Dear Eversong. by August | World Anvil

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Thu 21st Sep 2023 03:09

Dear Eversong.

by August

Dear Eversong…
This is very weird. For the first time in… a long time, I feel like I’m actually about to fix something I broke. Something that I, Bertrand, broke, and something that me, August, has been trying to fix for years. Something that, somehow, you saw in me all those months ago when the group met you and Tear.
That reading you gave me, the cards you drew… I am not someone who believes in fate; I believe that we all have the capacity to change our fates if we give enough of ourselves to the cause.
But somehow you saw something in me that I’d tried to keep buried and hidden from the world because it was easier to bury it and think it dead…
This life hasn’t been easy for me. Bertrand lived a hard life without anyone beside him, living in a world so dark and cold, relying on tricks and illusions to get him by. And when a sun finally came into his life and illuminated his world for a few years, it was snatched away and the cold overwhelmed him.
Then August was born and he lied and thieved and stole his way across the continent to a tiny village and met a group in the eastern realms that, for all intents and purposes, neither Bertrand nor August would’ve given a second thought.
But somehow… Somehow they got through to me. The me who would always say “it’s easy to trick the world when it’s fooling itself” when none of the "me"-s could believe the things he was seeing. Neither Bertrand nor August, Beck, Draken, Moralyre - none of us, none of me, could have believed that this group of people genuinely cared for me.
I don’t know how you did it, and whether it was accidental or not, but even though I don’t believe in the fates… This group of ours is helping me in ways that I couldn’t have done by myself. And I see that now, and I see that you and the cards saw it back then too, so.
Thank you, Eversong. I hope you and Tear are well. I hope we all get the chance to sit down one day again once this is all over.
And hopefully after this I can pull off one more trick.
Betrand Crevier