
Hallowed be the Specters of Blood, Pride, and Enmity!
We of chosen blood, mortal mind, and cursed body


They be like children lost to ashes, sired of wet wood and frontier dreams, a progeny whose spirit sets the heart of millions ablaze.   Know well their passions of ardor, the depths of their savagery, the tomes of born of their cunning, and the pillars that define their great sorceries, for these be the virtues much valued by them of hallowed blood. Sentimental beings, daemons, who fall just as easily to the seductions of lust, avarice, and war. And yet, while strife and treachery lie abundant as a field of blooming meadows. The zeal of Ynellian is graceful and delicate as the petals of a red rose, their love fickle-like rolling tides, and their homes bountiful and immensely warm.   You'd not uncover any Hyyl born of the frontier that would see them nothing more than the most marvelous of artisans, shrewdest purveyors of war, artful linguists, and conceited lords. And yet still, who are they to question the passion of Ynellian?   Their love. Their strength. Their pride.   No one."  
— -Woryk
  Their name comes from Swedish 'mellan,' meaning "between, betwixt," and the Romanian 'din,' meaning "in, of." So Ynellian, "the in-between," are supposed to be the first of their species. The first union between the Faeries and Men.   In concept, they're to essentially be a form of pseudo-vampiric race, beings requiring blood bursting with aura (a mana analog) to satiate their hunger and live to their fullest potential. As halflings, Ynellian greatly resembles the humans of this world. However, due to specific traits, they all carry many permanent physical distinctions to prevent them from going unnoticed in human society. These would be traits that I drew from the Norse Hulder, Scottish Baobhan sith, and Swedish Skogsrået.

Basic Information



Like the Ďagómaari, the Ynellian are considered a new species. One separate from Hyyl and Fae. The Ynellian share many of the alluring characteristics of the fabled Children of Night and well-known Sons of Âyrgoš. In biology, the Ynellian are humanoid in shape, though much larger and sturdier than their faerie and human ancestors.  


The Ynellian took after the Ašvâla, faeries born of Alora. They were Fae who were known for their sensuality, pride, and avarice. A tale from the Chaqe Ṱâyeme Qâḓesu describes a group of faeries who drank the blood of an elder divine, becoming mad, before drinking their kinsmen dry. They were known as the "Ašvâla," a cursed people enraptured by the aura-rich blood of men and beasts.   At a glance, the Ynellian appear to be carbon copies of these peoples. They have ears like that of a sly fox, sharp dagger-like canines, and short bushy tails that sway lovingly in the wind. Their nails even swallow all light, appearing black as the night. Their skin has a brownish almost violet tone, with sharp youthful features. And large almond-shaped eyes that range from a sterling emerald to a yellowish cerulean.   They're well known to be very sensual people of a particularly sinewy and nimble stature that exudes a presence of intoxicating passion and stifling majesty. Most Ynellian are slightly above average in height as compared to Hyyl.

Growth Rate & Stages


Born of the Âyrgoš, Ynellian are similar to Hyyl in appearance. However, due to their Ašvâlan ancestry, most true-blooded Ynellian wouldn't be physically mature until they're at most 65 to 100 years old. And they would reach old age between 450-530 years. As such, it's customary for Ynellian to usually sire, at most, three children between one's physical maturity (age 100) and middle age (age 300) before their physical decline (roughly around age 435).  
Growth Rate
If we're to be specific, Ynellian age a 1/4 of what a Hyyl normally would (Aging 25 years per every 100). A result of impeded growth. Ynellian ages similarly to Hyyl for most of their early childhood (1-8). That is, until early adolescence (10-14).
  • Explosive growth in their aura induces a mindnumbing thirst for blood, enhanced physical capabilities, and a dizzying rise in their senses. Only after being "blooded" would the desire calm itself. And the body stabilizes, too, slowing their physical growth.
The Curse of Ašvâla
Keep in mind, this is a natural and yet magical phenomenon, a curse that has altered their biology over generations. Ynellian can curb or even push this phenomenon further depending on the quality of blood one drinks and at what age. For example, Green Nobles. They are known to drink the aura-dense blood of Fenbayân Nûřsyoca (holy beasts) which causes them to live nearly as long as Ďagómaari.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Since long before Exodus, the Ynellian peoples have been a hierarchical society. With the gradual renewal of monarchies, the Ynellian class system has gone through a renaissance of sorts, coming back into prominence. Based on the Marežian Status System of 1412 R.G. and Frontier Naming Traditions, the Ynellian peoples are divided by diet, ancestry, and merit. (Keep in mind that the classes change based on the culture, and some classes are predominant or nonexistent in some Ynellian societies.)  
Omrâvm Sûcht - Red Royals
Though most of their lineage stems from the great Order Môřchim, these Ynellian can be considered the highest order in status and power. Their clans are reviled by Hyyl as murderers, resented by their brethren as arrogant, but regarded by all for their immense power.
  • Diet: They who feed upon Hyyl, Ďagómaari, or Írbhailšenn unsatiated by the bitter blood of lesser ilk such as monsters and divine beasts. Red Royals bare eyes tinged a murky Sûcht (blood), speckled in violet fire.

