Westinox Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The city of Westinox sits on a large island on the River of daggers south of Sword Shine Lake. It is the third largest city in the Eigerlands behind Helletown and Stoneport.  Though it often doesn't get mentioned in important travelogues and may not get the blessing of powerful organizations like the Assembly of the Weave it is incredibly important to all trade on the continent of Tellenheim.  It is fiercely independent and allows for much more freedom than cities like stoneport which is known for its web of laws and law enforcement.  Though these freedoms come at a cost which is a higher crime rate and the existence of several criminal organizations who find it much safer to ply their trade in.


Westinox is ruled officially by a monarchy set up by the five houses of Penthaheim. The Durrilan family lays claim to the city and the overall trade that comes through the region. This is largely smoke and mirrors since all political and economic power is in the hands of several trade companies. The heads of these trade companies come together to write and enforce new laws as well as handling an intricate web of light tariffs that make sure any outside entities do not settle into the city and cut into their profits. 
Countess Visalia Brojen Durrilan - The current head of Westinox, she has almost no power.  Her main job is to show up to parties and events and to model the latest fashions.  Her vote in parliament is often sold to the highest bidder of the trading companies to pass whatever trade law they are interested in. A human woman with silver gray long hair often done up in an elaborate bun.  She often wears a maroon or magenta colored dresses and jackets. 
Count Marvolo Durrilan - The husband of the Countess he is a slight man with a large bald spot and glasses.  He is uninterested in work and leaves all of the political machinations to his wife.
Lady Kolleen Brojen Durrilan - The daughter of the countess, she is incredibly intelligent and is currently attending the Bard's College as part of her House Education.  She is 23 and a very beautiful human woman. 


The Red Wulves Fighter's Guild Headquarters - A tall building not far from Muspelheim Blacksmith called Homervale building. 
The Daughters of Light  - This organization has taken over a temple of Vellenox as well as the neighboring building once called the Stancourt building.  This building has a large grass laid courtyard the Daughters use for training and prayer


