
Table of Contents
Manforeda were technicians who specialized in maintaining buildings in Rilanga times.



A manforeda was trained for maintaining and repairing a building's electric wiring, as well as machinery such as heating and ventilation. Besides that, they were often experienced in cleaning various surfaces and perfoming gardening tasks.

Career Progression

After a year of introductory classes, a noguf e manforeda (maintainer-in-training) entered an apprenticeship with a manforeda mulub (master maintainer). Apprentices generally assisted in maintaining larger buildings, gaining more responsibilities as they gathered experience. After several years of apprenticeship, their qualification was attested by their mentor and they were free to apply for a full position elsewhere.   In order to take on apprentices of their own, a manforeda needed to attend advanced classes which focused on teaching skills and the evaluation of an apprentice's skill level. During that time, they generally worked for a manforeda mulub who supervised them while they taught their first apprentice.

Payment & Reimbursement

A manforeda used to earn a low to moderate wage, depending on their career progression and the kind of building they were responsible for.



Manforeda took care of larger buildings such as residential and office complexes, educational institutions or commercial and industrial sites. This allowed the people living or working there to focus on their own respective tasks and responsibilities.

Social Status

They often faded into the background, overshadowed and taken for granted by the building's inhabitants. This divide was especially notable when the latter were academics or other non-physical workers.



They used to own a comprehensive set of general-purpose tools which most of them acquired over the course of their apprenticeship. Depending on the building for which they were responsible, they also handled specialized equipment such as heavy-duty appliances, precision instruments or transport vehicles which were usually supplied by their employer. So were cleaning and gardening implements such as brooms, rakes, detergents or pesticides.
Alternative name(s)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


Author's Notes

Nothing too spectacular - but over the course of the Nonfi Nis game, the Op Family will certainly wish they had someone to take proper care of the shelter's technology.

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