  • Merit: It is the Red Royals who inherited the Mainland's southern reaches. Their number, controlling the flow of Ťanyoch Dergon and Derq'ond Îayr. Because in Ynellian society, only their offspring become sages and transmogrifiers of great renown.
Ebrâqon Mare ṱâv' - Green Nobles
Born of the artisans, merchants, and commoners of Edřeuzve Čavs, they are the mighty descendants of the , Pelože Mare ṱâv' (Viridian Spring). These Ynellian hold a status equal if not a little lesser than the Red Royals, and yet they are the most revered amongst Ďagómaari and Hyyl. Adored for their fidelity, passion, and mastery of coin.
  • Diet: These nobles feed upon divine beasts such as the L'aune Kol, born of oath and traditions. They savor the sweet nectar of sacred beasts. Their eyes are vibrant Mare ṱâv' (bluish emerald color), holding flecks of gold or silver.

  • Merit: They are known today throughout the Isyalas Asrîlean world as the Marežians of the North and South Crescent, the Chanters of the Red Bay. For no one other than the Marežians can produce such colorful and boisterous chants. For it is their Crescent Company that directs the winds of trade, their company that established the kingdom of Marež Čavio, and their ingenuity that brought hail sugar to the world.

Esreyân Qabreji - Orange Children
The reviled descendants of Houses Amarídeus. As former royals, their status should eclipse that of the Red Royals and Green Nobles combined. Yet they wallow in the blacks sands of Cea Marecâs hated by all.
  • Diet: They who cannibalize their fellow Ynellian, draining them violently of their heavenly essence. These Ynellian bear eyes of Qabreji (Orange), with splotches of muddy brown within.
  • Merit: They are known to the Eastern world as renowned ferrymen, vicious pirates, and bloody thieves who fall easily to the seductions of blood and gold. They guard the black sands of Cea Marecâs with cunning and cruelty.

Nascha câd ṱevâ - Purple Eyes
The last seeds of Dainèll, losers and betrayers. They are the common rabble of all Ynellian society, the lowly ones, commoners. The ones oft-seen throughout the Isyalas Asrîlean.
  • Diet: These Ynellian feed on the blood of lesser beasts such as the orfia and hibhan, for necessity and status. Their hunger is quite agonizing, coming on in waves. The blood fills but is somewhat lacking. They bear eyes tinged a hauntingly pale želaq (Lilac), the iris growing more green as the color moves further from the pupil.

  • Merit: They keep the cogs rolling, the coin flowing, and the blood cold. "They can't well have royals do the work, can they?"
Nascha Pela'û - Blue Eyes
They are the gutless Blue Eyes who forgo their true nature. They have torn out their fangs, living in abject agony, as the harrowing hunger claws and pecks at their mind incessantly. They bare the eyes of Pela'û (blue), a most sickly and pale blue. You'd not find them anywhere near common society. Or, so one is told. Could they be the lost progeny of Ochèvairra?

Average Intelligence

Average, their intelligence is equal if not a little greater than that of Man.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Chavic Clans

The Âyrgoš Lineage
Before the Esrîl Astûleiâ (Second Age), a "clan" was several tribes of one's blood kin led by the head chieftain of the families. It was a patriarchal clan built on blood ties and shared customs. Where only the strongest and nimble among them could lead, that was the way of Âyrgoš. As the Ševesqi clan grew, swallowing the other Âyrgoš. A new clan system was born, Gheft Amto med, "the tree branch system."   Here, a prominent or head family would take charge, "the root." And those subfamilies, "the branches," of their lineage serve under them in exchange for support. That being coin, stature, or security. However, as the Esrîl Astûleiâ came, the Gheft Ṱevâ med, "berry branch system," was solidified.   While relation and lineage still followed back through the sons. Only those born of an esteemed line or figure, "the berry," could hold titles in Omregac Ostûreyâ îd Ešqâmenni (Second Kingdom of Men). Or put plainly, only those who achieved merits were worthy of titles. Magical, financial, intellectual, political, or martial.

