Rophnýnic Marble Material in The Kaleidoscope System | World Anvil

Rophnýnic Marble

Table of Contents
Marble which is known for its intense blue and green colors.


Material Characteristics

Rophnýnic marble is a grainy blend of green and blue rock in irregular patterns. It can also include specks of pure copper between the copper-rich minerals which cause these colors. The material appears grayish and glittery in its raw state. However, when the surface is polished and sealed with póa wax, the natural colors are intensified and the material takes on a characteristic shine.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The marble is hard but slightly porous, and therefore likely to soak up fluids if it is not sealed. It is also susceptible to acid damage.

Geology & Geography

As the name indicates, this particular type of marble is found in the Kingdom of Rophnýnis which encompasses the northern end of the Vimrydó mountain range.

History & Usage


This type of marble has been used in Rophnýnic architecture as early as 700 NN. The traveling logs of Malórin the Explorer also mention flourishing trade relations between Rophnýnis and its eastern neighbor, the Kingdom of Ronochis, whose inhabitants were similarly fond of this beautifully colored rock.   When Malórin brought samples of this material back to Nimýris, it quickly caught the attention of the nobility. Due to the long distance and great weight, it was expensive to transport sufficient quantities of marble to the kingdoms north of the Vélyphola Desert. Incorporating it into a building was a sign of great wealth and usually only affordable for the royal families. Unsurprisingly, the Imperial Palace is widely known for its heavy use of the prestigious material.


Trade & Market

The port city of Nalanmar still plays a key role in exporting the marble. While the invention of the steam engine in 1363 PN has made it considerably easier to transport the rock slabs across the land, cargo ships continue to be the most convenient method.
blue and green with specks of copper

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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Dec 10, 2020 01:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Wow, this marble sounds so beautiful. I can see why people would want to have things made out of it. I like the detail that it's porous and susceptible to acid damage, just like real life marble. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 10, 2020 08:12 by Kaleidechse

Thank you! :D I like incorporating real-life details like that to make things more credible.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.