Memboti Settlement in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Memboti (Memm-BOUGHT-ee)

Memboti is a large town situated a day's good ride directly south from Keismeb in central Unenshuut; indeed, with the slope of the land it is visible from the capital. It is bordered on either side by Hooth's River to the east and the Sebat River to the west, across the latter of which is Eibe. It also sits close to the border with Seyis-Gol.


A modest but fervent military, including koza-riders.

Guilds and Factions

Gild Cloudbinder has had significant influence on the design of the town.


It was sacked in the Season of Waiting, 982AC by Xa'aroch as a greater demonstration of his abilities, but rebuilt not long after.     During the War of the Six it served as the southernmost point of the Central Theater, though it did not see much action.


It has notably 'fanciful' architecture due to Gild Cloudbinder, which has attracted ambitious architects and artists.
Large town
~45,000 post-war
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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