Modern Clans

The Ynellian Gerontocracy
By the Omregac Et̬rúyech (Third Kingdom), the pillars of Čavic society were being pushed further and further into a meritocracy. And yet, on the other hand. The titles of clan leadership fell into the maw of Ynellian elders, "a gerontocracy." Naturally, the Ynellian overtook their Ševesqi ancestors. And, thus, becoming the new Čavs. But so to the realities of their Ašvâlan blood came to the fray.   As Ynellian, they were far more resilient than any mortal. Long-living, strong, and well-versed in Fettering sorceries. It was no wonder the Čavic Clan system changed once more. They would mirror "the body" and "the blood."
  1. Following the Law of Honor, all Ynellian must uphold the name of their lineage. As such, a "clan" wears the surname of their most notable pre-Et̬rúyech ancestor. The respected epithet of their ancestor.

  2. Ûghef Šindcha (elders) lead the clan's head and branches. Only Ynellian of nearly 300 years and older are allowed to vie for the title of ûghef šind. An Ûghef Šind does not serve a life-long term as clan leader. And will be unseated before old age, between 500 and 630 years.

  3. By Čavic law, there must always be more than three embritcha (heirs) per clan. The head family must sire at least three embritcha to succeed their line. However, each subbranch must bear at most two. "One to lead, two to grow." Note1

  4. A "clan" consists of one's immediate family (grandparents, parents, and siblings) as well as their close relatives (paternal 2nd and 3rd cousins), their Suíbřan (oathbound), and Churlastcha sûcht (blood servants).Note2

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Ynellian Legacy

A once-storied history of death and exile becomes naught but a simple folktale. The Chaqe Ṱâyeme Qâḓesu describes a group of faeries who drank the blood of elder Tsé Bhanc, becoming mad, before drinking their kin dry. They were known as the "Ašvâla" a cursed people who had become addicted to the aura-rich blood of men and beasts. It morphed their beautiful forms into something more...beastly.   The Ynellian, are by nature, a rather insatiable and prideful people swaddled in storied culture. Their history is one mottled in selfish politics, peerless craftsmanship, timeless melodrama, and loving kinship. The way their people weave together words into beautiful melodies of magick has sired numerous legends. Myths immortalized into the very depths of Frontier culture. And yet, their prideful nature has elicited a ravenous appetite, lusting for passionate love, great affluence, cunning mischief, and eloquent artistry.   There are untold thousands of conflicts, of which their ambitions have caused. Numerous nations and ideologies they have birthed. So much so that the image of the Ynellian has ascended to near-mythic status, with they descendant from them known for birthing the most astute, ruthless, and deeply passionate rulers in all of history.   You will find many a romance written about the Ynellian or the many people associated with them.

Art & Architecture

Before their rise to kingship, the Čavs held a somewhat naturalistic mentality. Their views placed practicality over sentiment as they mostly emulated faerie society.

  • Like them, the Čavs took to becoming adept foresters that maintained the forests. Trees, such as the duskwood, were perceived as holy for its black color and sturdy quality. Their use, in time, became synonymous with famous vessels and sacred constructions which were often followed by replanting.
  • Living in Derq'onia, the Čavs were sea ferrying people. They revered the shores and knew the sea and its rivers like the back of their hands. Most of their folklore represented their fascination, fear, and reverence of the forests and sea. A trait that carried over into their craftsmanship.
  • As the Ynellian grew into the prominent Čavs, much of their embellishments, emblems, and art reflected their ancestors' love of the sea and Cerpeskan highlands.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Hexadic Code

Ethnic Tradition ~ Social Codes
The Ynellian of today, like their ancestors before, are guided by canons of the Chaqe Ṱâyeme Qâḓesu. "the Black Chronicle of Achébheiron." Whether they be born of the Order Môřchim, long-lived heirs of Pelože Mare ṱâv', the tainted Crown of Amarídeus, or the last seeds of Dainèll, in modern Ynellian society, all laws, traditions, and codes find their precedent in the Black Chronicle.   And, though, there are many aspects of Ynellian culture that differ throughout the Isyalas Asrîlean. Then, severed by the riggers of time and war, divorced now by the spirit of thrones and topography. There is an undercurrent, one aspect of Ynellian culture that unilaterally binds and divides Čavio's fifth line. That would be the Hexadic Code, six laws spoken from the Black Chronicle. Six inherent tenets that all true Ynellian must uphold. Bound together, forming what many would call their societal fabric. They are:   Honor & Retribution: "We (Ynellian) fear death more than any other. For in it, everyone receives a clean slate, every man equal in the great dream. So, is every trial lost to the tides of time? Our prestige born of blood gone to its ebb and flow? No."   As such,
  • Code of Honor: Forefathers, laying the pillars that mold the vaunted cathedral of Ynellian culture, hallowed by the heirs and exalted in the epithets sung unto antiquity.
  • Code of Retribution: Atrocities of the material will incur divine fury and mortal punishment, burned into the tapestry of time and carved deftly into the oaths left behind.
  Woe & Wit: "Nestled into the heart (Čavic) legends, sown softly amongst the tales of Ynellian clans, they born of the heavens would fall oft to the allure of mortal sorrow and agony. Yes, swayed not by the silver of one's blade and the mangling of the mind. But, instead, the waste of power and allusion of repair."   So,
  • Code of Woe: There is nothing more profane than biting the mind through flesh. Therein, bending and twisting the soul through bodily torment. For, even the gods grew frightened at the loss of reason.
  • Code of Wit: The weight of words is to be like one's house and prestige, solid and unblemished. Nimble and full. May the tongue caught spurning the promise of words fall like a manor in disrepair, its honor consumed by smallness and ridicule.
  Blood & Pride: "What is he (Ynellian) but the crown of his lineage? Heirloom tempered on the altar of blood. Be he a Daemon? Creature supping upon mind and marrow. Or yet a Prince? Mortal who lords amongst lesser men. Bound is the nature of Ynellian in blood. Subservient to the essence of others for empowerment and sustenance. But so to a Daemon's ego."   Therefore,
  • Code of Blood: Blood, yes, that is our world. But, so too, an affliction. That is why the olden ways held to oaths of blood and order. A leash of codes and honor molded into our very traditions. As Ynellian, ask not for aid, no, help is for the weak. But trust and promises, those, are invaluable.
  • Code of Pride: As Ynellian, we walk the path lain by those before. Gods, but lesser. Hyyl, but greater. A pillar carved from marble shall not become stone. So let he who forsakes his pride fall, Ynellian no more. For, an heir may forgo his lineage but never his pride.

