The Threat of Endless Fires
A stark warning. The last chance for a king to resist the expansion of Vhark.
The rapid expansion of the empire of Vhark is poorly documented due to the nature of much of its conflict. By the time Sondrana had settled from local chieftains and petty kings to fully fledged kingdoms, Vhark had absorbed its neighbours and was three times the size of competitors. Rumours flew about the source of Vhark's strength - was the ruler a demigod? Did he have an inexhaustable number of troops? But the most common rumour was a result of the tactics used: overwhelming fire to completely destroy resisting territories. Did Vhark have a dragon in its employ?
These rumours came to a head when a letter was found by King Ivar of the petty kingdom of Harresh. It was found within his personal chambers with no evidence of a break-in and with the apparent ignorance of his staff. The contents of the letter were enough to spook King Ivar and, within a week, Harresh was a territory within the borders of Vhark.
To show my desire for peace, I invite you to spend a week on deliberations. Deliberations that should be made from a castle tower, looking out over your lands. Perhaps your beautiful wife should be with you.
Summer Camp 2021
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This was an article originally written as part of the 2021 Summer Camp challenge. I have edited the article since then, so what appears on this page no longer reflects the original competition entry. - Theoclymenus