The Greenminster Expedition
The disappearance of the Alcastor and her crew
Historical Details
We've really tried to piece together what happened here. All we've got to go off of is these personal journals, and frankly they don't make any sense. My hope is that somewhere down the line, some new person comes along, takes a look at what we've collected here, and figures it all out. For now though, it's my professional opinion that we stay the hell away from Greenminster.
In year 1254 of the Current Era, Wandermere's intelligence community put together an expedition to the Deep of Greenminster, located directly south of them within the ocean of The Floor of Study . The intent of the expedition was to assess the viability of setting up a small secondary colony on the island. Records of the flora and fauna on the island were to be kept, and samples were to be taken of anything unknown.
Note from Zedicar
Proven difficult? Difficult? We don't have a damn clue what happened. Who even wrote this article? I need to have a talk with them.
Holy mother of all things horror, that was a chilling article! It was horrifying yet beautiful at the same time. I just love the formatting, the images and the beautiful atmosphere you add to this article. Your formatting is again gorgeous and combined with the dark themed CSS, it gives a beautiful look to the article. The document again was enough to send shivers down my spine. Two more things i liked were the map, which gives a sort of interactiveness to the article and the sidebar, which further beautifies the article. Truth be told, i literally have no qualms about this article. It just looks perfect. Heres to hoping you get in the shortlist and win the challenge! Rock on my man!
You are too kind! Thank you so much for the very very kind words haha, I'm glad the atmosphere of the article comes across clearly