Dzarya Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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The Spellblade


Dzarya is a githyanki gish, a member of the gith-reunifying Sha'sal Khou, and was one of the Lost Star Detectives, responsible for ending the Damnation of Elturel.  



Like all githyanki, Dzarya was born in a crèche on the Material Plane to allow her and the others in her hatchling group to reach maturity before moving to the age-halting realm of the Astral Sea. As githyanki don't celebrate or recognize birthdays, Dzarya has taken to stating that she was born on the 1st of Hammer, 1201, though she ma have been born slightly earlier or later than that.   Upon reaching maturity at 18, Dzarya was taken with the rest of her hatchery group to the githyanki city of Ith'va'dim for brutual warrior training that resulted in many of her hatchmates dying. As the capstone of her 12 years of training, Dzarya was dispatched to kill an illithid on her own, which she succeeded at, officially becoming a full member of the githyanki military.   For the next century or so, Dzarya lived in Astral Sea, unaging save for the times she was called away to participate in raids on the Material Plane. She remained based in Ith'va'dim and was cordial or friendly with many of the githyanki around her, such as her neighbor Kashath, and had a brief entanglement with the githyanki Manak that ended when the two grew bored of each other. Dzarya also displayed the typical githyanki predilection for acquiring random hobbies to fill the boredom between missions, preferring to collect musical instruments from the various places she raided.   In the middle to late 15th century, Dzarya was identified by her commanders as having the potential to become a gish, a magic wielder proficient in sword fighting. Though she was older than many gish when they started training, she was invited to Tu'narath, the githyanki capital, to hone her psychic abilities and study magic and history.   Dzarya took well to her training, and in 1491 CR, she was allowed to participate in her first official raid as a gith, though it would be an unusual one. Through their ancient alliance with Tiamat, the mother of dragons, the githyanki queen Vlaakith had offered the assistance of some her raiding parties to aid in Tiamat's attempt to escape from her prison in Avernus and arrive on the planet Toril. Dzarya's raid group was ordered to assist the Cult of the Dragon during their planned attack to topple the leadership of Baldur's Gate.  


The raid did not go well. Surprised by the viciousness of the fighting and the tenacity of the defenders, Dzarya was attacked when she wasn't looking by a member of the Flaming Fist, who hacked of her dominant right arm and left her for dead. However, Dzarya was found by priests of Ilmater, who staunched her bleeding and kept her alive despite knowing she was an enemy combatant. Dzarya woke up in the temple, realizing that she had both been left behind by the fleeing githyanki and that she had lost her spellbook and silver sword, Dzarya fled from the temple in shame and disgrace, knowing that she would never again be accepted by her people.   Fearing Flaming Fist patrols, Dzarya fled into Tumbledown in the Outer City, a decrepit slum, and attempted to find a way to locate her silver sword. Soon, she was forced to pawn nearly all of her jewelry and armor that hadn't yet been stolen to afford food and a place to stay. She also began to take freelance work for gold, and became a regular contractor for the Guild, the network of criminals that controlled Baldur's Gate's underworld, though she never officially joined them. Due to her location, Dzarya would often end up working for the Mourning Dove, the Guild kingpin of Tumbledown.   After enough pawning and contract work, Dzarya was able to afford an expensive prosthetic arm to replace the one she had lost, ordering it custom made to allow her to control its movement psionically. However, controlling it was still difficult, and Dzarya had to functionally relearn how to fight.   Deep in a depressive state and losing hope that she'd ever find her sword again, assuming it even was in Baldur's Gate, Dzarya found an place of genuine respite at the Unrolling Scroll, the temple of Oghma in Baldur's Gate and the city library. Though day passes into the Upper City were expensive, Dzarya traveled to the Unrolling Scroll to take advantage of the knowledge stored within. Though she had for some time been telling people she was a githzerai, the High Loremaster of the temple, Dominic Pelargo, instantly saw through her attempt at deception, revealing his knowledge of the gith people.   Dominic and Dzarya formed a strange friendship, as Dzarya was drawn to the wealth of knowledge Dominic had acquired over his life, and Dominic enjoyed probing Dzarya about the things she had learned as well. Though she still retained the typical githyanki stubborness and feelings of superiority, Dominic's nonjudgemental personality and deeply insightful questions slowly wore away at Dzarya's walls, forcing her to acknowledge him as an intellectual equal and slowly molding her into being far more open about others' experiences, challenges, and beliefs.   In 1494, Dzarya was contracted by the Mourning Dove to assist in a raid of the merchant ship Aremag's Blessing in order to steal the Helm of Torm's Sight so it could be fenced to the city of Elturel. Joning Dzarya were other contracted, non-Guild members, including Odun Greenhold, a half-orc Dzarya had worked with before. The raid went off successfully and the helm was turned over to the Elturian smuggler Buddy Novs.  


