Hollyphant Species in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Hollyphants are a type of celestial that resemble small, golden-furred elephants, with the ability to transform into large, radiant war mammoths. Though they resemble animals, they are in fact sentient, often acting alone or with other celestials in service of the forces of good.

Basic Information


By default, hollyphants appear to resemble golden elephants with wings on their back, which allows the hollyphant to fly. however, a hollyphant was also capable of turning into a form that resembled a large mammoth or mastodon, greatly increasing their size. This transformed appearance also included large, flight-capable wings.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While hollyphants are physically unable to speak any language other than Celestial, they are capable of communicating telepathically with any sentient, language-capable individual. This telepathic communication bypassed language, allowing the hollyphant to speak with any creatures, even if it did not know their language. Unique among telepathic species is the hollyphant's ability to communicate with multiple creatures telepathically at the same time and to act as a host for other creatures to communicate telepathically with each other.   In addition to their telepathy, hollyphants are at all times the center of a 10 ft. sphere of magical interference, that prevents certain spells cast outside of their aura from affecting any creatures inside of it. This aura does not prevent creatures inside of the sphere from casting spells outside of it, and hollyphants can, with concentration, lower this barrier. In addition to spells, this aura also interferes with magical detection.   Finally, hollyphants in both of their forms are capable of expelling powerful magic through their trunks, either a blast of air that damages creatures in its wake or showering an area with magical sparkles that leave good-aligned creatures unharmed but damage neutral and evil ones.   Combined with their limited, innate spellcasting, and hollyphants are prized by many for their worth as companions in travel and in war.
Lulu, a hollyphant, in her base form
Average Height
2 ft. (base) 12 ft. (mastodon)
Average Weight
60 lb. (base) 1200 lb (mastodon)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Aleksi Briclot, copyright Wizards of the Coast


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