Distance measure tool for maps | World Anvil

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Distance measure tool for maps

New Feature Addition · Maps · Created by Rhaelyx
maps -distance measure tool

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

The ability to measure a distance unit. Different or similar to google maps. The unit could be arbitrary or fully custom trough the use of a custom unit label.   For both DM'ing purposes or worldbuilding it would be handy to know how far away something is. Or to get a grasp of the scale your working on.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

This is pretty self-explanatory but here are some images of how google maps works. The feature could be similar or by use of a toolbar (if more tools are created in the future).

What are other uses for this feature request?

Possibly a area calculator.

The Team's Response

It goes without saying that this is Accepted.   I will be adding to the list of features for the Atlas (map management upgrade) which is coming right after Chronos :)
Current score

309/300 Votes · +33880 points

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