(See the Lost Star Detectives)   On the 2nd of Eleasis, 1497, Dzarya was in Elturel with the other raiders of Aremag's Blessing on another mission for the Mourning Dove. The smuggler Buddy had stiffed the group on payment for the fenced Helm, and Dzarya and the others were sent to shake him down and get their payment. By unfortunate coincidence, that day was also the beginning of the Damnation of Elturel. While the group was down in the underground Maze of the city, Elturel above them was teleported to Avernus, taking Buddy and Odun with it, and focing Dzarya and the others to scramble out of the giant bowl they foundthemselves in before they were flooded by the Chionthar River rushing in.   Unsure of what to do, Dzarya and the others joined a caravan of refugees from outside of the city and helped escort them to Baldur's Gate. Upon arrival to the gates to the Lower City, the group was informed that no one but Alesine Zadava, a resident of the Upper City, could enter without papers due to the state of emergency. Wanting to help the refugees and promised a payout, Dzarya joined the others in helping the Flaming Fist unravel the mysteries surrounding a string of murders committed by cultists of the Dead Three in order to get the refugees inside. The group, now calling themselves the Lost Star Detectives, in reference to Elturel's missing artifical sun, the Companion, unraveled a conspiracy connecting the Dead Three cultists to Duke Thalamara Vanthampur, a Zarielite cultist.   While in Baldur's Gate, Dzarya was also contacted by the Mourning Dove, who expected her cooperation in their ongoing turf war over Brampton and demanded she spy on the Flaming Fist for them, both tasks Dzarya elected to ignore. Dzarya also spent a brief portion of time imprisoned by the Watch alongside Alesine where the two began to bond, beginning their longrunning close friendship.   The Detectives were unable to stop Duke Vanthampur's plan to assassinate Duke Dillard Portyr but did kill Duke Vanthampur at the request of Blaze Liara Portyr. Upon kiling Vanthampur, the Detectives also retrieved the Shield of the Hidden Lord and an infernal puzzlebox, which they planned to take to Candlekeep to unlock and lie low after the chaos they caused in the city. For their aid, Liara Portyr gave Dzarya back her silver sword, which had been in the possession of Duke Ulder Ravengard since she lost it.   In Candlekeep, the infernal puzzlebox was opened to reveal half of Naja Bellandi's Pact with Zariel that resulted in the city's damnation. Knowing that they had the tool to the city's salvation, the Detectives elected to travel into Avernus and try and save the city. They were also joined by the amnesiac hollyphant Lulu, who was the companion of Zariel, Archduke of Avernus, when she was a solar.  


