Dekkin Bay Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Dekkin Bay

Far into northwest Tarien, where the Nerrid Peninsula curls west into the Darsiac Ocean is the vast expanse of the Dekkin Bay. Unlike the Zennon Sea across the Peninsula, Dekkin Bay is deep, its icy waters fed by the cold current coming down from the Great North Sea. Its seabed is filled with kelp, an ideal home for small schooling fish that hide from larger predators among the sea grass. The fish, however, bring larger, smarter predators such as the sea lions that hunt along the kelp beds and sun themselves along the shores of the bay, especially across the rocky and barren Dekkin Point. The seals, of course, bring the great sharks that feed upon them, making the waters unsuitable for bathing even if they weren't so cold. Neither Lartcha on its northern shores nor Portin on its southern ones see much ocean-going traffic, despite the excellent natural harbors that both towns boast. Instead, their docks are filled with small, substance fishing vessels that try to outwit the seals for their catch or, in the case of those leaving from Portin, brave the open Ocean waters for larger game fish.
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