Nellédi's Kiss

Baptismal Rite ~ Bloodening
Since ancient times it was believed that the Ašvâla drank the naelle blood out of spite. To rebel against their brethren who were envious of their might. And, would have them lower themselves to Ceir and his blasted nine. Others would say it was a ritual, a mad dash for eternal youth, and immense power. Though in truth, it was something, not even the Ašvâla themselves had not expected. To think that the blood would come to change their very physiology.
"Their youthful features and robust magick were tied to the blood. They drank of it, consumed the hallowed blood of the L'aune Kol and Ro Ialvean with much vigor and savagery. They grew in strength, mighty with the tongue, and cruel with the sword.   Their blood ached, burned for aura-rich blood to wet their lips. The Ašvâla were gone. Savages gave way to their deathly hunger and desire."
  They were addicted, sustaining themselves on the candied nectar for dear life. For without it, their bodies became unstable and given way to ruin. Ravaged by an ungodly thirst that withers the skin and greys the temples. A ruin that robbed the warm embrace of Soarelle's light and fostered bloody death. What madness digs beneath the flesh, charing the veins as it mutilates the mind?   So, Nellédi's Kiss, or "the Blooding," came to be. It is this ritual, on a child's tenth birthday, that a youngling is born a true Ynellian. With the aid of their clan, the youngling kills or captures quality prey (be they Hyyl/Írbhailšenn/Ďagómaari/beast), and then drinks of its blood. It's crimson sealing their fate.

The Blood Pact

There is a saying in Ynellian culture that,
"In kinship, there be a strength. In lineage, there be power. But blood, that is everything."
  To us, it means that establishing good relationships can grant one a certain degree of strength while coming from renown or ancient lineage can bestow one authority, but in the end, it always comes back to blood.   In the end, the only thing you can trust is the stirring of blood, the hunger it entails, the strength it bestows, and the Chains of Red it creates.  
Suíbřan ~ Oathbound
The Suíbřan, or Oathbound of Ynellian culture, is a sacred right. One bestowed to very few. At their oldest, they are ancient branch families, blood sworn to their liege, "the Chains of Red." But at its most admirable, the Oathbound is an outsider avowed by a Ynellian as their blood kin.   It is a symbol of utmost trust and prestige. It represents the binding of two halves as one whole. Two people, two families, entire nations. Or the creation of a new one entirely. Outside of Čavic society, there is no equivalent. Friends, strangers, tribes, and even kingdoms become as one clan. Under one authority.

  • While they may not always inherit the same name, they become bound not by an oath between mortals but a curse of Nellédi, "the Saintess of Charms."

  • An Oathbound is not equivalent to some Churlaste sûcht. There can be several hundreds of blood servants to one clan, as they are considered menial slaves to their liege. They are food, slaves, knights, attendants, etc. An Oathbound, however, is family.Note3

  • There can only be two Oathbound per Čavic generation. ~ Roughly 300 years.


