Kingdom of Corwynth

The kingdom of Corwynth is a federation of five provinces which share borders; spanning from the western coastline of Andeir along the broken coast, and into the interior of the continent, from the helmlands to the dividing plains. On its southern border; the Azured basin towards the golden sea, from there the kingdom spans northward towards the Cobalt Deep. The name Corwynth honors the hero Corvis Yanth, a former slave who rose to prominence during the liberation of Myanvaru. The five provinces which make up the kingdom of Corwynth are: Ashenmarch, Goldshen, Hellingridge, Ravencrest, and Vauldland.   Once separate nations, the men of the western world came to see the benefits behind forming a larger, all encompassing kingdom where they would not compete for land and resources. Instead, they pledged fealty to the Erdrics and their banner men and became the kingdom of Corwynth, with the city of Stonehaven in the province of Vauldand named as its capital.   Since the forming of the kingdom, Corwynth has become a major economic and military power upon the continent of Andeir, with only Lordimere to the north as its military equal. Good relations with the neighboring nations has been a priority to the kingdom, and trade routes are well established and open. During its history, this has not always been true; the Weeping War decimated the provinces and strained the bonds which have held the kingdom together for generations. When the Amnestrian elves crushed the combined armies of Corwynth, the capital city was stacked and razed. Vauldland, Ravencrest and Ashenmarch weathered the worst of the elvish storm, and if not for the Dwarves of Harrenfal and the Ravosan liberators, the kingdom of Corwynth might have been shattered. To this day, the lasting effects of war are still felt within the kingdom, and the people of the great nation of Ravosa are owed a debt which has yet to be repaid.


Corwynth has always been a monarchy, with the noble bloodline of Erdric assuming the throne in 488 BCR. Since then each ruler has been the first born son of the previous king, and in one rare case when the first born was unfit to rule; the second born male heir ascended to the throne.   If ever there was only a female heir, the reigning king and queen would provide their daughter with a suitor of noble blood. This has never happened in the long reign of the Erdric bloodline. If there ever comes a situation where the current king is unfit to rule, with no heir to assume rulership, or the current heir is under the age of fourteen; rulership will pass to a Regent Lord temporarily.   A Regent Lord is chosen by vote cast by the noble rulers of the individual provinces which make up Corwynth, and the religious leaders of the churches of the Lucid Scale, the Storm Lord, and the Fate Weaver.


In the beginning there were five nations competing with each other for resources and land. Border skirmishes were frequent, though casualties were rare. The leaders of these five nations met often throughout the years; at first to pledge friendship to their neighbors, and as time passed, to air grievances and issue threats. A noble leader of the province of Vauldland, a man tall in stature and well spoken, Erdric Vauld, first of his name, proposed a new alliance of the five nations; something more lasting and permanent than a simple pledge like has been issued countless times before. It was a bold, and strategic move to propose himself to be king, but in the end, after many days of discussion and negotiation, he was successful in his goal.   Erdric Vauld was crowned King, in the year of 488 BCR, over the new alliance which would become known as the Kingdom of Corwynth, a name chosen to honor a man who's selfless actions resulted in the rise of the very nation that was his new namesake. In the coming years, the four noble leaders of the remaining provinces would see the wisdom in Vauld's proposal as the kingdom experienced an era of growth and prosperity not seen in the new world.   Unfortunately, the peace was not lasting. As humankind flourished and their kingdoms and settlements expanded across Andeir, the native population of elvenkind withdrew to the far reaches of the northlands, angered by the encroachment into their ancestral and sacred lands. The humans branched outward from Corwnth, expanding their roads and civilization in all directions; moving southward to the jungles of Nezara and northward. Skirmishes with the elves happened occasionally, but what was rare became common as humankind spread north into the land of Lordimere, and beyond. Killing over territory and slaughter of innocents sounded the horns of what historians would call the Weeping War. The Amnestrian nation of elves, made up of the Sunari and Lunara peoples, held great advantage over their human enemies; their mastery over the arcane, and combat prowess easily pushed back the men of the west. Historical accounts of the The Weeping War itself would go into far greater detail, but the elves use of guerrilla tactics, combined with intimate knowledge of the terrain allowed them to easily route the armies of men over, and over again.   Lordimere was conquered, and three of the five provinces of Corwynth fell before the might of Amnestria. Perhaps most terrible for the kingdom was the fall of Stonehaven, the conflict in which young King Erdric Robert was killed. When it looked as though the war was lost, reinforcements from the nation of Ravosa, along with the dwarven armies of Harrenfal arrived and pushed back the forward elvish lines. The two sides dug in and the war stagnated for many years before the tide of battle shifted in favor of the alliance of dwarves and men. With each elven casualty being keenly felt, the desertion of the Nandari elves, and finally, the arrival of the mountain dwarves of Mur'duin, the elvish line finally broke and the route was on; the Amnestrian force fled back to their ancestral kingdom of Elthiel'estria and their bastion of power, Elladrel.   With the war over, the people of Corwynth went about the task of rebuilding their fallen nation. With heinous amounts of death and carnage on either side, it was a long and arduous recovery period; many settlements were completely razed and the capital city of Stonehaven sustained heavy damage, having been ravaged by fire, both magical and mundane in nature. But humankind endured, and gradually, over generations, life returned to normal for the people of Corwynth; their newfound dwarven and gnomish allies assisting in the rebuilding process. The Erdric bloodline, though broken for a time, was remade, and Corwynthians throughout the kingdom rallied around their new king, Erdric Cristoph. The people of the great kingdom were tested, and had survived the hardships of the new land and its inhabitants, they look onward to what the future might hold for them individually and the kingdom as a whole.


The kingdom of Corwynth is inclusive to many religions of the Creators. Churches or shrines to the following deities are commonplace within the five realms: The Storm Lord, the Lucid Scale, and the Wild Mother. Less common are temples to the Fate Weaver, the Forge Father , the Phoenix King, and the Great Hunter. Those who worship the Veiled Star or the Raven Queen often do so privately.

"Kings Great Land"

Founding Date
488 BCR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Corwynth, the Five Realms
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The crown is the Corwynthian term for a gold piece, though in terms of what is accepted as valid currency within the kingdom, a gold coin is a gold coin.
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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