" originated with Thangor, the brother of Thuruk, records glimpsed in Peirolyth indicated the name is actually derived from a much older source. "Than" can be interpreted as meaning death or rebirth, but the meaning of "geodo" remains unclear. Most dismiss it as begin a derivative of "geo" or "gaea" meaning "earth" or "world", but others insist there is a different meaning altogether.


AfterRitho's cataclysmic smiting of the Native civilization, Human-born Thangiens remained the dominant presence on the planet for five thousand years up until the arrival of Thunthen explorers from the neighboring planet. While initially cordial, relations between the Warrior Folk and the Dragonmen became strained with the death of Deres, then Danaetanera III two thousand years later. After the aborted Transgalactic Gate project, Eyurodin erected a gate system connecting Planet Banguk, ushering in prosperous trade and interaction with the humanoids native to that world. While Thangien technology far surpassed Bangukian, the enigmatic Bangukians possessed a wide array of therapeutic techniques bordering on miraculous.   The Burning of Banguk would hamper diplomatic efforts for many years until the return of Danae and Pegasus and the revival of the Thanged-Earth Gate. Since then, close allies and trusted guests frequently visit the idyllic city of Bainshaebo. Only many years later and after much effort would Thunthen be permitted to walk the city peacefully.
Golden-furred bears clambered over fallen trees, raking the bark off with their long claws in an effort to get at the scrumptious insects to be found within. Long tailed monkeys with wiry black whiskers lounged in taller trees. Large bovine creatures with long horns that curved up over their necks grazed idly and tended to their young. Thin-bodied birds nipped flies off of the animal’s hides. A herd of horse-like beasts with long, curved crests protruding from the back of their heads gathered at the shore of a river. Even the youngest-looking of the creatures stood taller than Rowen at the shoulder.
— Aftermath Ch. 11
“Cresta gave a mighty stamp that shook the ground. He had not vanquished a tyrant merely to become one himself, and so he left, returning to his home. The animals saw the wisdom in this and understood, and decided to call him Grand Cresta, so they would always remember that he is the Lord of Might; Greatest of the One’s mortal creations!”-Ronatane
— Aftermath Ch. 12
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After a few minutes, T’plaureth held up one arm, signaling for the column to halt. They did so, and he held his hand out to the side, fingers splayed. “BEHOLD! The Winding White! Thanged’s mightiest river!” he shouted. The Ronin gazed down the slope at the massive frothing river. Water surged against submerged rocks, erupting into the air in impressive displays.   “Whoa…now I’d love to go white-water rafting in that!” Cye beamed, looking giddy.   “Are you sure about that? That’s like a level 7,” Ryo remarked uneasily.   “I know!” Cye replied excitedly and returned his gaze to the river. Ryo made a face.
— Fight Alone Ch. 15
“Pfft! I got old, that’s what! By all rights, I shoulda cashed in my chips years ago, but all this fine weather’s given me a new lease on life. Now I just while away my days and operate this here waystation. There’s always some poor bastard gets himself lost while freelandin’.”- Debiah Kubar|Cataclysm War Ch. 15

Articles under Planet Thanged

Cover image: Age Of Defiance Header by Mardrena


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