Dzarya and the other Detectives were teleported to Elturel's Dock District by the otter wizard Traxigor, where they met the vampire Klav Ikaia and helped stablize the encampment in Shiarra's Market. The Detectives then traveled across the bridge connecting the Dock and High Districts, fighting their way ultimately into High Hall and rescuing the refugees in the catacombs, led by Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard.   However, Dzarya's presence in Avernus had not gone unnoticed. Unbeknownst to Dzarya, one of the terms of Vlaakith's ancient pact with Tiamat was that no githyanki could enter Avernus without Tiamat's approval. In seeming violation of that pact, Dzarya was stolen away by abishai while in High Hall and imprisoned in Tiamat's Lair. In an bid to save the situation, Gykoth, the head liason for Vlaakith in Avernus, placed Dzarya in a cell with the githzerai Sha'sal Khou member Armag in a gamble that the two would bond. Gykoth was proven correct with Dzarya was willing and open to Armag's ideas of gith reunification. With this as evidence, and arguing that Dzarya's time in Baldur's Gate was a dereliction of duty, Gykoth successfully argued that Dzarya was a traitor and defector from the githyanki.   Dzarya was scheduled to be executed alongside Armag, but the two managed to escape from their captors and attempted to flee. Before they could, Dzarya was met by a red abishai that promised to save her in exchange for a pact to protect Katya Sinaran, a fellow Detective. Dzarya hastily agreed and was teleported back to Elturel, but Armag, who wasn't included in the deal, was left behind.   Back in Elturel, Dzarya had little time to process Armag's presumed death, as she was brought up to speed with the Detectives' adventures and joined them in ending the Siege of Helm's Shieldhall, where Xifira Mistmore, one of the Detectives was killed. Only shortly after, the Detectives fought a brutal battle to recross the bridge to the Dock District against the succubus bounty hunter Delle Bellfiend, who was after the Shield of the Hidden Lord. During the fighting, Dzarya was killed, and Arcus Miursa, the wielder of the shield, threatened to jump into the River Styx over handing it over to Delle to bring Dzarya back, as Alesine wanted. Instead, Delle was killed and Dzarya was brought back from the dead by Caelum Eridanus. Shaken by these collective trauamas, Dzarya found comfort in the Detectives and particularly her new friends Alesine and Lulu.  


Having stablized the situation in Avernus as best as they could, the Detectives then departed for the surface of Avernus to save Elturel. Following a lead from the god Torm, the Detectives arrived in Fort Knucklebones and found its Dream Machine, which had the ability to restore Lulu's lost memories and help the group find the Sword of Zariel, which could be used to either redeem the once-angel or as a powerful tool on their side. The machine's operator Mad Maggie informed the Detectives that the machine needed four materials to work properly and Katya made a deal with Maggie to get an infernal warmachine for their use. After a disasterous first outing with Whisk in the driver's seat, Dzarya became the Detective de facto driver.   The Detectives first traveled to Bel's Forge to find Phlegethosian sand and at the suggestion of the Shield of the Hidden Lord, which, seeing no other option between being used by devils or humanoids that didn't trust it, asked instead to be destroyed in the lava of the forge where it was created. The Detectives mission to the forge was a success, but the destruction of the shield revealed that the group had been played, as the imprisoned archdevil Gargauth emerged from the shield that served as his prison.   The Detectives then continued traveling Avernus, crossing Zariel's Bridge, investigating a drow prison, and visiting a crashed flying fortress.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Dzarya's most noticeable accessory is her custom-made prosthesis, which functions as well as her original arm thanks to a series of gears and levers that can be manipulated on the inside psionically. Doing so took Dzarya years to master, and the concentration needed to manipulate the arm while fighting and casting spells meant that Dzarya had to functionally relearn how to fight and use magic upon acquiring it.

Specialized Equipment

Dxarya's most prized equipment is her silver sword, which she was retained even after leaving the githyanki military, despite the target on her back that possession of it entails. Her silver sword, as befitting a gish, is a rapier instead of a greatsword, and Dzarya's psionic abilities allows her to wield the sword with nothing but her mind up to five feet away from her.

Mental characteristics


Dzarya originally held the same views towards sexual activity that most githyanki do, in that it is a fun distraction but nothing more. This is because, in part, githyanki do not pick romantic partners and any sexual activity for the purpose of procreation is dictated by githaynki command. After Dzarya was first exposed to the notion of sexual acts being done with romantic partners in Baldur's Gate, a concept previously foriegn to her, she began to doubt and overthink her feelings towards others, occasionally misinterpretting a close platonic friendship with romantic or physical attraction.   After joining the Sha'sal Khou, Dzarya was able to work through these conflicting feelings that many githyanki share upon leaving their hierarchy and developed a healthier and less confusing outlook on attraction.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dzarya is extremely intelligent and possesses decades upon decades of knowledge of the magical arts. This intellect was enhanced while in Avernus, when Dzarya gained a Tome of Clear Thought from the copper dragon Burney, which raised her capacity for knowledge far beyond most humanoid creatures.   Dzarya's existing and desire for more knowledge also manifests in a rigorous study for new spells and magical techniques. Most well known of these is Dzarya's Obscuring Aura, a spell that mimics the nondetection properties of Lulu's innate anti-magic field.


