Bel Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Bel (a.k.a. the Risen General)

Bel is an archdevil of the Nine Hells, a current member of the Dark Eight, and a former archduke of Avernus.  


Unlike nearly all other archdevils, Bel originally arrived in Hell as a lemure, the lowest rung of devil, the result of a mundane life lived sinfully. However, Bel slowly fought and crawled his way up from the bottom, rising through the ranks of Hell as a result of deals made with mortals, timely betrayals of those above him, and tactical accumen in the Blood War. These efforts were rewarded when Bel became a member of the Dark Eight under the reign of Archduke Gargauth.   As the commander of a Blood Legion, Bel distinguished himself for his ingenious use of new weapons of war, designed and created in the ancient volcano forge Bel claimed as his own. Though it existed for millennia before Bel, and had even belonged to Gargauth at one pont, the location became inexerably linked to Bel, and it became known as Bel's Forge.   After centuries of planning, Bel greatest moment came when he overthrew Gargauth and was proclaimed archduke of Avernus in his stead, the first archduke to ever rise from the lowest ranks of Hell. For centuries, Bel ruled Avernus and led the armies of Hell in the eternal Blood War. Bel's nature as an inventor led to many great technological breakthroughs during his reign, most notably the mass adoption of the Flying Fortresses. Bel also had the chance to once again humiliate Gargauth when the latter attempted an invsion of Hell with a collection of dark gods from Toril. After his defeat, Gargauth was spared by Asmodeus in exchange for having to bring ten cities and all of their occupants into Hell. During the duration of this task, Gargauth was to be sealed inside of the Shield of the Hidden Lord, an act that was performed by Bel himself.   In the 13th century, Hell was nearly torn apart in a civil war that began when Bel was poisoned and placed in a magically induced coma. Dispater, archduke of Dis, was blamed for the act and the forces of Hell split along two lines. However, as he was incapacitated, Bel was unable to participate in the war and was spared the brutal culling that resulted from it.   Though his reign was long, it eventually came to an end. In the early 15th century, Bel and the Blood Legions were caught unaware when a massive force of baatorians appeared behind the front lines, cutting off supply lines and throwing Avernus into chaos. In the resulting Rift War, the baatorian forces siezed fortresses that Bel had left abandoned, believing them unneceesary, and use them as forward bases to keep striking at the infernal legions. The forces of Hell were ultimately saved by Zariel, a member of the Dark Eight that was freed from imprisonment in Tiamat's Lair and who rallied the Blood Legions, ultiamtely ending the Rift War and slaughtering the surviving baatorians. For his failures, Bel was demoted back to the Dark Eight, and Zariel was elevated in his stead.   Bitter and insulted, Bel accepted his demotion but never stopped scheming about how to take back the archducal seat. However, Bel's humiliations weren't over. In 1497, during the Damnation of Elturel, the Lost Star Detectives infiltrated Bel's Forge with the intent on stealing some Phlegethosian sand. The adventurers also had the Shield of the Hidden Lord in their possession. The Detectives, unaware that the shield was Gargauth himself, had been convinced by him to toss the shield into the lava at the depths of the forge. While the Detectives believed this would destroy the shield, they did not expect Gargauth himself to emerge from it. Bel shocked by his old rival's appearance, attempted to duel Gargauth but was overwhelmed and forced to retreat, forfeiting the forge to Gargauth. Bel attempted to regroup in the nearby Purple City, an infernal settlement located along the River Styx, but before he could strike back, Zariel was redeemed during the Battle of Elturel, and Gargauth, expecting this, rallied the Blood Legions abandoned in her wake. Asmodeus then crowned Gargauth the archduke of Avernus, angering Bel further, who remained in the Dark Eight.
Lawful Evil
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Scott Murphy © Wizards of the Coast


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