Grey Mountains Geographic Location in The March | World Anvil
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Grey Mountains

Stretching nearly a thousand miles in length, the Grey Mountains are a majestic expanse that run westward from the shores of Addam like a beltway, separating the lands between the Imperial Republic and Durand. The mountains spread in a central bulge, hosting some of the highest peaks known in the world of the March, along with sprawling valleys in between. The mountains slip into older rounded peaks and foothills as the range continues west along the southern borders of the Frontier. Here it changes from peaks into arid badlands and mesas that continue into the Maldita Desert. The Mountains are the source of many of the rivers that flow into Addam creating the Riverlands province, and also the southern marshes of Durand. Most of the mountains are heavily forested, though the highest peaks and ranges are under near constant snow.
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