War of the Fracture
This whole tower used to feel a lot different before the war. I remember spending time on the upper floors -- I prefer the ocean, so I came back, but still... it was nice to be able to see friends above.
What? What you means? You want to fall oer to the Castle again? Is yor bark rotten? Yous know why we cast shade there. Yous know why we don touch that place. Aint never root there again.
It's just not the same. Not since it broke. We still don't know how the Fifth Floor amassed such a large army of clockwork. We still can't reach the lower floors. Most of all, we still don't understand why.
The Tower, Divided
In the late 1400's of Synthacrosia's operation, the tower underwent it's biggest change since the beginning of the decline. A short, brutal war occurred between three of the towers upper floors; the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth floors. This trichotomy of war is known by three names; The Seperatist Wars , The War of the Fracture, and the Sealing War.The Conflict
It began with silence -- silence from the Fifth Floor. Before the war, before the Fifth Floor broke, it's denizens lived purely within the massive sprawling expanse known as Stone Castle Invictus . It was a time when information and items were traded freely between the floors.
Residents of Blackridgepool and Wandermere were often found heading up to meet friends on the Fifth Floor, sharing art and stories. People from the lower floors who had yet to reawaken their hunger would often make the trip, just to experience their Second First Food .
Those living on the Sixth floor would welcome visitors from below, or visit below themselves, as it was their only source of new stories. Main City of the Sixth floor was cut off from above due to the Cursed Town built around the stairway to Floor 7.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Fracturing of the Upper Floors
Souls, Broken
The greatest conflict Synthacrosia has ever seen brought about a side effect; Broken Core. The fracturing of the tower destabilized the fabric of reality within the structure its self; certain more susceptible souls felt this effect more, and broke with the tower they called home.We cannot let this spread. Whatever darkness is entering the tower here, we can not let it get to the other floors. We can cut it off. It'll break us, but we have to do it.
Non-mechanical forces, guards posted on Mammoth Hill. Guard ships patrolling the ocean.
There were 104 casualties, spread across the two attacks against the Fourth Floor; the majority happening in the firebombing of the second attack.
To defend against attack from the Fifth Floor, and understand why they were being attacked. To defend against future attacks from the floors above, and determine the source of the force field barrier on Mammoth Hill.
Majority of the force made up by uncorruptable clockwork soldiers. Various artifacts found within the depths of Stone Castle Invictus .
Few deaths occured, as the forces were mostly mechanical. 13 souls died in the first attack on the Fourth Floor, and 7 died on the attack on the Sixth.
Sever any and all travel between the floors. Isolate the Fifth Floor from the rest of the tower, to quarantine the source of Yamaraj's influence to the floor its self.
A well trained force of guard posted around Main City . Non-mechanical, mortal souls only.
When the clockwork horde secured the area around the Fifth Floor Stairwell, 23 guards lost their lives. More might've been lost, but the guard pulled back due to the horde's strength.
To secure the stairwell to the Fifth Floor before the clockwork horde completed whatever plan they had with it. To defend the rest of Main City, should the horde shift its attention.
Author's Notes
All images created by stormbril. Patterns sourced via https://unsplash.com/