How much? by August | World Anvil

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Fri 28th May 2021 03:51

How much?

by August

“How much is a performance worth?”
I asked this to a group of fire-lit caravan travelers staying on the side of the road underneath their canopy for the rain. As it was pouring down much harder than I had expected and I was looking to keep warm for the night, they seemed like my best option at the time. And as untrusting as they were of a lone traveler approaching them out of the darkness, their answer to my request to join them for the rest of the way was just a small amount of coin. Now, while I was more than happy to pay, given one silver and a few coppers was worth it for the safety of company, these people looked like they could use a song and a tale to lift their spirits and assuage their worries.
How easy it was to lift their somber spirits. The heavy rain, to most a dreary partner, afforded me a quiet rhythmic base to build and weave an accompaniment into and out of. The song, an improvised and jumbled-together mess of chords whose presence I built alongside the story I told, played well to the ears of these few humble people, and afforded me a place in their caravan for the rest of the journey.
Those nights changed, I imagine, from what could only have been cold and dissatisfying to nights of song, dance, and story. With a few chords and a retelling of a story I heard in a very similar circumstance from the last group I’d shared a journey with, this lonely caravan became lively and our journey colourful. All because of a song played and a story told. I often wonder what they’d say if I asked them again:
How much is a performance worth?