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Geganna Salt

Purified salt used both in culinary and spiritual applications.

Geganna salt is gathered and refined from the great salt pan northeast of Upper Bhurm. It is traded throughout the Riven Lands for its culinary uses and as a preservative. More locally, the salt is used as one of the main components in the mummification process performed throughout Geganna.

Sifters spend the twilight hours scraping the top layer of the crust away and depositing it into large, woven bales. These are transported to nearby oases where the water is used for purification. This takes time as the salt is dried out in the open air. Once purified, Geganna salt is off-white due to residue minerals. It is then bagged up for transport to Upper Bhurm to be shipped to various trading destinations. The salt is most commonly shipped in 1lb bags stamped with a grey circle.

Within Geganna, particularly the countries of Upper and Lower Bhurm, the salt is used as part of the mummification process. All people with means are mummified so large volumes of the salt are required. In addition, since the region of a thousand tombs has begun to develop automaty, bundles of Geganna salt are left in neutral locations as payment for interring new bodies. Since the twin countries have strong merchant connections and large fleets, trade is conducted via ship to Istabi, the Last Bazaar and then south to Sondrana.

2sp per lb.
Related Locations
Suggested In-session Rolls

Intelligence (History) to know of common trade routes.

Intelligence (Religion) to understand the significance around mummification.


  • Mineral type material
  • Common rarity
  • No influence
  • Rules on crafting magic items can be found here.

    This was an article originally written as part of the 2021 Summer Camp challenge. I have edited the article since then, so what appears on this page no longer reflects the original competition entry. - Theoclymenus

    Cover image: by Antonio López from Pixabay


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