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Dovahnor |O|

Dovahnor, the land of dragons

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal of Dovahnor is to provide a functioning, fair, just, and enjoyable society for all. They often view themselves as the heroes in an unjust and cruel world. They partake in rescuing victims, fighting off those they view as evil and spreading their more positive views across the country.


Silver and Gold

Alex has obtained a substantial amount of silver and gold through her acting career and criminal lifestyle. She has surrendered most of it to start an economy for the country. She later amassed large amounts of iron, copper, bronze, and platinum to diversify the economy.


The country of Dovahnor owns the middle expanse of the former United States. They are the biggest established country and since they are placed directly in the middle, they've successfully cut off communications between the other countries. A deliberate move on Alex Daddario Taylor's part to keep foreign nations from colluding and joining together against her.

In the beginning this was a very dangerous plan to achieve. Acquiring the most territory required acquiring more people, which meant more supplies were needed and less time to build trust between strangers. But in the end, despite the problems it caused, it was worth it. Alex now has a hand in every type of industry and contact with all the other nations while they have limited and monitored communications.

Foreign Relations

The country of Dovahnor owns the middle expanse of the former United States. They are the biggest established country and since they are placed directly in the middle, they've successfully cut off communications between the other countries. A deliberate move on Alex Daddario's part to keep foreign nations from plotting and joining together against her.
In the beginning this was a very dangerous plan to achieve. Acquiring the most territory required acquiring more people, which meant more supplies were needed and less time to build trust between strangers. But in the end, despite the problems it caused, it was worth it. Alex now has a hand in every type of industry and contact with all the other nations while they have limited and monitored communications.  

Free Marches

Free Marches Relations - Friendly


Orlais Relations - Not good


Stormholt Relations - Neutral


Sundom Relations - Not good


Tevinter Imperium Relations - Hostile  

Trade & Transport

A network of highly protected roads that connect to every major city and town.

You are Dovah or you are an enemy of Dovah

Founding Date
November 1st 3020
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
  • Dragon's Land
  • The Land of Dragons
  • Dragon Country
  • Dovah
  • Dov
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
  • Krone = $.10 made from aluminum ($.10/flower)
  • Deode = $.20 made from aluminum ($.20/bird)
  • Half Copper = $.50 made from copper ($.50/Domestic cat)
  • Copper = $1 made from copper ($1/Pangea the wolfdog)
  • Groat = $5 made from bronze ($5/Escape from L.A. the horse)
  • Iron Star = $10 made from zinc ($10/A star)
  • Silver Stag = $20 made from silver ($20/A stag deer)
  • Silver Moon = $50 made from silver ($50/The full moon)
  • Gold Dragon = $100 made from gold ($100/Balerion the dragon)
  • Gold Sun = $500 made from gold ($500/The sun)
  • Platinum King = $1,000 made from platninum ($1k/The Current King)
Major Imports



Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Professions


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