Lone Relative. by August | World Anvil

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Tue 24th Aug 2021 05:32

Lone Relative.

by August

The room would always smell of oils and metals when my father was in the throes of his work. Appraisals kept him busy, and when his health allowed him to get out of his cot he would fall into the job.
You could tell that for all that it had done to him, what with the grinding of materials and gemstones into the very dust that invaded his lungs, that he still loved it. He would sit at that workbench for hours, his frame blocking the light of our lone window, pouring over gems of various sizes, appraising qualities of highly valuable items that he had no business having his hands on.
The sound of that small burner going, heating up that pungent oil that would refract differently for each gemstone’s quality; these sounds and smells stay with me, as do the lessons he taught me of life, work ethic, and how to be who people needed you to be.
The man made full use of what life had shown him, he wore it with pride, and when he talked about it you couldn’t help but listen.