Blood Legion Military Formation in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Blood Legion

The Blood Legions are the eight legions that serve as the primary miliatry force of the Nine Hells on Avernus, eternally opposing the demons of the Abyss in the never-ending Blood War.



Each blood legion is commanded by a member of the Dark Eight, eight archdevils that serve directly underneath the archduke of Avernus., who can assume command of any given blood legion at any time, though doing so risks the wratch of its archdevil commander.   Each blood legion is then made up with an incredible large number of legions, that range in scholarly sources from hundreds to thousands (with many scholars sticking to symbolic numbers, such as six hundred and sixty-six or one thousand and one). Operating between the members of the dark eight and the legions are the tribunes or tribuni, that relay instructions and commands with the authorit of their commander.   Each legion is then made up of a host of cohorts, both of which are numbered and traditionally identified by the cohort number followed by the legion number. For example the 12th cohort of the 374th Cavalry Legion would be referred to as the 12/374). However, many legions and cohorts have titles or nicknames that harkon back to honors the group had won in battle, famous founding or commanding officers, descriptions of the legions' make up or more.   Cohorts themselves are usually designed for a specific role, such as aerial cavalry, infantry, subterrene, etc. While there are legions made up of only one type of cohort, such as the 347th Cavalry Legion containing only cavalry cohorts, others are mixed unit, such as Zariel's 5th Legion, which contained the 3rd Aerial Cohort, 7th Infantry Cohort, and 9th Cavalry Auxilary).   Auxiliaries are similar to cohorts, but usually smaller in size or with niche utility.  

Key Military Ranks

  • Optio (pl. optiones): Field officers who command small troop units within a cohort
  • Primus (pl. prima): The equivalent of a lieutenant. Generally have several optios reporting to them
  • Triarius (pl. triarii): The commanding officer that prima report to, and who reports to the leader of cohort
  • Signifier (pl. signifiers): A lesser leader of a cohort or auxilery
  • Princep (pl. principia): The leader of a cohort
  • Legate (pl. legates): The commander of a legion, equivalent to a mortal general
Overall training Level

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


Author's Notes

All credit of this section goes to the Alexandrian, specificallytheir post on the ranks of Hell.   I have summarized parts of it here for easse of personal reference, but I encourage anyone to check out the origianl post for more information and to support a good creator. Nothing reprinted here was done for the purpose of monetization.

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