Short History

They, sired of a mutual cohabitation, were thus born of the Ašvâla, a group of faeries stripped of their wings and banished from the Courts of Isyala Siôbhea. And the ancient Âyrgoš, the young Čavic rulers of an ever-growing empire. It would have been easy for the Čavs to dismiss or even eradicate the Ašvâla in their weakened state. And yet, it was the unwavering deliberations of the Achébheiron which bore a fruitful union. The Ašvâla were without ally. A stable homeland, and were near mad of hunger. Being Fae, the Children of Grisha's greatest enemy. They very much expected to perish at the hands of Hyyl.   And yet, it was the Čavs who provided them sustenance and shelter, a warm place to call home. The Achébheiron who offered their sweet blood. And whilst they knew it was more so for self-gain than charity, the hospitality of the Čavic princes. It truly sired a great warmth in the hearts of many of the Ašvâla. It rekindled the festering enmity they still held for their cousins in the Alora. And so it was decided. They'd already broken the Oath Umbril. Drinking of hallowed blood. To break yet another taboo for their saviors was trivial, no, minuscule in comparison.   Who could oppose them now? The High Court of Nomari? No. They were síophea, Ašvâla! And thus, the Ašvâla join hands with the Čavs and bestowed upon their new brethren the arts of fettering sorceries.   And so was born the Âsmhil Omregac îd Ešqâmenni (the First Kingdom of Men), so to the Black Kings of Achébheiron, and the Great Ferrymen of Derq'onia.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
540 ~ 650 years
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Ynellian Halfling by Woryk

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:

The Veridian Spring

... 4135 B.C.W

Briinvara Vertheas, a time commonly referred to as the "the Veridian Spring," "the True Origin," or "the Green Flight." The most harrowing period in Marrízian history. It's beginning.

  • -3827 BV

    28 Ôtr Câfhecî 01:00
    -3823 BV

    1 Ôtr Câfhecî 28:00

    The Black Exodus
    Era beginning/end

    It is a day that no Dhagómaarĵ would ever forget. The moment when Caaṯhavil's light became that much darker. On the first hour of the twenty-ninth day, all true Fae vanished from the peninsula. Like "Effigies in the Cold Wind."

  • -2950 BV

    -2521 BV

    Hollow Dominion

    Although Quythomul Umregakta (Forth Kingdom) was nothing more than a paper gea (giant) of its times, the failing of the Ochèvairra dynasties and the Amarídeus Crown set the final nail in the coffin of a long-standing Chavic Greatness. As the Red Royals of the Order Morhím bickered and spat amongst themselves in the Deirkoniei, the Reiaule Dergon territory fell in disarray. As for Walcea Raurai of the north and its colonies, unprotected by the Amarídeus Crown. Is it no wonder those lands were set upon by the Dhakons, falling into Dhiamhae hands?
      Pitiful, what majesty lay in this last seed of the Chavic lineage?

    Additional timelines
  • -2945 BV

    Ôtr Řizmhes
    -1862 BV

    Ôtr Nam

    The True Heirs of Chavas Umregacta
    Population Migration / Travel

    Quythomul Umregacta had fallen, chewed up, and withered away by its enemies. A mighty star swallowed whole by the avarice of false kings. It lands bloodied by war and paranoia. Maybe it'd spread itself too thin? The nobles gobbled up too many? But in truth, did it ever really matter? For on that day, the black throne lay empty. Its gnarled corpse, brimming full of authority. A sweet aroma, calling out to wretched ravens dressed wholly in the rotten skin of desiccated men.  

    "Ord̬e mieger d̬ûa ìnige"
    Here falls the crown

    Forgotten Dells
    More reading
    Green Nobles
    Additional timelines
  • -2412 BV

    -2144 BV

    Birth of Northern Mercantilism
    Technological achievement

    Alei Quytho Dergonia (The Fourth Dominion) reinvigorated by exotic herbs, gold, and spices flowing in from the Syelvanic Isles once begins conquering the northern mainland.

    More reading
    The Timberlands
    Additional timelines
  • 265 BV

    408 BV

    Faervadii Verth al Mallúndara ~ Green Men of Midland
    Life, Relocation

  • 494 BV

    Ôtr Nan
    588 BV

    Ôtr Řizmhes

    Alfeadam algun Unrósu ~ Chanters of the Red Bay
    Diplomatic action

  • 767 BV

    997 BV

    Bharisham al Eisra ~ Knights of Eisra
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 867 BV

    Ôtr Câfhecî
    1210 BV

    Ôtr Condes

    Rise of the Unrósu Crescent Company
    Financial Event

Early Dacrian Age

4110 B.C.W 3258 B.C.W

The Early Dacrian Age, or the first centuries of the so-called "Age of Half-Light." For the Auollymir, it is an age of illustrious triumph. A fading history, melding into great myth and legends. But for the children of Nuabil Vertheas, it was just the beginning of their novel tapestry. Weary souls having long forgotten the sultry kiss of Cea Mharru, the lush crimson fields of Deirkoniei. Looking desperately for a new hearth, a master to bend spirit and sword for.
This age would see the birth of the Eisraese Chavs of Eisra, and the Viathorii Chavs of Walcea.

