Seeds from the Sky
A message in darkspeech. Dire words of the world dying.
Around seven hundred years ago, an unnamed dark seer sang a prophecy in voidtongue, the forbidden language of the Old Ones. It spoke of dark seeds from the depths of space that were corrupting and would corrupt Urvén. Several had already allegedly landed and an increasing number were to come. It relayed a message of doom for the future: a close doom which would destroy the world and a far doom yet to come, one that would reshape what was left in Their image.
Here me now as They speak through me,
Their seeds, Their eggs, Their fists and Their voice.
Hear me now as I tell why Urvén quakes,
Why she shudders and twists.
Hear me now as you know They act,
Touching her lands and spreading their care.
Hear me now as you see the tapestry,
Works already completed and those to come:
A hole in the sands, a break in the sea.
The shattering of her form and soon -
The death of her heart.
Hear me now, Their seeds approach,
More and more and more and more.
The stars blink out, a handful gone and then:
The last seeds fall, She goes to Them.
We say goodnight as the suns go dark,
No light left - only Them.
Shortly after singing this song, her eyes black and weeping ichor, she expired abruptly. No one around could actually understand Voidspeak - it's undulating, wet sounds unpleasant and unsettling. It was still transcribed with unnerving accuracy phonetically. Even worse, from time to time, the prophecy repeats itself through a new conduit. While few scholars discuss the prophecy, those that do speak in hushed tones about the possibility of the prophecy being spoken further in the past than first thought.
It is strongly believed that the prophecy refers to the great calamity that shattered Great Sond and the crater found in Geganna.
Summer Camp 2021
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Bonepicker, Chazbar, Church of Thirasmus, Creep Rot, Derrick & Sons Lumber Company, Domesticated Hippopotamus, Eldrin Sarsatra, Elf, Frost, The Eye that Blinks, The Fabricators, The First Mast, Geganna Salt, Great Arctic Tern, The Great Vortex, Heston Lockheart, Human, Khijian, Katakan, The Last Rebellion, Liberty, Lions of Dun, Magister, Mechanical Grafts, The Mercy House, Mt. Sang, Rubyfall, The Sapient Crown, Seeds from the Sky, Sin, Stockade, Thir Met, The Threat of Endless Fires, Truthscribe Quill
This was an article originally written as part of the 2021 Summer Camp challenge. I have edited the article since then, so what appears on this page no longer reflects the original competition entry. - Theoclymenus