Contacts & Relations

Though she no longer resides in Baldur's Gate, Dzarya is still extremely close to Dominic Pelargo due to the way that he treated her and mentored her when she was at the lowest point of her life. It is because of this influence that Dzarya dropped her githyanki supremacist views, and whenever she visits Faerun, she always stops by the Unrolling Scroll.   Today, Dzarya spends most of her time with members of the Sha'sal Khou, working alongside established members and aiding new ones. Because of her experiences with the githyanki after the Baldur's Gate Uprising, Dzarya does not get involved in any infiltration missions into githyanki encampments, preferring to stay in Sha'sal Khou bases and study, train, and mentor. Of all the Sha'sal Khou, there is no one Dzarya is closer to than Armag, whom she met while imprisoned and told her about the organization to begin with.   Out of all of the members of the Lost Star Detectives, Alesine is Dzarya’s closest friend and confidant and remains as such for centuries. When they were briefly jailed together in Baldur’s Gate, Dzarya was at a time in her life where she was starving for connection and quickly began over-sharing and trusting towards Alesine, despite that trust not going both ways. Nonetheless, as they went through their adventures together, the two grew exponentially closer, leaning on each other in tough times. Alesine was the most openly relieved Detective when Dzarya escaped imprisonment at the hands of the githyanki and likewise seemed the most devastated when Dzarya was killed by Delle Belfiend. Following Dzarya’s resurrection, Alesine stayed by her side while she recovered her strength. That event intrinsically changed their relationship and brought them closer together. From then on, Dzarya would turn to Alesine for support and would insist on supporting her in return. Dzarya affectionately began calling her “Allie” on occasion. She trusted Alesine’s strategic intelligence and wealth of knowledge on devils. She was extremely supportive of Alesine’s decision to create a pact with Lulu. She felt out of everyone, Alesine was the most deserving of wielding the Sword of Zariel, despite also attempting to pull it herself. Dzarya even “jokingly” began referring to her as “Saint Alesine'' when the Detectives returned to Elturel to defend the city. Once the city had been saved and returned to the Material Plane, the two of them maintained a deep friendship for centuries after Alesine was turned into a solar.   Arcus distrusted Dzarya as soon as they met due to his oath against interplanar creatures, so Dzarya initially showed him the same amount of respect. She understood a touch of his xenophobia (as a githyanki herself that believed in gith supremacy), but she believed that you have to work with people you dislike in certain circumstances and should keep such views to yourself. She often found herself frustrated with him as he would act rashly with little consideration of the consequences, bemoaning the fact that she was often caught in the middle of butting heads and trying to find the compromises. Dzarya did feel a bit of connection with him when the two were at the Bloody Crescent and visited the Scales of Kelemvor, where she told him about some of her more hidden emotions and her apathy towards living. That connection was dashed when he later attacked Katya for killing Zilly Redwood, and Dzarya once again played mediator when the group had to sit down and hash out problems. She acknowledged and appreciated his willingness to improve himself following that. While she appreciates Arcus as a warrior and his dedication to a chosen cause, she considers him a failed friend, someone she could have connected with but ultimately failed to do so.   As the other oldest member of the Detectives, Dzarya respected Katya's wisdom and experience. What she did not respect was Katya’s toxic devotion to her drow goddess Kiaransalee. As Dzarya herself went through the process of stepping away from Vlaakith, Dzarya tried many times to share input and advice on how to leave. She was furious upon learning that Katya chopped off her hand on behalf of Kiaransalee. Nonetheless, Dzarya still respected Katya, though she was annoyed at having to play peace-keeper between her and Arcus on many occasions. Dzarya was happily shocked when Katya did not trade her to Tiamat in exchange for joining her wife Emmeryn and was extremely grateful. Ultimately, Dzarya was proud of the personal change Katya underwent during Elturel's Damnation, especially in leaving Kiaransalee for worship of Torm, though Dzarya does believe that Katya's relationship with Emmeryn is still unhealthy while hoping they can make it work in the end.   