Baatorian Species in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Baatorians are the fiendish original inhabitants of Avernus from the time before Avernus was the first layer of the Nine Hells and was instead a paradise.   Just as Avernus was warped and twisted by its location in Hell, becoming an desolate, craggy wasteland, the baatorians were also twisted and warped from their paradisiacal forms, becoming true fiends, though ones typically outside of the normal infernal hierarchy.   For millennia, baatorians were systemically hunted by the infernal legions of Hell and either forced into their heirarchy or exterminated. By the early 1400s, it was believed that all independent baatorians had been eradicated. That was proven to be incorrect, as hordes of baatorians emerged from under the skin of Avernus in 1414, throwing the forces of Hell into dissarray in the resulting Rift War. However, the baatorian forces were defeated by the archdevil Zariel and were slaughtered in the process.   While baatorians continue to be used by devils, the infernal legions continue to be on a state of heightened alert for any further holdouts or remnants of baatorian forces.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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