Zanetti Character in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Train Rider
Just a Dream.jpg
Just A Dream by Arivaldo De Oliveira
(a.k.a. Dambo)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics


Zanetti would eventually choose a "train and sickle" proxy as his identifying icon. But for his first forty years, he used a monochrome version of his progenitor's avatar.

Apparel & Accessories


An androidlike vehicle that acts as a transport or home for one consciousness to inhabit. They are composed of a skeletal frame, sensors and electricity triggered actuators wrapped around a remote system.

Mental characteristics


Higher Education

Zanetti would disappear for months at a time surfing through public lectures, learning courses and blogs at make up Blasto. He is not exactly self-taught but those around him were not always clear where his interests lie.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Non-human Contact

When thetíans, alphi and delphi discovered the Opal Portal, they were metaphorically and literally cast adrift in this strange space.   Though they were clearly not the only intelligent things due to the timely arrival and departure of a hyper fast craft made of neutron preferring matter.
Being unproductive for so long, Zanetti is credited for being bold enough to be the first to climb onboard to see where it goes.

Failures & Embarrassments

Stable Careers

Though he was born an adult, with the expressed expectation of contributing to his family's endeavors, his file was a copy of a copy. As a result, his personality deviates more from the industrious original to a slightly slothful manner and is numb to forging stronger connections with those in his immediate orbit.

Intellectual Characteristics

Personal VR

Zanetti's talocin carried enough memory and processing power to facilitate an internal virtual reality homepage. He used that feature to build a translation routine that routed the conversations, he heard as a palace guest, and rendered their equivalent meanings while speaking without worrying over the finer details.
As a manner of course, the many languages of humanity's past were grouped and assigned to sectors of Manidweepa to act as a preexisting dictionary to attribute names and concepts to.   For example, things in the Asphodel Quadrant are given names from ancient Greece. The districts of the golden city are ascribed to musical tones. The rooms behind the pyroly are french. The permanent portals tend to be named after Indian mythology.

Morality & Philosophy

Conflict Avoidance

Perhaps because of the nature within the Sajino group, Zanetti shies away disagreements which manifests in lackluster romantic attempts, friendships and family dynamics.


Contacts & Relations

Diarchy Of Tie

Zanetti's first stop was the Laplwyd kingdom of Tie, where he was taken into friendly custody to establish simple communication.   He would remain there as a guest for two years. They attempted to converse on and off with queen Pallid and her advisors to try to understand each other and the train.

Cloche Station

Zanetti would have continued to ride the timeline beyond this stop if he hadn't encountered a helpful entity who warned him against traveling further.   He would be the first to lay eyes on the sleeping cosmic entity and hear the mitial lullaby that keeps him sleeping.

Family Ties

Sadjino Family

Zanetti's replicant progenitor had copied himself into a three generation deep familial group to serve the need of the original parent.

Social Aptitude


When he returned from his train journey, it was to his immediate brothers he told his tale. Who then past along the discovery to the rest of the fledgling Bhulok.
He always maintains a low profile, even when it would be beneficial for everyone to be loud and insistent. He is currently retired on the outlying orbits with a few of his closest family members.



When Zanetti came into his first talo, its facial actuators were fixed in an open expression and capable of only miniscule movement.

Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Second generation copy of thetían parent
Current Residence

Cover image: SimRa - artificial construct by Adam Kuczek
Character Portrait image: Placeholder Man by Annie Stein


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