1. Muspelheim Blacksmith - Run by a Tiefling woman named Genesee Red, she has magenta skin and short black hair.
2. The Fiend's Delight - Tavern & Pleasure House -
Owner is a Gobling man, half Halfling half goblin, named Orvadan. He is a strange man with pale green skin and curly black hair. His ears are pointed but not long like a goblin's. He is short, 5' but very attractive and charismatic at the same time.
The bar is beautifully carved out of a dark grey stone and the interior is decorated to look like a stone castle. To the right of the bar is a large painting that doubles as a secret door into the chambers below. Underneath is a series of private rooms containing all manner of delights for the sexually active adventurer. Even a pleasure demon from another dimension is in Orvadan's employ.
3. The Dryad's Globes - Tavern & Inn -
In the center of the tavern is a lewd statue of a naked dryad that stands over 10 feet tall and is surrounded by a pool of water. It is said the pool is enchanted to always be clean water and ever full. The owner is a half elven woman named Ursula Mistavech. The common room is decorated with living vines which sprout different color flowers depending on the season. The current bartender is a half elven woman with jet black hair by the name of Vestovich Daguerre. She has a thick Ventenian accent and hails from Serpico. The barback and server is a green elven man by the name of Ploch Zinnia, he dreams of being accepted into the Trevalyan bard college someday soon. He plays the flute and the mandolin.
4. Marble Eye Tavern - Tavern & Inn
The owner of the tavern is a strange construct known as Venk Marble Eye. He is a lumpy collection of different color fabrics and stuffing. It is said that he was brought to life by a wizard attempting to create new life. The wizard lost the spell and exploded into a vortex of wild magic that left only Venk. Venk has large marble's for eyes which is where the tavern name comes from. At this point Venk has run the tavern for the last 110 years. He is not sure his age or when he was created. The current bartender is a hobgoblin man with broad shoulders that answers to the name Durnan. He is fiercely loyal to Venk who got him out of a bad situation over five years ago. The barback and server is a Nimblewright named Charlie 4 eyes. The strange construct is very polite and has four lenses on it's head that glow a bright blue.
The tavern itself is a stone building with a slate roof and several chimneys. Most of the ground floor is taken up by the tavern's common room, which contains a 40 foot diameter open well that descends 40 feet down into an underground portion of the river. An old rope and pulley system still sits on the eastern side to raise and lower people into the water. At times during the cities history this was used to torture people but in more modern times it used for drinking games and derring do. The water rushes fast though, anyone who falls in is in danger of drowning before they surface on the other side of the East River gate.
5. The Lodestone Inn - Tavern & Inn -
Owner is a human man named Cuff Santiago, he is tall, heavyset and bald. He wears a long grey jacket that looks like it may have been a Guardsman jacket at some point. The Lodestone has a metal and stone oblong spheroid that hangs from chains from the ceiling above the bar area. The Bartender currently is a green elven woman named Issa Nepherim. Her barback and server is a human woman named Parella Jinx, she has a stripe of bright pink hair amongst her black hair that frames her face. The lodestone is incredibly magnetic but only with a range of a few feet. Many locals try to lure unsuspecting patrons near it to get their armor or weapons stuck to the stone. The tavern roars with laughter as the victim tries to free themselves. DC 15 strength check required.
6. Blue Mantis Claw Bar -
The front doors of this bar are framed by huge crab claws that measure over 12 feet long. The Blue mantis Crab is a huge ocean creature that patrols the ocean floor. It is known to sink small ships on the wyvern sea. The owner is Triton man named Klave Seacutter.
Unsurprisingly this is the destination tavern and inn for many sailors who come through the city. It is also rampant with informants, spies, and criminals on the run who flee to Westinox aboard boats sailing for Ventenheim. The current bartender is a tortle woman named Salveda Saliba, and her barback and server is a highly intelligent Kuo'Toa named Shurgle.
7. International House of Potions - This thin tall building is cluttered with dozens of thin glass sculptures that have a bright glowing filament running through them. It gives the appearance of a three story building run through with neon lights all glowing red, gold, bright yellow, and orange.
[DM Note: The original owner, Tinovar Incenzo, was attacked and killed by Lord Vedemire Dark Horse, for protecting and dismantling the Arcane Focus.]
  The new owner is a genial Firbolg man named RG Krajinski.  He has brown and green dreadlocks that frame his face.  He stands about 7'4", and has thin shoulders and a wide belly.  His new innovation is using sausages as vehicles for his potionery.  Recently he made a deal to use the Owlkin Druid Kavax as a sort of mascot.  A crudely drawn cartoon Kavax now can be seen on the sign saying his trademarked catchphrase "WHOoo! has the best sausages!"  RG thinks of him as a brand ambassador.
8. Markarth's Blades - Wrhett Markarth is a half orc man who collects and makes magic weapons.
9. Helio Oppa's Potions - Oppa is a gnome woman who has a potion and arcana shop. Her shop is a square building with a huge orange dome on top. She hates Incenzo and is in a constant business competition with him.
10. Temple of Hellenox - The current acolyte leader is a human woman named Nevarius Finch.
11. Church of Eigeralon - The current cleric on hand is a half orc man named Dolas Thunc.
12. House Durrilan Manor - [DM Note - based on Cassalanter Villa of Waterdeep pg 117.]
This large three story mansion is known to locals as Rinvallon Castle. The ancient Rinvallon family of Westinox ruled here at the end of the second age and into the third. It is said that the Rinvallons kept the citizens of the city safe during the chaotic times of the last shatterfall. They also successfully fended off entreaties by the Assembly of the weave to establish a foothold in the region.
The mansions stark white walls and gleaming crimson roof and turrets stand out over the cities skyline. A three story mansion lies in the midst of a picturesque river island. The estate is surrounded by a tall white brick wall with a single wrought iron gate as an entrance. The Rinvallon family crest can still be seen on the gate and armored guards stand at attention on either side. Now the banners are all the golden yellow of House Durrilan and it's chimarae in the center. Though they occupy the manor their control of the city is ceremonial at best.
The mansion is an extravagant building with dozens of lavish chambers for the masters of the house and their guests, but it's splendor belies the terrible secret it holds. A temple of Mankata lies beneath the estate full of dark secrets.
13. E.T.C. Offices, Ghorilun Manor -
An ancient castle that was built early in the third age. It is a rare instance of humans and dwarves working together to construct impeccable architecture. The manor is rumored to hold dozens of secret passageways and rooms, though the ETC has never found them.
14. R.H.C. Offices, Paritunn Manor -
Built at the beginning of the third age by dwarves and humans, it was originally built to be a shared space that would showcase new inventions and enchanted devices. More of a pavillion than a home it has many huge rooms that now are used for banquet halls or ballrooms. The RHC occupies merely a quarter of it, mostly for business offices.
15. Kirraloe's Crating, Warehouses -
Yet another franchise of the famous Kirraloe's crating, this series of buildings is managed by a shady Firbolg character named Wendelin Grub. [DM Note: the warehouse company is a front for a group of smugglers called the Berbalang's Hooke]
16. East River Gate and Docks
17. Inner City River Gate
18. Niver Bridge
19. West River Gate and Docks
20. Helverside Docks
21. Mattock Prison -
what is known as a revolving door prison, it is a open air facility with long tall buildings lining the center made up of a thousand cells. An enormous grey concrete style wall rings the facility, the wall was said to be created by magical means and has dozens of arcane sensors in it. The warden is a dwarven man named Umpoe WartTongue. Many of the guards have been bought off by organizations both illicit and legal.
22. Trevalyan Bard College -
Located in the picturesque inner city ward that straddles the river, this Bard college is renowned throughout the continent. It is said that it was originally a Mages college at the end of the second age that was shut down by the Assembly once it gained enough power. Now it houses hundreds of the greatest bards and mummers of the current age as they teach new students the ways of music and entertainment. The building itself is known as the Trevalyan manor named after the famous house of the second age. It is still rumored to hold all manner of strange enchantments and experiments left from the second age. If it wasn't for the Rinvallons and the Trevalyans keeping out the assembly all those centuries ago it would be a great headquarters for the organization. Many in the assembly are working towards changing this as we speak....
23. Carsigil Park -
An enormous park situated on the northern side of the city it serves as one of the great meeting places and festival grounds for ordinary citizens. The parks and green spaces in the inner ward are reserved for nobles and the wealthy. The park was designed by the great wizard Carvingian Cartoberfin. There are several enchantments that exist to this day regulating temperature and rainfall in the park to keep the trees and plants comfortable. They have never known drought or disease on the park grounds.
24. Westin Guard Barracks

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