Inuwarmah Geographic Location in The Bubble | World Anvil

Inuwarmah (Inn-ooo-war-ma)

Inuwarmah is a massive low density world orbiting an F type sun in an eccentric orbit which takes it to within approximately one and a half AU of its parent star at perihelion and out to a little over two AU at aphelion.   At the time of the fourth dynasty of the Resource Management World Government, a native sentient species who call themselves the Inuwar are on the point of achieving writing systems. They are being monitored by thinderin and werm research communities acting on behalf of the Society Of Contemporary Races. There is also a small human presence on the planet.   The cover image shows part of the Patriqua Mountains north of the Triambic Escarpment.


Inuwarmah is a great dirty snowball of a planet with a thick atmosphere, which attenuates only slowly into a vast sky. The lowlands lie under nearly three times standard Earth atmospheric pressure but high table lands and long mountain chains take much of the surface up to regions where the pressure is only half as much. There are five great icy oceans which never quite freeze over, even in the depths of winter. Strong winds stir a vigorous pattern of constantly changing clouds round the temperate belts. The mix of oxygen in the air is something close to twenty five percent and the gravitational forces too high to be comfortable for most humans, although it is tolerable.   On the continent of Eil, three alien species have established small monitoring posts called the off world observatories high in the Patriqua mountains. Here there are roosts of native Inuwar on the Triambic Escarpment, a high tilted limestone fault which overlooks table lands to the west. These give way to the high pressure regions of the low lands and eventually the Trathin ocean on the western coast of Eil. The Petric and Zynal Escarpments are similar features to the north and south where there are more known Inuwar roosts but these have not been visited by any of the alien monitors. Other important Inuwar sites are almost certainly completely unidentified.   On the triambic escarpment, the Grandarick Roost is the main Inuwah population centre. Close by is the human settlement of St. Lucien, colonised initially by Void priests but now also a post for the BXR. A thinderin grove grows on the table lands to the south of St. Lucien. The Hloven Roost, a second important Inuwar gathering place is much further north on the same escarpment.   The map shows the region around St. Lucien on the triambic escarpment of the Patriqua Mountains on the continent of Eil. On the table lands below the escarpment, the BXR harvest the giant seeds that produce Fly.  
Inuwarmah : The St. Lucien region

Fauna & Flora

On the top of the triambic escarpment the vegetation is scrubby and hardy, dominated by spiky Ixarick trees. Their trunks are a mossy brown and bronze and usually coated with frost and ice. They are often forced into wind blown crooked shapes and seldom grow to the full height they can attain at lower altitudes.   On the table lands below the vegetation is more lush, consisting of mixed forests of many species of trees, both deciduous and evergreen. Tall purplish and royal blue tree trunks are common but the leaves are usually greenish.   Great Flag trees are the most important table land species from the perspective of the human agents in the BXR. Standing in tall epic rows their smooth grey trunks are spare and very straight and their crowns punch high into the forest canopy. The seeds are the source of the drug Fly.   Down on the low lands, the colour of the vegetation shifts to predominantly sandy, tan and red colours, though still with plenty of greenery. Little is known about these low land forests.

Natural Resources

Inuwarmah is the source of Fly, a powerfully addictive drug which is being shipped to Earth by agents of the Bureau of Xeno Relations.


  • Inuwarmah : The St. Lucien region
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