Tiamat's Lair Geographic Location in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Tiamat's Lair

Tiamat's Lair is a divine, sublayer of Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, which straddles the border between Avernus and Dis. It is both the home and prison of Tiamat, the mother of chromatic dragons.


Tiamat's Lair is comprised of two parts. The first is the above-ground portion of the lair, which is synonymous with the massive highway that runs between Dis and Avernus, built into a vast canyon and bordered on all sides by nearly endless watchtowers. The second portion contains the majority of Tiamat's Lair, and is an interconnected labyrinth of tunnels that bore deeper and deeper into the ground.   The deepest areas of the lair contained Tiamat herself, the Dragon Queen's hoard, and other items and locations of great import, such as the Chromatic Pentagram.

Fauna & Flora

The vast majority of the creatures that reside in Tiamat's Lair are abishai, the infernal jailors and servants of Tiamat that enforce the Dragon Queen's will while keeping her trapped. Additionally, the above ground portions of the Lair are eternally guarded by chromatic dragons that keep watch over any devils or creatures passing near or through the lair.


Most visitors to Tiamat's Lair are merely passing through from Dis to Avernus or vice versa. Making use of Tiamat's portal to Dis requires offering the Dragon Queen a great sacrifice or offering, which are subsequently added to her nearly infinite hoard.   Few, outside of the abishai, venture into the true depths of Tiamat's lair, save for prisoners of the Dragon Queen or for the occasional representative of the githyanki, whose leader Vlaakith shares an ancient treaty with Tiamat.
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Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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