Kelemvor Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Kelemvor is the Faerunian lawful neutral god of death. Once a mortal man, Kelemvor has taken it upon himself to reassure mortals that death is a natural part of life, and his worshippers are often tasked with allowing people to peacefully pass on when their time approaches.

Tenets of Faith

Kelemvor's doctrine emphasises the naturalness of death and the importance of distinguishing between the living and the dead. Ardents are encouraged to allow the old, the infirm, and the ill to peacefully pass to the afterlife when it is there time.   Kelemvor also harbors a special distaste for undead and necromancers, and his followers were encouraged to seek out necromancers and allow the undead to finally return to their rest.  

The Doomguides

  Among Kelemvor's allowers, none were more renowned than the Doomguides, who embodied their gods ideals and set out into the world to give a peaceful death to those ready to pass on and to slay those that would misuse the dead.
Divine Classification
by Ashley
The transforming shield used by the Doomguides, the most militant of Kelemvor's followers. The center of the shield bears Kelemvor's holy symbol.


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