  • -1725 EDA

    12 Ôtr Řizmhes
    -1708 EDA

    30 Ôtr Câfhecî

    The Twilight Revolutions

    R̂i Oisrá Cr̂ilixe, "the Twilight Revolutions." While the events may have pushed the Timberlands into an era of cultural restoration. You must know that the Dhagómaarĵ's rise came at the cost of the Fourth Ynellian Empire. A collapse, which they were not wholly responsible for, further propelled the mainland into veritable chaos. The Dhagómaari were just one of many. Many waves that could no longer tolerate the wall that was Ynellian hubris.

    Additional timelines
  • -1675 EDA

    Ôtr Nam
    -1611 EDA

    Ôtr Řizmhes

    The Saintess of Bright Spring
    Religious event

    When one thinks of a knight-witch, who is the first that comes to mind, hmm? Lady Cuisruc? Witch Frajn? In̗meesfa? In the High South, dancing upon the fervent whispers of the faithful, there be only one name.


    Solme Masgullez ul'Emánfuisa.


    An auspicious name, one meaning "Brilliant-eyed Wizard, heir of the Blue Heaven."

  • -1512 EDA

    12 Ôtr Câfhecî 13:00
    -1362 EDA

    5 /7 06:00

    Ďoumachon̗e the Night Thorn
    Diplomatic action

    Gaavien lai Ipseusám, or "Gaavien the Night Thorn," was a radiant knight of the Black Sun.


    Under his glib tongue, much of the Báshriyé (Duskland) fell swiftly into the hands of the Church. His writings on the Vidrálé Saitenne (Moonseed) allowed for the bloodless assimilation of the Duskalanders tribes. With every flourish of his stylos, Gaavien created many of the earthen road networks that northerners use today.


    It was then, from 363 to 855, that he became the first priest-king of the Wildwoods of Duskland.

  • -1481 EDA

    Ôtr Nan
    -857 EDA

    Ôtr Jam'ardye

    Arimúnd the Fairy Branch
    Cultural event

    Long after Solme's glory, within the Yoláfise o'Sesgullóz Dásrille (Plains of Silver Bell), was a failed squire. A young man whose muspat sword would never fall under the Church of Black Sun.


    His name was Arimúnd Dzéḿastra.


    He was a pygmy known by many names. "Slave of the Silver Bell." "First Crown of the Dáchelon Sword." "Gajan Masdenef," mal-brand father of the Senósdenef (White March). And yet no name fits the philosopher-king better than Arimúnd i'Ľasgaan Sifa, 'Arimúnd the Fairy Branch.'

  • -879 EDA

    -386 EDA

    Birth of Northern Mageocracies

    Two hundred years after the fall of Dennattońe (Pale Facade), the people of the Caaṯhavilixe were finally free of the Ynellian's tyranny. As the Ynellian fled and the flames of rebellion cooled, many souls searched for solace in the chaos. Yes. A new light to cast away the dark. However, it would not be the revolutionaries who bring order to the north.


    But those children and grandchildren sired amongst the turmoil.


    It would be they who inherited the legacies of their ancestors. Kings sitting upon a Cerulean Throne.


    R̂'Auzon Dhacuonur, "The City of Druids."

  • 201 EDA

    Ôtr Condes
    239 EDA

    Ôtr Câfhecî

    Eisra the Braveheart

  • 291 EDA

    Ôtr Nam
    350 EDA

    Ôtr Jam'ardye

    The Eternal Throne of Eisraese

  • 532 EDA

    540 EDA

    The Massacre of Walcea Viathorii
    Disaster / Destruction

Middle Dacrian Age

3258 B.C.W 2533 B.C.W

  • -1633 MDA

    -1489 MDA

    Marríz Chaveìa ~ Rebirth of Chavas Umregacta

    It was said that the Somber Night fell over the Frontier with great vigor. As if the realm itself readily strode into a cycle of habitual slaughter. Fiery hearts of retribution thrust forth, screaming out wildly only to be masked by an era of countless fables and legend. No one was really sure who started it.


    All that is known is that it all began with the destruction of a single city and the howlings of countless thousands of Ynellian children.

  • -1088 MDA

    Ôtr Řizmhes
    -364 MDA

    Ôtr Câfhecî

    Raivis the Witch Sword

    Raivis Ousayoi, "the Witch Sword of Caadinnle."

    Additional timelines
  • -1051 MDA

    -321 MDA

    Saintess of Royal Winter

    Sánaska Caadiňl, "the Saintess of Royal Winter."

