Baon Settlement in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Baon (BOWN)

Baon is an old village founded around the Baon Well, the end-point of the Praethin River in eastern-central Kiva where it vanishes underground. The village was founded in approximately 400AC by the Bephtalpet Tribe, who decided to settle there when twelve-year-old Bejol aku'Phaetun had a vision by the Well -- the village was then named for the Baon Well itself.   Although Baon is an important site for Creedists as the residence and resting place of the founder, Bejol aku'Phaetun, and thus the cradle of the faith, its population remains small and has not changed much in several centuries. It is tradition for Creedist Avatars to take up residence in the village but this is not always the case.   The Well is also an Ega Root and as such, has some relevance for Sehndists and the House of Leavings.


Many of the inhabitants are descendants of the original founders and though no longer nomadic, still refer to themselves as  Bephtalpet.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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