Communion of the Sublime Fall Organization in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Communion of the Sublime Fall

The Communion of the Sublime Fall is a small but fervent sect of the Order of the Burning Crown, located solely at their Temple of the same name at the Sheilaris and Thusutalis waterfalls (the termination of Hooth's River at the Precipice) of southwestern Seyis-Gol, near the border with Unenshuut.   They are largely secretive and knowledge of their existence is not widespread, even among Crownists. Those that do tend to label them -- perhaps more accurately -- as a cult. While they believe in the same Crownist origin myth of the Placing of the Crown, a thick vein of existential dread has led them to believe in ritualistic suicide by ceremonial leaps from the Precipice as 'a final act of cleansing and ascension': the individual will either be judged as sinful and unworthy and fall to the Depths, or they will be judged as virtuous and worthy and ascend to Ieb, as the ultimate place of peace and harmony.

Mythology & Lore

The creation myth The Placing of the Crown.
Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Parent Organization


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