Upon meeting her, Dzarya was intrigued by Kinsey, who wanted to be treated like an adult but possessed a child-like innocence and cheerfulness that was rivaled only by Lulu. As the landscape of Avernus burned that naivete away over time, and Dzarya almost pitied her for it. She respected Kinsey’s desire for knowledge and occasionally tried to encourage and foster it. Dzarya especially tried to back her up in regards to trusting Burney, while also tempering her expectations with a less optimistic view, and wanting her to understand all potential outcomes. In her own way, Dzarya wanted to tutor Kinsey in critical thinking and hypothesizing beyond gut feelings. By the end of the campaign, Dzarya felt Kinsey came out from everything a lot more world-weary and maybe a bit less starry-eyed. Nonetheless, she thinks Kinsey has great potential for the future and knows she can accomplish much if she sets herself to it.   Though she was wary of the hollyphant at first, Dzarya did not outright despise Lulu to the level that Arcus did. Mostly, she just didn’t understand the her unwavering optimism and positive outlook. She warmed up to Lulu slowly, but what outright flipped the scale for Dzarya was experiencing death. After being brought back from the dead and having to regain strength, Lulu’s near-constant presence alongside Alesine’s was a massive comfort and reassurance. From then on, Dzarya trusted Lulu a lot more, eventually growing to love the hollyphant. She was very happy for Alesine when she took a pact with Lulu, feeling it would be good for both of them. Dzarya did, however, worry privately that the pact was acting as a replacement to the pact and relationship that Lulu had with Yael. Dzarya was happy for Lulu that Zariel was redeemed and turned against her devil-side. She tries to keep in contact with at least Lulu as the hollyphant and ex-archduke wander the Material Plane.   Whisk was a wild card for Dzarya from the moment she joined. Dzarya knew that Whisk was only ever part of anything for herself but not maliciously. She embodied the phrase “here for a good time, not for a long time” more than anyone Dzarya had ever met. Whisk was chaos incarnate and could roll with the punches, and she would back you up if an idea sounded good enough. The fact that Whisk actually enjoyed being in Hell almost felt like a slap to the face at times. She aspired to become a warlord, though Dzarya was never fully sure if it was a legitimate goal or just another “fun” idea for Whisk. Whisk did manage to bond with Arcus more than the rest of the group was able to, and Dzarya was grateful that someone could get past his walls. Though the two haven't kept in contact, Dzarya does hope for the best for Whisk.   Dzarya didn’t have much time to get to know Xifira, though she appreciated her love of music and they connected over that initially. She was devastated by Xifira’s brutal death; her emotions were already frayed and bare as she had just escaped prison not long prior, and to see the young life snuffed out so quickly in such a horrific manner was heartbreaking. Dzarya knows she was turned into a devil per Creed Resolute and that her devilish soul was snuffed during the Battle of Elturel, but she still hopes that Xifira is at peace wherever her soul has ended up. Or at least, that she is no longer in pain.

Religious Views

Because of her close relationship with Dominic Pelargo, a loremaster of Oghma, Dzarya holds great personal respect for Oghma. Though she doesn't pray to the god on a regular basis or for aid when solving a problem, she does send newly discovered information his way, such as when she creates new spells.   Because of the cult-like environment she grew up in, where following a greater power involves complete and utter devotion, Dzarya is unaware that the way she treats Oghma is still a form of worship to the diety.
Date of Birth
1st of Hammer (date celebrated)
Year of Birth
1201 CR 297 Years old
Brown, long and braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green with occasional brown dotted spots
7 ft.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
by Ashley
Dzarya as she appeared as a githyanki raider  
by Ashley
Dzarya as a member of the Lost Star Detectives   
by Ashley

Cover image: by Julian Koch, © Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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