  • 3 MDA

    55 MDA

    The Great Collapse
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 59 MDA

    Ôtr Nam
    303 MDA

    Ôtr Nam

    Nuabil Vertheas ~ Green Nobles
    Political event

Late Dacrian Age

2533 B.C.W 1813 B.C.W

  • -1361 LDA

    27 Ôtr Condes
    -906 LDA

    14 Ôtr Câfhecî

    Cela Treu Iastrelle le Ghiarna
    Political event

    The Three Stars of Winter

  • -993 LDA

    -199 LDA

    Imperial Awakening
    Discovery, Scientific

    We knew very well that hílos contained unique properties, able to absorb and discharge magicks. However, it was Sir Phairein Corúgann who uncovered the true worth of augmentation. It is his work that brought about the principles of crystal-based layering and a new age of magick tools that followed. His work has defined the confines of the Modern era and new-age technologies.

    Additional timelines
  • 121 LDA

    Ôtr Jam'ardye
    557 LDA

    Ôtr Řizmhes

    Preillian Renaissance

  • 552 LDA

    45 Ôtr Řizmhes
    554 LDA

    36 Ôtr Nam

    The Siege of Thian'Nur
    Military action

  • 564 LDA

    1058 LDA

    Iathro-Qren Unification Wars
    Religious event

    More reading
    Clan Ua'Soarelia
  • 710 LDA

    736 LDA

    Soarelle's Curse
    Plague / Epidemic

Nellédic Cascade

1805 B.C.W 1534 B.C.W

  • 59 NC

    102 NC

    The Savage of Yirval
    Life, Publicity

  • 123 NC

    174 NC

    The Siege of Alva
    Military action

    More reading
    Clan Ua'Soarelia
  • 162 NC

    209 NC

    The Sacking of Daghei
    Financial Event

  • 236 NC

    246 NC

    Chastello Coliféo
    Construction beginning/end

    More reading
    Clan Ua'Soarelia

Iastrealic Age

1500 B.C.W and beyond

A period considered to be the modern era, the Iastrealic Age, "the Age of Stars and Insight." While many others, outside of the Gjuilian faiths, would call it the "Arch Age" or "Era Provenance." This period is a time that has seen the Koldairn's rise in power in the Aurynt subcontinent. From Fae magicks, philosophies, and technologies. And yet, also the push from enlightenment and democracy to the stability of the white monarchy. Enmity and expansion are the names of the game, as the layers of black republics peel and fall away. And, a new veil of white crowns falls over the land. This the modern world, more than 1400 years after the Tsearósan Rebirth.

  • -1773 FO

    11 Ôtr Jam'ardye 06:00
    -1773 FO

    11 Ôtr Jam'ardye 06:00

    The Boy of Thorns
    Life, Birth

    It was on this day that Iul Coliféo don Ua'Soarelia was born. One birth that turned what could have been a great shame of the Kaedyns into a spellbinding love story for all Marrizians. It cemented the status of Ua'Soarelia, as a clan who linked two titans, Marríz Chavia and Hålaèrenn Cère.

    Additional timelines
  • -1770 FO

    10 Ôtr Nan
    -116 FO

    27 /9

    San chi Vreiona: A New Era

    Everyone knows the Tale of San chi Vreiona. Colèo Berúi, the "Rose" of House Kaedyn, fell in love with Maric Iulian don Ua'Soarelia, the "Red Merchant" of a fledgling Ynellian clan. Their lives were as night and day, as vast as the Pale. And yet, a princess eloped with some foreign merchant.
      A beautiful tale to a new dawn.

  • -633 FO

    368 FO

    Rise of don Ua'Soarelia
    Life, Wealth

    Julian Coliféo don Ua'Soarelia is considered the forefather of the Ua'Soarelia clan, a man whose very beginning allied two nations. A birth uttered like a tale of Faeic tales and legend.

  • -431 FO

    1 Ôtr Nam 08:00
    -403 FO

    20 Ôtr Condes 14:00

    First Haallish-Ríaun War.
    Military action

    A war spanning around nearly 30 years, the First Hållish-Ríaun War. was a devastating contest of secession where the Raunish people of San Ríaune rallied against the Luminous Empire of Caadinnle.

    Additional timelines
  • -366 FO

    22 Ôtr Câfhecî 13:00
    -365 FO

    25 Ôtr Nam 07:00

    Crait Calamity
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    "When those raging bolts struck, it was like the light of Olryse himself had pounded the very earth and set the entire temple ablaze. Those furious claps of thunder like maddening explosions ringing throughout the air into our very bones as a death toll. To see the lightening dancing about in glee as our very homes burned to blistering ash, and our anointed men and women sat immolated by the ravenous blaze was like a nightmare sundered straight from the Black Abyss." -Juséro McDunnell

    Additional timelines
  • -361 FO

    30 Ôtr Jam'ardye 10:00
    -296 FO

    25 Ôtr Nan 07:00

    Second Haallish-Riun War
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • -299 FO

    Ôtr Nam
    -284 FO

    Ôtr Condes

    Fellowship Intervention

    Additional timelines
  • -244 FO

    -221 FO

    Twilight Throne of San Riaune
    Construction beginning/end

    Additional timelines
  • -223 FO

    20 Ôtr Câfhecî
    -31 FO

    8 /10 05:00

    The Bhryvairian Succession Crisis

    Following the resignation of Saintess Rósan and the death of Lord Owain, for the first time in more than 1000 years, the Caadinnle Empire was leaderless. For most of its history, the Empire had been guided by the blood of Manon and the 12 kings, prospering for centuries. But in one battle they lost not only their Noble Sun but also their beloved Wayward Summer.

