Impossible Thoughts. by August | World Anvil

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Tue 20th Jul 2021 03:55

Impossible Thoughts.

by August

The perfect date…
I suppose just this once I can indulge myself in thinking of impossibilities.
A thought experiment, perhaps.
Firstly, wherever we are, I suppose we would try and find the first local area where artists of many varieties might be and peruse for some interesting sights and sounds. Even here on the continent I can imagine we would be able to find someone with a penchant for colours and musics. Perhaps purchase a gift if one is available. I love those little shops that let you paint your own pottery - that kind of stuff so quickly can set the tone for the day, and I would love to set a good one.
Next, a local festival I imagine, if one is around. I am personally more likely to appreciate the fan fare of this after an introduction to the day through artists first but honestly the ordering of this whole thing could change and it’d be fine. Artists first or festival first, doesn’t matter; it would all be enjoyable, wouldn’t it?
After that, well, I would love to attend a concert or musical or something along those lines, but I suppose after walking around wherever this is for a good couple hours the both of us might be hungry, so some food would be lovely right about now. I’m not against preparing a picnic or something ahead of time and enjoying some good food as the sun goes down. A little music, some good laughter, some sparkling; enough to let us rest a bit before the main attraction.
The music.
The most important part for me would be this live music of some variety; I truly think there’s nothing better than some music that makes you feel things, particularly in such scenarios as this.
A concert, a musical; hell, even a small basement venue would be delightful. As long as the music is good I would imagine good times could be had. Evocation of thoughts or memories through music is something that can be so powerful and can bring people together so quickly, you can create scenes and scents through chords of power that ring through the air! How beautiful a gesture to bring someone with you to something that provokes so much in you, and to see them enjoy it, I just…
Not sure what I was thinking with all this.
Back to reality, August.