Dark Eight Organization in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Dark Eight

The Dark Eight is the collective title given to the eight archdevil generals that control the eight Blood Legions of Avernus and serve under the archduke of Avernus.


The members of the Dark Eight are elevated to their position by either the archduke of Avernus or Asmodeus himself, with Asmodeus having the final word between the two. While members of the Dark Eight can be demoted out of their position, such a decision is likely to cause a civil war, as the demoted archdevil is unlikely to give up their position without a fight. As such, demotions are not done likely.   Each member of the Dark Eight is theoretically on equal standing with one another, though the intricate web of deals, betrayals, blackmail and more that define Hell's politics make this functionally untrue in practice. Members of the Dark Eight are also on the shortlist to become the next archduke of Avernus, but Asmodeus need not select from their member when determining a new archduke.


Similar to all devils, the Dark Eight constantly vie against one another for control while waging the neverending Blood War against the demons of the Abyss. Additionally, while the members of the Dark Eight are subserviant to the archduke of Avernus, the Dark Eight often quarrel with their commander. Some scholars have argued that this situation, where the Archduke of Avernus has no dedicated Blood Legion of their own but instead makes use of the legions of the Dark Eight, was intentionally designed by Asmodeus to foster instability to keep the devils of Avernus scheming against each other instead of him.
Leader Title
Notable Members
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Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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