    Additional timelines
  • -126 FO

    -7 FO

    Caadinel Reborn

    It would be on this day that the Sun Crown would become its own nation, a New South. A place ruled by the strong, for strong. Heil the Theocracy! Heil A'Núrn!

  • 7 FO

    299 FO

    Rise of the Sun Crown
    Era beginning/end

    "Emerald Regents rise.   And now, the young North cries, racked with terrible scars. Ours is the cerulean bone and sun veil. Dhagomaari to the west, weaving a new tale. There, riding the blighted hail. New Dacons sit upon the throne of this Wren's scale."

  • 112 FO

    284 FO

    The Fellowship
    Diplomatic action

    After the dismantling of Hålaèrenn Cère, the Cèrez Principality did not rejoin the Koldairn Fellowship for more than two decades. The young nation was quite weak, caught in a war of monarchs brought on by the Gilded Succession. It was only after when Hwais Easoddar reclaimed power, did the nation retake its oath.

    Additional timelines
  • 179 FO

    29 /9
    180 FO

    11 /10

    Chased Out, Part One
    Diplomatic action

    "Iulian don Rucirè, Toamna mea Kaedyn. Please, be my guest."   Was it a dare?   A blustering of senseless words poking and prodding at her royal pride? Or, did Iulian know full well about her? Even then, they say Iulian wasn't terribly sure. Why the first words he'd ever spoken to her goaded Hålaèrenn's fourth princess to take his life. Or why he smiled so brazenly in the face of absolute death.

    Oraselle Alvroș
  • 180 FO

    11 /10
    180 FO

    16 /10

    Chased Out, Part Two
    Political event

    Not many people know how it happened or even when, but at some point, whispers started to dance the warm winds of Chavia. Black words, utter in passing, rattling by the polished stones of Oraselle Alvroșa. Rumors about the young Rós Berúon mingling with a Ynellian. Of course, the fiâsi was small, at first, the somewhat modest chattering of young nobles.

  • 180 FO

    16 /10
    231 FO

    30 Ôtr Jam'ardye

    Chased Out: Part Three
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    "Does one really rise above their fate, or are they playing in the hands of the gods who'd long since abandoned us? I'm not sure. And at times, I'd not much care. Though I know, whether it fate or mine own resolve. Only your name sets my blood ablaze.   Colèo, hear me, for I swear upon this blood of curses.   I, Iulian don Rucirè, will come back for you. And, if on that day, I claim not your hand. May the Blood of Ynellian ravage me, our hallowed Mother, Nellédi, take me. And mine soul, bound to the darkness of the Veil.   Sa ui bretsollé, nuaell mea soareli."

  • 181 FO

    186 FO

    Gambit of Rós Berúon
    Diplomatic action

  • 184 FO

    224 FO

    Deep Pockets
    Life, Identity

    He could have simply died, you know, perished along with his pride. But, he'd promised her.   Vowed to return to Colèo, claim her hand as his own. To devour all that stood before them! His tongue felt dry, coarse with thirst. Yet Colèo's fire had not left him. Yes, Iulian don Rucirè had long since fallen, but Mâric don Ua'Soarelia, he could change something.   "For be they Hyyl or Ashborn. Nothing escapes the allure of apand and nel."

  • 368 FO

    368 FO

    Julian don Soarelia dies
    Life, Death
  • 401 FO

    19 Ôtr Jam'ardye
    564 FO

    5 Ôtr Nam

    The War of Crowns
    Military action

    It was during this time that the Gaechi Cóbrinnea began to reevaluate their values, having drifted toward war, expansion, and solidarity from knowledge and democracy. The layers of republic peeled away slowly as crowns rose to sovereignty once more.

  • 468 FO

    468 FO

    Marc UaSoarelia dies
  • 1404 FO

    1404 FO

    Second Son Rising

    More reading
    Clan Ua'Soarelia
  • 1409 FO

    1437 FO

    Ione Tírrian: Ua'San Vreia
    Life, Career

    More reading
    Clan Ua'Soarelia
  • 1499 FO

    1510 FO


    The Prelirea's Return
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event


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