Avernian Flying Fortress Vehicle in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Avernian Flying Fortress

An Avernian Flying Fortress is a massive, mobile fortress and siege weapon used by the archdevils of Avernus in their endless Blood War against the forces of the Abyss.

Power Generation

Avernian Flying Fortresses are powered, like many infernal machines, from the souls of the damned. Unlike the infernal warmachines, which can operate for a time with a single soul coin's worth of energy, Flying Fortresses need to be periodically refueled by the frothing souls in the River Styx. When fuel is needed, the dagger-like protrusion at the bottom of the Flying Fortress is plunged into the Styx, siphoning up the souls within until the Flying Fortress returns to full capacity.

Weapons & Armament

Outside of the ability to transport large amounts of devils to battle, each Flying Fortress is equipped with a series of seige weaponry, such as ballistae, that allow for the bombardment of enemy forces over great distances.   Flying Fortresses were also command centers for each of the Blood Legions and were equipped with unique machinery that allowed for telepathic messages to be sent to all nearby devils within a mile of the fortress, which allowed for on the fly military orders to be given.

Armor and defense

The Flying Fortresses are equipped with dense armor plating on the outside to protect against external attacks. Internally, hallways and important centers in the Flying Fortresses are guarded by mechanical seeing eyes that are able to automatically send off spells when they detect enemies. These spells generally range from first to fifth level and can include Alarm, to gather reinforcements, to spells meant to incapacitate attackers, such as Fireball.

Communication Tools & Systems

Outside of the telepathic generator, a series of tubes connect the entire fortress to the command center, where verbal orders can be relayed to any part of the ship. In addition, passageways large enough for imps allow the small devils to both travel from one section of the ship to another at speed while also carrying messages, if need be.

Hangars & docked vessels

As the ships are enternally floating, the lower hangars of the Flying Fortress can recieve newcomers via the use of a hovering pad that can be directed in and out of the fortress. The upper hangers are almost entirely for the use of the fortress' flying inhabitants to embark and disembark as needed.
Ariybd 150 ft.

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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