Hooth's River Geographic Location in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Hooth's River

Hooth's River is a branch from the midway of the Tubisqu River in north-central Unenshuut, and with the Tubisqu and Sebat forms the northern-pointing peninsula that supports Keismeb and Memboti. The northern half of the river is in Unenshuut, while the southern half is in Seyis-Gol.   From the Tubisqu it runs directly south to the Unenshuut-Seyis-Gol border, and forms Seyis-Gol's westernmost border. Its southernmost third forks into two, but both are considered Hooth's River still -- if needed, they are referred to as the western or eastern fork, or occasionally the Sheilaris Fork or Thusutalis Fork for the falls in which the river ends at the Precipice. The Order of the Burning Crown sect the Communion of the Sublime Fall is situated on the Sheilaris.
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